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Bomb Blast At An Oregon Bank Kills 1

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posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 12:14 AM

Bomb Blast At An Oregon Bank Kills 1

WOODBURN, Ore. – A bomb exploded inside a bank here late Friday afternoon after explosives experts arrived to check on a suspicious object and authorities said at least one person was killed by the blast.

Oregon State Police said the explosion at the West Coast Bank caused "serious injuries" and that police officers were in the area when the device detonated. They did not say how many police officers were injured.

A spokesman for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives told The Oregonian at least one bomb technician had been injured.

(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 12:14 AM

A small bomb, but still a bomb at a bank. I wonder if we could be seeing this more often. Maybe with the banks taking people's houses away they will get pissed and take a bomb to the bank. The bad thing is yeah the heads of the banks should get theirs, but the innocent people working inside the branch don't deserve these type of things.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 12:17 AM
Ya sounds alot like something an angry person who just had their home forclosed on would do.

Who knows. World is full of crazy people.


posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 12:20 AM
Yeah I would agree, it sounds like a basic retaliation of some loss the perpetrator may have suffered.

I hope this isn't going to become a common occurrence.

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 12:23 AM
I used to live in OREGON. From what I understand, there are more bank robberies there than anywhere else...lot's of freeway on-ramps near banks.

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 01:02 AM
Whatever happened to the ol' bomb threat? Didn't people used to call and warn people to get out of a building before they blew it up? Let's go back to that. If anyone decides to bomb a bank, for whatever reason, please call and say "Its the bank I hate, not the innocent people inside, you have 10 minutes to clear the building, then, Bwoosh." Be sure to say "Bwoosh." But really, I think with all this terrorism talk, we've forgotten about the use of explosives to destroy symbols, not kill, but still cost corporations a lot.

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 01:16 AM
Bomb threats are a fairly frequent occurrences, far more frequent that many realize.

What is rare is for a bomb threat to be real. In most cases of a real bomb, there is no threat or if there is, it is draw more people to the site so that the device can do even more damage.

It is unknown at this time whether or not that was the case in this incident.

One has to wonder if this might be a symbol of a growing resentment among those who have had property foreclosed and of the struggling economy and whether or not these kinds of incidents might increase.

This is the Christmas season and sadly, bank robberies often increase during this period.

In this case, clearly financial gain was not the intent.

During the Thirties, when Bonnie and Clyde, Baby Face Nelson, and John Dillinger were criss-crossing the country robbing banks, the general population was anything but sympathetic of the banks because so many had lost everything in bank failures and foreclosures.

Things are not quite that bad these days, given the FDIC, which did not exist during the depression, but that does not mean that popular sentiment could not turn against banks who foreclose on property and seem to be using federal bailout money to gobble up other banks, rather than making those fund available for consumer loans.

Whether or not this is a harbinger of things to come remains to be seen, but one thing is for sure. With the struggling global economy and a new administration facing not only these economic woes, national security concerns, and possible internal shakeups relative to the recent Chicago corruption investigation, the next few years will more than likely prove to be very interesting.

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 01:28 AM

Originally posted by MakeSoap
Whatever happened to the ol' bomb threat? Didn't people used to call and warn people to get out of a building before they blew it up? Let's go back to that. If anyone decides to bomb a bank, for whatever reason, please call and say "Its the bank I hate, not the innocent people inside, you have 10 minutes to clear the building, then, Bwoosh." Be sure to say "Bwoosh." But really, I think with all this terrorism talk, we've forgotten about the use of explosives to destroy symbols, not kill, but still cost corporations a lot.

I don't know I think KaBoom would be better understood. I could just see someone get off the phone, "Hey what's a bwoosh?" "Did you mean brush?" and everyone looks at them like their an idiot and goes back to work.

It'll end up being someone upset like said before about their home foreclosure or something.

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 01:47 AM
Why isn't the media all over this? There are a lot of American's losing everything and when bombs start going off at banks, you'd think it would make the national news.

Or do bombs go off in banks everyday around the country and we just don't here about it?

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 02:07 AM
Maybe it's the start of something bigger, like opposition to bailouts and government corruption.

an OKC bombing at the financial level.

