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The Limbaugh Plan: Bailout the Rich

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posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 06:24 PM

The Limbaugh Plan: Bailout the Rich

You just heard my proposal for Obama: Bail out the rich. Cut taxes. I might even be persuaded for a direct cash infusion to the rich, but it would take a lot of money. You'd have to give them 750 grand or a million dollars each to get 'em back into action out there, folks. But either way will work, there's no question about it, which is what Obama says he wants.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 06:24 PM
Anyone have Rush 24/7 or actually hear the program... Is he serious here? He could be joking, not sure so I wanted input.

Doesn't he understand that trickle down economics doesn't work because we have trickle "over to another country" economics now with the world markets? That High-end retailers are not the bread and butter of the economy.

You want bailout... refinance Mortgages, some consumer debt, and corporate debt at a 0.5-1% interest rate.. that will stimulate the economy... the economy the rest of us 300 million use.

Saks Fifth Avenue, a 20% drop in same-store sales. It's so bad at Saks Fifth Avenue they're thinking of relocating either to Lexington Avenue or maybe all the way over to York Avenue, Saks York Avenue is what they might have to do. Williams-Sonoma, a 24% drop in sales because the rich, the high end, are not going in there and buying things. According to press reports, the affluent have been spooked by the financial meltdown. And then there's this, and this is because my memory is unparalleled, I recall this. Right before Christmas, the AP ran a story bemoaning the plight of the wealthy who were out bargain hunting. We told you about this at the time. They were out bargain hunting, they were looking for discounts, and the AP said this has crippled the economy. When the rich start looking for bargains, Saks Fifth Avenue has to move over to Lexington Avenue. When Macy's is shutting down all over the place, when Bergdorf Goodman has to put things on sale, you're in big trouble. Tiffany, all the jewelry places, if those things have to start discounting and people who normally spend their money there start looking for discounts, we're in trouble.

Now Rush really lost me back in 2000 when most of us techies got caught in the telecom / dot com bubble burst and he preached about how the number of jobs had actually increased and everything was OK... yeah, People making 40-70k could get $8 work from the "new jobs" joy... can't make the mortgage on that Rush. But I digress...

I really want to know if he is actually serious here or if this is sarcasm in relation to the BS bailouts & stimulus checks?

Anyone who knows for sure, please reply.

(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 06:33 PM
Rush is known for "illustrating absurdity by being absurd" I'm sure that is what is going on here.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by infolurker

Rush is a loon. He keeps a large audience by hitting the conservative talking points, and then inserting wild speculation into it. He can prove any agenda he is saying is true by twisting around the numbers (see previous poster's story about the .com bubble).

What I can't understand is how people listen to someone who is so obviously biased that it's sickening. The only time Rush will call out a republican is if he feels the person isn't being republican enough. It's pathetic.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 06:47 PM
Rush is not even remotely a Conservative. He's a neocon of the highest order.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 06:48 PM
LOL... I prefer Glen Beck myself. Sean Hannity & Rush are definitely party fanboys but I just wanted input to find out for sure if he is actually serious here or if he is using sarcasm.

Also to see if anyone actually believes that this is a real plan?

[edit on 13-1-2009 by infolurker]

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by RRconservative
Rush is known for "illustrating absurdity by being absurd" I'm sure that is what is going on here.

Of course. He does it for ratings. I'd do the same thing too. Money talks? Bull# walks.

Originally posted by Irish M1ck
reply to post by infolurker

What I can't understand is how people listen to someone who is so obviously biased that it's sickening. The only time Rush will call out a republican is if he feels the person isn't being republican enough. It's pathetic.

Exactly. Take Joe Pagliarulo for example. I specifically remember that he made a remark about John McCain and why he lost the election. Because he was "liberal in a lot of his views". It's the same mentality. He wasn't republican enough and because of what he said in that one debate with Obama; "I am not George Bush..." So therefore he lost the votes of all the Bush fans.

