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The Time Singularity

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posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 08:16 PM

"Waaaake uuuup," the soft and willowy voice requests. I heard it from the back of consciousness; I thought that I had just heard a voice direct me to wake up. No matter, my slumber is calling me back, now I fade once again.

"Wake up" the soft voice beckons again. This time I am sure I heard it. My eyes struggle to open, slowly. I manage to open one slightly to find that I do not recognize my surroundings. This frightens me, I recognize nothing, and I sit straight up and glance from one corner of the room to the other. I am in what looks to be a small motel room. This unmistakable room with a bed, television, and bathroom and nothing else. "Where am I?" I manage to say but I do not sound like me. I try to clear my throat but even this sounds foreign to me. "It's of no consequence to you where you are" the frail voice announced. The terror fills me quickly and thoroughly. "Wait" I demand, as if I need to buy time, "wait!" "Who are you? Why can't I see you?" I ask. "Again, this is of no consequence; however you may want to look at yourself." The voice sounds almost amused.

I struggle to roll off of the bed, I feel sharp pain coming from my jaw, and I begin to cry. "Why are you crying?" asks the voice. "I hurt," I say. "You are pushing yourself up with your facial hair under you hand." The voice says quite gleefully. "What?" I look down to notice that I have a long white beard, and it is trapped under the palm of my hand as I attempt to get up. "I don't have a beard" I scream, "Are you sure?" the voice asks. "Get up and look before you make false statements." The voice suggests. I manage roll to my right and push myself into a sitting position, I am startled by the sight of my legs, so thin and old. "What has happened to me?" "My god what has happened to me?" I cry out.

"To put it simplistically, you have been 'moved along' in time, again it's of little consequence what has happened to you at this point, what may be a more appropriate question would be: why has this happened to you." I struggle to my feet and head to the bathroom mirror. My legs wobble under the weight of my body, and I fall against the doorway of the bathroom and squint to help focus at my reflection in the mirror. The realization begins to set in. I am an old man. "What has happened to me? Why am I old? Where is my family?" The voice does not answer. "WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO MY FAMILY?" I wail.
"Your family has been granted an opportunity to live, to be free of the weight of your insignificance." The voice replies. "What? What do you mean?" I ask. "Again, you fail to ask the proper questions, questions that may assist you in learning." The voice seems to be almost annoyed now. It's willowy pitch replaced by a more sinister growl. "You have been 'moved along' in time to make room for others more deserving; you had squandered enough time, and did not deserve the allocation of another second!" "I don't understand....Help me understand all of this." I plead. "I will attempt to explain, however you should not concern yourself with this explanation, I assure you, you will not understand it at this time. You see, time is not the A-Z linear abstract idea that you perceive it to be. Think of time as a singular point expanding outward in every direction at once. If you occupy part of any of this singularity, you thus occupy it all. You see, your utter lack of respect for the gift you have been given has resulted in your removal from the singularity. Your removal has freed up valuable space for those who have a better concept and appreciation of the gift they have been given." The voice continued.

"The decision to remove you aided others; it has given them a larger reward. The moments that they sacrificed themselves for the benefit of others, has been equaled out and returned to them in the form of moments of great satisfaction." The voice stated.

"This could not have been the case had not the decision been made to move you along." "Move me along? Move me along what?" I asked, the voice again sounded annoyed. "You are not required to understand, you are not required to appreciate what I am explaining to you. You have served your purpose and if you disagree than might I suggest that the next time you are given a gift, you learn to cherish and share it with others." "The whereabouts of your family shall not be a concern to you for they no longer exist as your family." The voice stated.

"You are a memory, a recollection of a mistake in judgment by your wife, and that of a failure to your child." I then fall to the floor and focus on the slow rotation of a ceiling fan. "Dear God, give me the strength to wake from this nightmare". "Me, me, me, it's all about me. Perhaps you should focus on the good you have done, rather than how you have been wronged. It's always the same; the pathetic souls continue to focus on themselves". The voice continues, "This is why you and those like you have been moved along, rest assured, you are not the first nor will you be the last". "How much time do I have left?" I ask. "That is of no consequence" The voice stated.
With that, all of a sudden I feel alone. I struggle to my knees, crying. BANG, BANG, BANG. I hear a knock at the door. This startles me, as I glance around the room looking for the door. BANG, BANG, BANG. I drop down to the floor in terror as the door is forced in. There I see two men in masks; one draws a gun and fires it. All I see now is black, but I can still hear them. "Look in the drawers!" one says. “There's nothing in here man, no clothes, no wallet, money nothing!"
He says. Now I am above them, I can see the entire room. My old and lifeless body is in a motionless and bloody heap. I see one of them turn to witness the other, unconscious on the bed. He begins o feel tired himself and falls asleep.

From a distance, I hear the familiar soft and willowy voice say "Waaaake uuuup,"

Only this time.... I am somehow aware that it is not speaking to me.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 08:50 PM
you crunch my head..

I wanted to read that lol!!

I will some it up for you.. YOU just like ME are very very small... very!

do you want to know why? well you wont find out lol that called the singularity..

its a fractal.. a part of ur brain that cant cope.. we just give it words ; )

Fact is life is very much dead ; ) just like me and u and the rest of life on good old planet green earth..

People bang on about infinity when it just means you cant admit it could all end? i mean why not? lol

you are so small you live in a loop... you are the loop in many ways :@)

Time and space is just a level of thinking and understanding..

and as for a "singulatirty" thats just means "they dont know"

good day sir!

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by theresult
you crunch my head..

I wanted to read that lol!!

I will some it up for you.. YOU just like ME are very very small... very!

do you want to know why? well you wont find out lol that called the singularity..

its a fractal.. a part of ur brain that cant cope.. we just give it words ; )

Fact is life is very much dead ; ) just like me and u and the rest of life on good old planet green earth..

People bang on about infinity when it just means you cant admit it could all end? i mean why not? lol

you are so small you live in a loop... you are the loop in many ways :@)

Time and space is just a level of thinking and understanding..

and as for a "singulatirty" thats just means "they dont know"

good day sir!

Well, thanks for reading my story. The reality is; it’s just a story.. I’m not trying to imply anything or infringe on your perception of reality, time, the universe, God, the Devil, or velvet Elvis paintings. It’s just a short story, that’s why I put it here in the short story forum. I do however want to express my gratitude that you took the time to read it.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 04:58 PM
well I think it's a brilliantly written short story. I'm totally enjoying reading your writings so far. keep them coming.

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