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Let's face facts.

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posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 11:54 AM
For years I've been reading the theories and discussions on government corruption, videos on New World Order and World Banking. It's no secret any longer about the North American Union, our economy and the reasoning behind it's collapse. It's no secret to anyone that Cheney is as crooked and greedy as the entire executive level of Enron.

What do we do about any of it? Nothing! Exactly as is expected.

We sit around on our computer trading gossip and watching videos to spread the word and yet nobody truly lifts a finger to do anything. So much Dems vs Repubs in the faces of the public which is just enough to maintain the barrier and distractions needed to keep us apart and unable to effectively take any real action.

This isn't about politics any more. This is about world leadership corruption.

Especially in America, we are a society of lazy, entitled, cocky and careless materialistic blow hards who bark and never bite. I include myself in this category and it pisses me off.

I am angry about the number of people who could sit on their computer and give a video showing G W Bush Jr or Metus Cheney red handed in criminal acts, millions of views and do nothing more than comment on it.

Why do we sit around posting threads defining the evidence against these crooks yet do nothing more? I wonder often, what would it actually take for a large number of pissed off people to storm the White House in anger and frustration and demand immediate removal of an administration of crooks from office?

Are we as a society truly that comfortable? Are we all doing so well to know that our politicians are robbing us blind while millions starve on the street and kicked aside like wastes of life and space?

I wonder to myself if the only thing holding the country or the world for that matter back from taking action is in not knowing what to actually do.

What do the world leaders use to maintain control of us?
Who are the people in charge of what happens?
Who benefits financially from an illegal war?
Who at the oil companies benefit the most from price gouging and why have they been left to do as they please?
Think to yourself about something you have boiling inside of you and find out more. Who is behind it and what are they doing?


Regain control of our media by turning the SPIT off! A nuclear bomb could go off in the middle of NYC and if the powers that be dont want you to know about it, they will run a story about Britney Spears falling in her shower for HOURS or WEEKS and you will watch it.

In a world where instant gratification is rampant and we are so busy as the little slaves that we all are trying to keep up with churning out the daily bread at a higher rate than it's being stolen away from us, we are too busy to concern ourselves with the trouble, corruption and chaos that is driving us into the ground anyway right? If I just keep pushing forward and do my job to feed my family someone else will save me, right?

Ugh, I'm just so frustrated at how ignorant and lazy we have become. So comfortable in our financed houses, financed cars while wrapped up in the distractions of sex and the illusion of freedom.

God Bless America

Evil prospers when good men do nothing?

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 12:26 PM
What would you like to do? How do we get together the man man power? What about resources?

I would be all for mounting an assault against the Federal Reserve and all of its associates, because that is how we have been taken over by European Banking interests.

But I myself am completely broke, I have no job, and rarely have a place to live....

So organizing anyone is a difficult task.

[edit on 12/19/2008 by dalan.]

EDIT TO ADD: Good post by the way.

[edit on 12/19/2008 by dalan.]

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 02:31 AM
reply to post by fixourgenes

Everybody should start to figure out how they can disentangle themselves from the world of the banksters who have just gotten finished putting the world's ass in a sling.

You can do this by putting your money into local banks and businesses and building stronger communities, less susceptible to worldwide financial currents.

Check out Catherine Austin Fitts and her ideas.

All this according to Catherine Austin Fitts, the self-described "cleaning lady" whose job it was to clean up financial messes such as the savings and loan scandal at HUD. Few people know more than Fitts about how the money works in Washington--and now that Enronitis is spreading, Fitts has found a willing audience for her insight on how complicated financial schemes get cracked and implemented at the highest corporate and governmental level. The software she has developed, if implemented, is poised to revolutionize the way communities and individuals use their money.

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 02:45 AM
reply to post by fixourgenes

Some small communities have started making their own local money.

I think the treasury/IRS will step in at some point, especially if it gets
an exchange rate and they claim it is used for tax evasion.

Some communes are setting themselves up for near 100% self
sufficiency, mostly pagans and similar folks.

As for actively removing the CFR members, you will just die in a
hail of bullets.

CFR, the council on foreign relations was setup by rockefeller and
friends and is one of the biggest puppeteers of the marionette
politicians, even Obama is a member.

Between the billionaire bilderberg bastards and their european
counter parts the game is damn near over.

That is why I am just planning to slip out of the city and fall off the
radar til I shuffle off this mortal coil of hopefully natural causes.

I did my stint in the military, and even working as a contractor
for them after I got out for a brief while.

Too few are awake, and most ppl think of the awakened as nut jobs.

The Illuminated have kept the masses in the dark, and it will be far
too late by the time the masses realize they are frogs in a
slowly warming pot.

I have even posted my thoughts on here and been met with a
storm of ridicule and derision.

I wish you luck, but you are one of few eagles in a nation of sheep.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 04:09 AM
I propose we all wear an identical t-shirt that says something like "No New World Order" or "New World Order" with one of those no smoking sign red circles with the line through it. If we could just get someone to come up with the shirt and have someone like Alex Jones or David Icke promote it then everyone within the anti-nwo community would get one of these same shirts and it would eventually catch on with the rest of the public that would want to find out what this New World Order thing is. I think this would be the most effective way I can think of stopping the NWO. Another thing is if heaps of us sprayed "No New World Order" and stuff everywhere.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 04:16 AM
Hit em where it would hurt the most....taxes. Tax time is approaching, and even tho there are many who need those refunds so desperately, ignoring the April 12 deadline would definately send a mesage that will get their attention. And if its done by millions, they wont be able to do much about it except listen to the demands.

Maybe sending a letter with the complaints, and requests to change things for the better instead of a check to pay taxes owed, would make a difference.


posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by dalan.

The only reasonable thing to do, is to remove these people by any means, and remove them permanently. Remove them covertly so as to not arouse suspicion to the other banksters. That way when their time comes, they won't see it coming. Remove the heads in control of the puppets, and the body will fall.

What we need is some vigilantes willing to do it though.

[edit on 21-12-2008 by Question]

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 09:24 AM
The riots in greece made the news here, and all it took was a bunch of people running down the streets setting fires ...

What makes me sick is that people in america will react that way to a pointless ball game, but act like it's crazy to even think about doing it for anything political.

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