[edit on 1/13/09 by Marked One]

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by infolurker

Who cares if he's serious? Rush Limbaugh is an idiot. The only poeple who are more idiotic than Rush are the ditto-heads that listen to him and lap up his drivel like it's manna from heaven. It is my understanding that that is an ever-shrinking group, thank god. All you need to know about Rush limbaugh is that he was a fat drug addict. A FAT DRUG ADDICT. Which proves that he can't even get being a drug addict right!

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 07:20 PM
Honestly he is being sarcastic,a big spinner w/ his on going rants every day.I say "Flush Rush"I also see that happening for 'real',really soon due to the fairness doctrune they are trying to re-intriduce on talk radio and the internet.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by beammeup

I would honestly bet you that he wasn't being sarcastic.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by godless
reply to post by infolurker

Who cares if he's serious? Rush Limbaugh is an idiot. The only poeple who are more idiotic than Rush are the ditto-heads that listen to him and lap up his drivel like it's manna from heaven. It is my understanding that that is an ever-shrinking group, thank god. All you need to know about Rush limbaugh is that he was a fat drug addict. A FAT DRUG ADDICT. Which proves that he can't even get being a drug addict right!

I listen to him. I don't necessarily agree with everything he says. I mostly listen to him because he's straight up hilarious. Just the sound of his voice is enough to turn a craptacular day into a sh*ts&giggle-fest. I mean is it just me or is that when he talks he sounds like as if he swallowed a muffler to a semi-truck? As a matter of fact? I can do a good impression of him.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 08:44 PM
What’s interesting in a lot of the comments here is the name calling and directed hatred towards Rush and those that listen to his show. I might offer that, you contribute to part of the problem we face in the US today rather than offering to find a solution.

If you didn’t listen to Rush's comments about the bailout for the rich I don’t see how your commentary can be taken seriously. Don’t take that as an attack, it’s just how I view comments made out of ignorance.

To the OP, the answer is two fold. Yes Rush was being sarcastic but at the same time making a core point that those people that shop at the high end dept stores and boutiques are more often than not, owners of businesses, decision makers in large corporations, etc. The point is that if the rich are also slowing their personal purchasing practices as the reports are saying they are, much like those in the normal class (if you will), then they will also be inclined to bring those same financial decisions into their business life. As you probably already know, is already affecting us via layoffs and closures across this nation. Keep in mind, this is a byproduct of the current economic situation, not the cause. Think of it like the domino effect. How do you stop that last domino from falling? Quite possibly by stimulating the business sector at its core.

His basic point is that the government can help stimulate the economy, by helping the rich via business taxes either being reduced or eliminated, thereby stimulating the business sector at its core. The end result is more money in the business sectors pocket, resulting in more employment. It’s basic trickle down economics, whether you’re a fan of it or not.

Guess what? Rush was loud enough and bold enough on his show yesterday that it got the Obama administration's attention. Rush was absent from his show today to attend a meeting on this issue with the Obama administration at their request. If you listen to his show tomorrow, some of the details of the meeting might be forth coming.

Lastly, I would offer this, it is wise to listen, listen to anyone and everyone, this side and that. Verify stories before forming an opinion and commenting. It does take some work, but you will better yourself for going through the exercise.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 08:57 PM
This is exactly what he talks about. DRIVE BY MEDIA. If you don't listen to the show stfu.

This is the same stuff about the Magic Negro. My god you people are ignorant.

Is it your goal to silence any talk radio or media that isn't a liberal whack job?

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by Killerghia
Lastly, I would offer this, it is wise to listen, listen to anyone and everyone, this side and that. Verify stories before forming an opinion and commenting. It does take some work, but you will better yourself for going through the exercise.

I listen to Rush and I think he is a genius in the way he plays the conservative mind set like a $5 fiddle. I'm convinced at the end of the day
when Rush is sitting around with his "boy" friends; He says "Did you hear what I told em today? Those fools ate it up like a slice of pizza" Rush is a Radio industry with many, many people working for him, sizing up the demographic.

It's just ratings and entertainment. A vehicle to sell advertising time.

