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Hypothesis of what will happen on 2012: the earth will expand once again

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posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 10:12 PM
Hello, everyone-

Well, I have yet another hypothesis I'd like to post. I'm not sure if anyone has ever come up with this hypothesis yet or not, so if not, I'll be the first:

I think the massive earthquakes and other cataclysms that are predicted for 2012 will be due (or at least due in part) to another "growth" spurt of the earth, as it expands once again.

If you've never heard of the expanding earth theory, you're going to think my hypothesis is crazy, so before you respond, you should watch these videos first.

First, watch this video animation about the Earth:

Then, watch these two videos about Mars:

Then, watch this about Europa (one of Saturn's moons):

Then, watch this about the Moon:

Up until today, I had never heard of the "expanding earth theory". But then I saw Neal Adam's amazing videos, I about fell off my chair. I thought....maybe that is what is going to happen in 2012! Maybe the earth is getting ready to expand, once again. (After all, there has been an increase in the amount of earthquakes recently, according to many posters on ATS. Signs of another expansion coming?)

After watching those videos, doesn't it seem possible that this is what the Mayans were referring to when they referred to "the dark rift"? (As above, so below.)

I have a lot of other bits of information that I think could be listed as supporting evidence, but I'm not ready to post it just yet. I need to figure out how it all fits together first...I have a million thoughts whirling through my mind right now and I need to get them down on paper before I post them here.

In the meantime, here is a radio interview with him on Coast to Coast. (I was only able to listen to the first 3 segments, then it stopped working. If anyone has any other links to the last few segments of the interview, could you post them? Thanks.)

[edit on 13-1-2009 by nikiano]

[edit on 13-1-2009 by nikiano]

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 10:30 PM
I like Neal Adam's expanding Earth theory but to link it to 2012... gawd! Haven't we already been overdosed on the sheer amount of catastrophes theorized on this topic?

OK... I guess one more won't make a difference because none of it will transpire anyhow.


posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 10:47 PM
My prediction? Absolutely nothing will happen, and ATS members will magically forget all the endless doom events they have predicted and grab on to another date to predict Armageddon.

Which is the same thing that happened here in 2000.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

Yes, he believes the earth is expanding at a constant, continual rate. However, although I totally agree with Neal Adams on other aspects of the theory, the only part I disagree with is the expanding at a constant rate. Something in my gut tells me that it's not as clear cut as that.

I was thinking that maybe the earth expanded in "fits and starts" in relation to the earth's planetary alignments. Why? Well, if you think of the evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Gould, he won a nobel prize because he showed that evolution happens in "fits and starts" or "leaps and bounds" as opposed to a slow constant rate over millions of years.

If we believe the theory of evolution, it basically says that evolution is a direct result of life adapting to it's environment. So, as a scientist, I asked myself this: If the earth changed slowly over millions and billions of years, why would life evolve in "leaps and bounds"? That's the one part that didn't make sense to me.

And then I thought of the Mayan calendar. The Mayans were extremely accurate at predicting celestial events on a very, very large scale. In 380,000 years, their calendar will need to be adjusted by just one second. They also predicted events on earth, based on this calendar.

The Mayans believed that there was a natural cycle to everything, and their entire religion was based on these natural cycles. The Mayans also belieived that at the end of every age, as the earth passed through the galactic plane, that was a time for major change. Because they were so amazingly accurate at predicting celestial events, that also tells me that they were probably also just as accurate at predicting natural cyles on earth.

I also thought of all life on earth and how all life grows. Life grows in fits and starts, like evolution happens. Children; plants, all grows in fits and starts.. Life doesn't grow a little every day, but rather it grows in spurts. It's the natural order of things to grow in "growth spurts."

Now, I actually e-mailed Neal Adams and asked him about my theory of the earth expanding in fits and starts (I did not tell him about my 2012 theory), and he said because earth wasn't living, he didn't think this was likely. (He was very nice, though!)

At first, I was ready to just think "Oh, ok, he must be right." But then I thought about this: the ancients always thought of the earth as a living thing. Gaia. What if the earth IS a living organism? Many cultures believe it is. Those who lived in harmony with the earth called her Mother Earth. Even we, in modern times, still refer to "Mother nature." Is this a throwback from old lost knowledge?

I even did a Google search on "the earth as a living organism" and I got many results back, including:

And I'm sure you can find many other web sites devoted to this topic.

All I ask is that you think about it, and keep an open mind.

[edit on 13-1-2009 by nikiano]

[edit on 13-1-2009 by nikiano]

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 11:23 PM
I think that is probably a good hypothesis about 2012. I have heard of the expanding earth theory before, and at first I wasn't so sure, then after a while it grew on me. I think it might (probably) be true. There's no doubt we are missing something important about the geology of the earth.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by nikiano

I’ll post my conclusion upon your theory after you’re done collecting your thoughts. I will say you’re definitely obsessed with 2012; you come up with a new theory once a week. Who knows, you might stumble upon one that becomes the truth.

