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Antisemitism VS Anti- [------] sentiment

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posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 08:53 PM
Yes there is a difference.

\ˌan-tē-ˈse-mə-ˌti-zəm, ˌan-ˌtī-\
: hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group
— an·ti–Se·mit·ic \-sə-ˈmi-tik\ adjective
— an·ti–Sem·ite \-ˈse-ˌmīt\ noun

This definition by nature is ambiguous. However, I do not condone any hatred toward another human based on any cultural or tradition belief. And at the end of the day, I can respect those who seek to end such hatred through awareness of history.

It is unreasonable to think someone would hate for no reason. Many times the reasons someone hates are inaccurate representation of the facts, and there aggressive nature merely exacerbates the inaccuracy. However, we must be willing to see a flower as a flower.

When people across the world were slandering America and the Bush Administration I was smart enough to realize that they weren't talking about me.

That said, I don't believe it is fair to discredit someone's culmination of the truth they sought only to be labeled a hater of the subject they were studying.

I can also respect people's biased passion to bolster their points. It is innate in our bones to try to convince others of our beliefs. But when they ultimately decide against their points, there is no need to write them off as idiotic bigots.

When did Truth become Insurgency?

I am aware that to an Israeli the facts are laid out in favor of their actions. But I am also aware that to the Palestinian, the same facts stack up in favor of them.

French or Medieval Latin; French, from Medieval Latin sentimentum, from Latin sentire
1 a: an attitude, thought, or judgment prompted by feeling : predilection b: a specific view or notion : opinion
2 a: emotion b: refined feeling : delicate sensibility especially as expressed in a work of art c: emotional idealism d: a romantic or nostalgic feeling verging on sentimentality
3 a: an idea colored by emotion b: the emotional significance of a passage or expression as distinguished from its verbal context

If someone doesn't follow or agree to a certain pattern of Israeli truth, and nonetheless considers that truth unfair, it should be labeled as anti-Israeli sentiment, and not always antisemitism. The difference is not semantical, it is morally paramount to distinguish.

Of course there are many times that hateful diatribes are laced full of antisemitism, and those actions should always be repudiated. But too many times is that harsh word tossed out erroneously, just because it is seemingly befitting to one side.

Basically it is a conversation killer.

When a subject of M.E. conflict comes up, if you immediately don't side with Israel you become anti-semitic.

My roommate and best friend is jewish I have been to his families passovers each year and have already been circumsized (which basically makes me Jewish as convert), and I take offense to being labeled such an inaccuracy.

However, many times, including presently, I have Anti-Israeli sentiment.


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