[edit on 13-1-2009 by whaaa]

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by whaaa

I listen to Rush and I think he is a genius in the way he plays the conservative mind set like a $5 fiddle. I'm convinced at the end of the day
when Rush is sitting around with his "boy" friends; He says "Did you hear what I told em today? Those fools ate it up like a slice of pizza" Rush is a Radio industry with many, many people working for him, sizing up the demographic.

It's just ratings and entertainment. A vehicle to sell advertising time.

[edit on 13-1-2009 by whaaa]

It would be too much work to be as consistent as he has been over the many years if he weren't speaking from his own convictions.

I agree with you however, his show is a vehicle to sell advertising time but to dismiss him at this point would be neglecting the many people on the hill that rely on him for a different perspective. This list includes the incoming Obama administration which, you have to admit, gives him legitimacy beyond just selling advertising time.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 10:39 PM
I would have to agree.. the drive by takes bits and pieces of his commentary and skews it to their own needs. Instead of including his commentary about how the entire 'Bailout' SNAFU is just that, a SNAFU (for those too young to understand it ask a veteran).

Hell, just last week the PORN industry asked for a bailout because the weakened economy has made their customers go limp (their quote.. not mine).

In my GUT i believe that this crisis is manufactured, and antagonized by the media. When Bush made a statement in 2006 that the Economy was slowing, he was jeered by the media and the same people now that blame him for what is going on now.

There is always going to be someone to blame for something because this generation of people has been taught NOT to take responsibility for their own actions. So, I will be first...

1. I have made poor credit choices and am NOT living in a McMansion, more like McDoublewide and I'm okay with that, for now. Im working on improving on it.

2. My relationships didnt work out, so now I am a PROUD single father that works very hard to teach his children conservative (not republican, but conservative) values.

I dont ask for foodstamps, and I dont think that I am OWED ANYTHING, I just do what I need to do in order to survive and give my children the best I can.

So, suck it up.. Stick it out and take some damn pride in yourself, if you dont like what the Government is doing, then do something about it. But blaming everything from a slowing worldwide economy (oh yea, if you ask SOMEONE out there will blame that on Bush, because he just has SOOOO much power to control the economies of England, Japan, Germany.. etc)
to global warming.. (didnt you know Bush could control the Sun's spots too?? And you thought Obama was the Messiah???

[edit on 13-1-2009 by gizmohd]

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by gizmohd

Star for ya.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by gizmohd

Then you have missed a lot of stuff. In no way is this related to the media. This is due to banks going under, and the ones that remain have a kung fu death grip on the money they have left. Due to the banks not loaning, businesses began going under and jobs were lost. Jobs being lost cause less people to have superfluous cash, and more businesses had to cut jobs.

That's just a brief synopsis, but it certainly was not created by the media. That's just crazy. The media does a lot of bad things, and overall a terrible job of investigating and reporting news... but blaming it for the economic crisis means you listen to too much Rush Limbaugh.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by Irish M1ck

That's just a brief synopsis, but it certainly was not created by the media. That's just crazy. The media does a lot of bad things, and overall a terrible job of investigating and reporting news... but blaming it for the economic crisis means you listen to too much Rush Limbaugh.

Ever notice how the megadittoheads, like to parrot back their favorite Rush clichés and phrases like somehow it adds legitimacy to the point they are trying to make.

What I find ironic is that conservatives always trumpet taking responsibility yet never fail to blame others for their failings. ex. media, libs, Obama etc. and can't see the total failure of their "messiah" GWB and his cadre of thieves, pedophiles and fools.

Overall, the way I see it; is that conservatives like to vicariously live the Rush lifestyle of bravado, machismo and bluster; when in reality it is illusion, roleplaying and WANTING to seem a person of authority.

The marketing of el Rushbo is pure genius. I don't think it's coincidence the demographic chosen for Rush's target audience. Listen to the ads and see if I'm not spot on.

[edit on 14-1-2009 by whaaa]

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by whaaa

Actually yes. Drive-by media was huge there for a while. I haven't gotten to listen to Limbaugh much lately, but I used to love listening to it on my way home and then coming on these forums and watching as people reiterated what he said word for word.

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