I am a fan of Neal Adams; he is a very rational man who thinks very logically. What he is introducing is actually very logical and possible. I always found it interesting that such physicist like Einstein and Hoyle always said that the big bang can’t be right. Maybe this theory is the answer they were searching for? All I have to say is keep a good eye on seismic activity, a possible outcome is lying dormant.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 01:33 AM
reply to post by nikiano

Personally, I have no problem with thinking of the earth as being 'alive'. When you look at planets that are 'dead', i.e. no volcanism etc, they support no life whatsoever... therefore it's not crazy to assume the earth may very well be 'alive'. The interpretation of 'life' changes all the time as our knowledge evolves.

Though I think there may be some truth to Neal Adam's theory, I do not discount plate tectonics/continental drift. Direct evidence of this was the Tsunami in 2004.

It would be interesting to see if GPS or similar technologies may be able to register this in the future.


posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 07:31 AM

Originally posted by Johnathanrs
reply to post by nikiano

I’ll post my conclusion upon your theory after you’re done collecting your thoughts. I will say you’re definitely obsessed with 2012; you come up with a new theory once a week. Who knows, you might stumble upon one that becomes the truth.

Actually, that's not true. Do your homework; read the entire title of the threads. This is my first hypothesis about what I think will cause 2012.

My last hypothesis said nothing about what would cause 2012; it just posted a hypothesis that the "New World Order" probably refers to a survival plan for a post-2012 world. I never said why I thought there would be a cataclysm. Before that, I started a thread asking others if they had visions about a major disaster happening. (I have had these visions since I was a child.) But this is my first hypothesis about what I think will cause 2012. And then I started a thread with hypothesis about the bailout being a ransom for 9/11.

So, please read the titles of my recent threads again, and you'll see that you are mistaken.

Yes, this past month, I've had a lot of ideas come to me, and I've started a new thread about once a week, but this is highly unusual for me. I'm not usually this active on ATS.

[edit on 14-1-2009 by nikiano]

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 07:22 PM
Ok, well I'm not going to post a big long explanation, because I just got home from work and I need to go out again... but these are the thoughts that are coming to my mind right now:

On our planet, seeds somehow inuitively know exactly when to sprout. Have you ever thought about how miraculous that is? How does a seed, that looks like an inert object, somehow "know" when to sprout? Temperature, soil, water content...yes....but how. Does it have a brain? Does it have a central nervous system? No. Yet, something inside the seed tells it exactly when the conditions are right to sprout. And, if something tells the seeds they must sprout at a certain time, a seed must have some kind of "sensing" mechanism on the inside of the seed, in order to respond.

Think of this: every spring, plants know when to start flowering. How? Do they have a brain? Do they have a central nervous system? No. So, how do they know that it's time? Well, according to botanists, they are triggered by the earth's position around the sun. Yep, depending on how much sun the earth has been getting, the length of day, the temperature, etc.... So, somehow the plants "sense" that it is time to flower. How?

Similarly, trees somehow "know" when it is time to drop their leaves. How? Botanists say that the lenghth of sunlight in a day is the trigger. When daylight starts to get less nad less every day, the tree "senses" this, and starts to drop its leaves.

Therefore, it is the earth's position around our sun that is the trigger for things to grow, or stop growing. If it is the temperature of the soil that triggers a seed to sprout, then that can only happen when the earth is in a location, around the spring equinox. Similarly, a plant starts to flower also based on the position of the earth, around the spring equinox. Similarly, a tree starts to shed it's leaves based on the earth's position around the sun, usually around the autumnal equinox.

Therefore, in summary...

IF the earth is a living organism (as man thought in ancient times, at a time when humans lived in harmony with the earth)...


IF the earth's position around the sun is the trigger for a seed to sprout, a plant to flower, and a tree to drop it's leaves...

THEN wouldn't it be reasonable to assume that if the earth's position in the galaxy is the trigger for seeds to sprout and plants to grow, then it would also be the trigger for IT to grow?

Because also, in order for something to be alive, it must meet certain criteria. The ability to grow is one of those criteria.

And this; rocks usually get smaller over time. When was the last time you saw a rock grow? Well, mountains grow. But mountains are attached to the earth.

Rocks, when NOT attached to the earth...stop growing. Just like hair stops growing when you cut it. Maybe rocks are the earth's hair? Who knows....

But my point usually erode away over time. Boulders usually get smaller, not bigger over the years. So, if the expanding earth theory is correct...if indeed the earth is growing....then earth cannot be a rock. Earth must be a living organism.

