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Interesting political self-assessment

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posted on Apr, 5 2004 @ 03:38 AM
Cmdrkeenkid posted a list of his own political stances in a recent thread in this forum, and several people responded in kind... I was thinking that it would be interesting to see everyone's individual views, boiled down to this short list.

I'll start with the original list... just copy and paste, and modify "for" or "against" to suit your own tastes. If you have something to add, feel free.

I'm anti-abortion
I'm pro-death penalty
I'm anti-racism
I'm pro-gay rights/marriage
I'm pro-women's/men's equality
I'm anti-affirmative action/reparations
I'm for the war with Iraq
I'm anti-drugs
I'm pro-middle class tax cuts
I'm pro-upper class tax cuts
I'm pro-big-business
I'm pro-small-business
I'm anti-welfare
I'm anti-universal healthcare
I'm pro-second ammendment
I'm pro-seperation of church and state,
I am anti-having religious icons (i.e. the Ten Commandments) removed from public places
I'm pro-military buildup

Don't get too worked up defending your views; there are other threads for that. I'd just kinda like to gauge the real political opinions of people around here.

posted on Apr, 5 2004 @ 03:47 AM
Cool! and thanks for providing the opportunity! my turn! ill include cop outs... er... excuses... damn it... i mean REASONS explaining why on the more controversial ones

I'm pro-abortion (it's always the woman's choice)

I'm anti-death penalty (I believe in rehabilitation)

I'm anti-racism

I'm pro-gay rights/marriage (it should decrease the divorce rate)

I'm pro-women's/men's equality

I'm anti-affirmative action/reparations (this only serves to segregate humanity)

I'm NOT for the war with Iraq (people are dying out there for no reason at all)

I'm pro-drugs (illegalization = crime and profits for drug dealers)

I'm pro-middle class tax cuts

I'm anti-upper class tax cuts (thus decreasing the fiscal gap between classes)

I'm pro-big-business (but anti conglomerate octopi [i think thats the plural?] like rockefeller and microsoft)

I'm pro-small-business

I'm pro-welfare (for the sake who really are trying to pull themselves out of a hole)

I'm pro-universal healthcare (it is the responsibility of the society to take care of the damages that it inflicts upon its population; ie hormones, pollution, diseases, etc)

I'm pro-second ammendment

I'm pro-seperation of church and state (communist or not, religion has no place in civil institutions. that's too much control)

I am anti-having religious icons (i.e. the Ten Commandments) removed from public places (like it or not, religious stature is a part of excercizing free speech)

I'm anti-military buildup (because as I grew up, I realized that it's not so cool to have a bunch of tanks and planes under my command or anyone else's for that matter.)

posted on Apr, 5 2004 @ 06:42 AM
I'm anti-abortion
I'm anti-death penalty
I'm anti-racism
I'm pro-gay rights
I'm anti-gay marriage
I'm pro-women's/men's equality
I'm anti-affirmative action/reparations
I'm abstaining from opinion about the war with Iraq
I'm anti-drugs (aside from weed)
I'm pro-flat tax, no exemptions at least
I'm pro-big-business but anti-business loopholes. Those leaks need to be plugged
I'm pro-small-business
I'm anti-welfare
I'm anti-universal healthcare (although I think we need to get a rein on healthcare costs in general)
I'm pro-second ammendment
I'm pro-seperation of church and state,
I am pro-having religious icons removed from public places
I'm pro-military effectiveness and prudence (while maintaining proper readiness), it's a hard row to hoe.

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