posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 01:21 AM
As a former Air Force Officer, I watched, with horror and professional interest, 9/11 on CNN via cable here in Australia. In terms of maybe not
telling the whole truth in relation to going in and kicking the living daylights out of Iraq, I think the withholding of or fabricating may have
started here.
I noticed a very quick aerial shot of the crash site that was never repeated no matter how long I watched. The impact zone showed a fuselage impact
pattern, vertical stabiliser hitting intact, but only stubs of both wings, with no engine impact evident.
Missiles may have been deployed but I tend to think the collateral damage may have been too great...BUT, it may expalin the bits and pieces found many
kilometres from the impact site. (Hole opened in the fuselage). A 'guns' run to disable both engines and induce a near vertical descent into a
relatively (compared to Washington DC) uninhabited area would seem likely.
Statements by civilian air traffic controllers whose radar surveilled the area that they 'didn't see a thing', or that 'their civilian radars are
not equipped to deal with this military stuff' are all crap. They would have seen everything and one can adjust one's radar to change the shape of
the beam, its frequency, rate of scan and so on. (I am a military and civilian trained air traffic controller so do know a little of what I
Sorry to raise this oft-spoken of item again, but it is sometimes helpful to re-visit and re-trace our steps so we can see where we went wrong, and
try and project, from history, just where we are headed.