And, if the Mayan's celestial predictions are accurate (and we have proven that they are), then they know the precise location of the earth around the galaxy at any given time. And if that's true....and if they predict massive change at definite intervals around the galaxy...then those could be signals for a "growth spurt" to occur.

Also, I think my argument shows that maybe Neal Adam's theory that the earth is not living, is incorrect, because only living things can grow, according to biology! Inanimate objects cannot grow. Except crystals do grow. Hmmm....could crystals be like viruses? Halfway between life and non-life? Could the earth be a giant geode? Growing....a little bit at different intervals?

Maybe the earth is a geode. If we knew what triggered geodes to grow, we could figure out what triggers the earth to grow. Are geodes triggered by seasons the same as plants? If so, does that mean that geodes might be living?

Human's are filled with molecules that are crystalline structures. Geodes are crystalline structures. Are rocks, indeed, living, but at a different vibrational rate than us?

Ok....I'm done for now.

I've convinced myself that more research needs to be done on this hypothesis. And my thought process has only brought up MORE questions. Therefore, I personally, cannot make a decision as to whether my hypothesis is correct or not.....but I believe my hypothesis I believe definitely is worthy of more study. hypothesis: are geodes like viruses....partly alive, partly inanimate.

[edit on 14-1-2009 by nikiano]

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 08:12 PM
You know something I'm not discounting anything anymore, I contributed to the expanding Earth thread, while I was googling around I found this.

A processing of the results of the precise time measurements in the two hemispheres (Pavlov, 1970) revealed an apparent twisting effect. It is shown in the present study that the two hemispheres are subjected to constantly applied torsion momenta changing with periods of one year and 26,000 years. This follows from the annual and the 26,000-yr periodic transport of mass across the equator established in an earlier study (Shkodrov and Ivanov, 1980).

It's fairly obvious the Maya were measuring the precession cycle, there's significant evidence to suggest that catastrophic events occurred around 13 thousand years ago, half of the cycle.

The discrepancy between the observed 20-ns/yr delay of the angular velocity (omega) of the earth and the 35-ns/yr delay predicted by the tidal action of the moon and sun is investigated theoretically. The hypothesis of Ivanov (1978) regarding the 26,000-yr periodicity of the solar tide (equal to the precession of the earth rotational axis) and the 1-yr periodicity of the transport of mass through the equator is applied, and it is proposed that the 15-ns/yr discrepancy is due to a systematic error of 10 ns/yr in calculating omega and a 5 ns/yr acceleration in omega. Both of these effects are shown to be periodic, changing every 13,000 yr, and the significant implications of these findings for models of the overall tidal effects on omega are indicated.

My spidy senses are tingling.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by squiz


I have to admit, I don't understand all the units and technical measurements in the abstract, but the length of every 26,000 years....yes, it is the measurement of precession that the Mayans knew about.

Can you translate this abstract from "physics" to English for me?
The only other foreign language I know is "medical." LOL!

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by nikiano

To be honest, it's the first I've of heard of a transport of mass effect. So I wouldn't be confident in giving an accurate interpretation. But here's my 2 cents.

The first link Discusses the differential motion of the northern and southern hemispheres, and it appears that there is a regular change in motion on a yearly basis that effects the gravitational field at the equator, the mass is shifted. And that there is a longer cycle that relates to precession.

That is if I'm understanding what the transport of mass means.
There is a difference in gravity from equator to the poles, this is due at least in some part to the centrifugal force of the planet that is in opposition to the force of gravity. Technically things should weigh slightly less at the equator. The twisting of the hemispheres must affect the balance of mass and cause a shift yearly and and also within the precession cycle.

The second link discusses the differing rotational speed of the earth due to lunar and solar tidal effects as well as this transport of mass effect, what they are talking about is time differences in the nano second. (ns)
And that the precession cycle effects the tidal forces, again at this large scale with the discrepancy of rotational period occurring at 13000 year intervals.

But I'm more of a philosopher than a scientist, so I may be off the mark. I'd never considered any geological effects related to precession, but there ya go.

I think 2012 could very well be the end of the precession cycle.

[edit on 15-1-2009 by squiz]

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 09:00 AM
reply to post by squiz

Very cool, thank you so much for your help.

So, that's interesting. Looks like there's a bit of evidence for my theory that the precessional cycle affects the earth in a physical manner, and possibly affecting and/or triggering the earth's expansion.

Yes, I'm more of a philosopher, too....(as well as a mystic) but I've been working in the medical field for the last 15 years. Very frustrating! LOL!

[edit on 15-1-2009 by nikiano]

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 09:10 AM
I was on another thread the last few days about crop circles (a phenomenon that has always fascinated me) and one person on that thread came up with the hypothesis that maybe one segment of crop circles had something to do with precession.

I thought that was a great hypothesis, and it made me wonder if maybe the crop circles was someone's way of warning us of something. I have long thought that whoever is making the crop circles is trying to convey an urgent message to us of some sort.

