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Secret sign of the end time

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posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by Xcouncil=wisdom

You have already confounded the language in your post. I didn't understand what you said hardly at all. I don't think God needs to confound the language until everyone knows how to use it.

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by Titen-Sxull
reply to post by Xcouncil=wisdom

Except that we don't have one language, if we did there wouldn't bilingual people.

English may be very widely spoken/written but not everyone knows it, there are plenty of people who don't.

Poeple from all over the Earth are talking, and with the co-operation of peoples all accross this beutiful planet it appears as though nothing is outside of our grasp.

How much time have you spent on the internet? Global Co-operation? Most of the content online is immature bickering on forums, and of course the endless oceans of pr0n. The internet has just as much power to divide as it does to unite. And there is plenty that seems out of our grasp, I mean look how long its been since we went to the moon last, we should have been to mars by now but they keep pushing the date back.

Sure we have always had earthquakes and reports of wars, famine, hardship, starvation....

Yep. Always. But in modern times, at least in the Western world, things are better than they were before. The average life-span is close to 80 now. If anything it looks like we are further away from the end times than closer.

Honestly though I don't give much thought to such things. Biblical prophecy is obscenely vague and open to speculation and interpretation - honestly the Tower of Babel has nothing to do with end-time prophecy.

A good time to humble mankind? Let's hope God, if there even is one, is NOTHING like the guy from the old testament. If he is we'd better hide our firstborn, because the God of the OT seems to have a thing for killing kids.

i agree with all i qouted,

Originally posted by Xcouncil=wisdom
reply to post by jman1a

And so the idea I am trying to convey is that the internet is like having one language

i disagree with that part, the internet is not like one languange at all, you only percieve it to be because you surf english websites, well news flash those arent the only part of the internet,

there are plenty of websites out there that i have wanted to read but been unable to because they were not in english,

so if the internet is divided into different languanges and we can only read the ones with which we comprehend the languange then how exactly is it that you percieve all this to be one languange? this doesnt make any sense to me.

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