Here is that other thread. Some of you may be interested in it:

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 06:53 PM
Too bad the Expanding Earth Theory is COMPLETELY flawed!

- paleomagnetic data has been used to calculate that the radius of the Earth 400 million years ago was 102 ± 2.8% of today's radius.[6] Furthermore, examinations of earth's moment of inertia suggest that no significant change of earth's radius in the last 620 million years could have taken place and therefore earth expansion is untenable.

there are plenty of debunking videos of the Expanding Earth theory. Its completely bollocks in all senses. And on top of that, Neil Adams video of the continents fitting together is fake... that is... he DOES creates land and changes shapes to make it all fit together.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 07:07 PM

If the earth changed slowly over millions and billions of years, why would life evolve in "leaps and bounds"? That's the one part that didn't make sense to me.

not everything changes slowly over millions of years. An asteroid or a big volcano can have drastic effects instantaneously. Climate can change in decades. Etc, etc

And then I thought of the Mayan calendar. The Mayans were extremely accurate at predicting celestial events on a very, very large scale. In 380,000 years, their calendar will need to be adjusted by just one second. They also predicted events on earth, based on this calendar.

the Mayas only knew of stars visible to the naked eye. They didnt know of other galaxies, nor of the structure of our own galaxy.

The Mayans believed that there was a natural cycle to everything, and their entire religion was based on these natural cycles. The Mayans also belieived that at the end of every age, as the earth passed through the galactic plane, that was a time for major change. Because they were so amazingly accurate at predicting celestial events, that also tells me that they were probably also just as accurate at predicting natural cyles on earth.

Celestial events like eclypses were correctly calculated by the Maya... because they are readily visible and not so hard to calculate. Natural cycles of the earth are not things visible that the mayas could calculate.

Also the talk of Earth crossing the galactic plane is nonsense. The Earth, the Sun and the Galactic Equator come into alignment EVERY year!!!!

As for the alignment of the ecliptic with the "dark rift" of the Milky Way, it happens every 36 years, being the last time in 1988, without any consequence.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by LowLevelMason
My prediction? Absolutely nothing will happen, and ATS members will magically forget all the endless doom events they have predicted and grab on to another date to predict Armageddon.

Which is the same thing that happened here in 2000.

the year 2000 Armageddon was based off computers binary code, not the universe, or old predictions. nor did science say things "COULD possibly" happen if things persist the way they are going now.
Lets not be ignorant when trying to prove a point kid.

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by kaskade

Go ahead and keep your mind in its little box. It's a theory. It used to be fact that the world was flat. You don't catch anyone saying that anymore. Without those who know how to see what others do not we would still be on that flat earth. Again it's a theory. Time may prove his information to be inaccurate or his theory to be dead on. I don’t think this is the case however I try to keep an open mind to what ever I come across. Keep an open mind, make an argument as to why you disagree, but more importantly remember that having an open forum may yield ideas that will lead others into places that they may never have gotten to on there own. I see no real place for discouragement here. Personally I found the comparison of the Earth to a geode very interesting. I also found DreamDeceiver comments on paleomagnetic data to be a good counter to the theory, but that doesn’t mean that those facts are set in stone. We are constantly changing what we know to be fact as we learn more about the world we live in.

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by DreamDeceiver

Seriously, you should quote and site your second paragraph. Otherwise, I would think you had plagiarized from Wikipedia if I wasn't paying attention.

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 01:04 AM
I know this is an old post but, I was looking around, found this, and am kind of appaulled. It's called math, science, whatever. Theories are theories.
Ok now, this whole expanding planet theory makes some sense. But how the heck does our moon expand on one side and not the other? Granted gravitational pull is a cause but, come on. Why does the earth then expand in circumference instead of the one side, or rather, equator closest to the sun? The moon spins just like earth.... we just don't see it because it doesn't spin at the same rate.... hence us only seeing one side of it most of the time. How can you put a theory out about expanding planets and moons and show that our own moon has only expanded on one side? Even on that note(!), if it did expand on one side, why the hell is it not oblong? or defectively shaped? oh right... cause it where the hell are all the mountanous peaks on the otherside to make up this "expansion"?
Second of all, in response to the Mayan theory of the world ending in 2012 doesn't really have much validity. Their "Great Rift" as they called it was a spot in the sky. The winter solstice of 2012 is an alignment of the sun with the center (some say) of our galaxy or, the "Great Rift". It was called the dark or black rift(if i remember correctly when I was lookin this up years ago) becuase of some garbin(sp?) about some mouth eating the cosmos in our own interpretation in western civilization. As far as predictions go...meh. It will be a cosmic event to enjoy.
Sit back, grab a bucket of popcorn and, enjoy the chaos as in the 2000 escapade with technology

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