"Ok banks, you want my money and my taxes, here, reap what you sow"... lol

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 02:16 AM
reply to post by DarkspARCS

I don't find bombings of banks funny. Why do you ?

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 02:16 AM
reply to post by harrytuttle

The media probably thinks that one person isn't enough to warrant the American people's attention. If more people had died, it would be reported on non-stop.

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 02:30 AM
OR...... This is the first of many bombings done by some conspiracy theorist nutjob who had heard some crazy lies about the banking industry on some website. Then if you see any problem with the banking system, you are just like that evil bomber with his crazy conspiracy theories and subject to detention.

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 02:33 AM
Well with whats happening in Greece I wouldn't be surprised if we start seeing more of this :/

I am not 100% sure but from what I am seeing /reading /hearing on the news and internet, riots are starting to happen more and more now the economy is in trouble.

I just hope it doesn't escalate and cause more death.

[edit on 13-12-2008 by BlackMumba]

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 02:51 AM
I live about 20 mils from Woodburn. Which is odd in itself. From channel 12 here, which is Fox News, *need to go wash out my mouth now* reported that, the bomb squad walked back inside the bank WITH the bomb. Odd! especially when you still have ppl in the bank being that it started around 5:30p & banks don't close on Fridays till 6p.

Another oddity is, How & why did the chief of police get critically injured from the blast? !! How come he was so close to the bomb unless he was a bomb expert and head of the bomb squad which took control of the bomb itself in which if he was the only one carrying it but, that didn't sound like it off the report. ?? really odd!!?? The reporter stated that 3 of them took it in. ....?? ...???

Report was kinda fuzzy in terms of who actually died. They said it was a police officer at one point but, they're not really being clear about it. If I remember right, they said 3 were injured, and of the 3, one was the bank employee.

would be nice to see if someone that was close to there actually heard it go off.

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 04:31 AM
I'm surprised that there hasn't been more of this. I suppose they'll have a list of suspects with the bombers name.

Yep, these cops really screwed up with procedures.

The bomb was outside, so they brought it inside where there were still bank employees working. I smell a big lawsuit there.

Then somehow (nobody's telling) they detonated the bomb injuring cops and one bank employee.

Proper procedure would of been detonate it on site or placed it in a bomb safe container and detonate it at the closest safe location - Away from people & buildings or at least in an open field or parking lot.

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 04:55 AM
reply to post by BlackMumba

I am not 100% sure but from what I am seeing /reading /hearing on the news and internet, riots are starting to happen more and more now the economy is in trouble. I just hope it doesn't escalate and cause more death.

It's ok, we well be fine have some faith in our people. Hopefully we would find another way to deal with banking instead of this.


posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 12:38 PM
Its quite simple. Joe sixpack says you take my house so I take your bank...KABOOM. Yes this might be the start to a revolution to take our country back from the evil banksters. This is not the end but only the beginning. These bankster thugs need to realize that the people hold the power not them.

On a side note the police officers who were on duty were morons. "Oh look a bomb...Lets take it inside the bank" OMG what morons.

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 01:34 PM
Well when there's some ``muslim`` fake terrorist attack, we sure hear it on the news 24/7 for 2 weeks non stop... but when real people are pissed at the real perpetrator of the biggest theft in history, they don't talk about it.

Only when it's inside jobs or provocateur we hear about it...

9/11, OKC, Mumbai, London Bombings, Madrid... when they talk about it 24/7, you can be sure the government had an hand in it. But when a real terrorist attack happens, like a group who sent thousands of explosives letters to police stations in the 90s... did you hear about it? No. What terrorists want is attention with their terrorism.... so to stop them, you don't enter their game.

The government are the terrorists, they like publicity. When THEY blew up things, they like having all that attention, but when others do it, they shut them down, because they don't want competition. IMO, that's a psychological sign that they are behind it when this sort of things happen.

[edit on 13-12-2008 by Vitchilo]

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 01:51 PM
Ther was a report earlier that a second person has died. Seems real weird to me that they would take a bomb into a building after it had been found outside.
Also in another report they had been to the Wells Fargo next door earlier that same day to inspect a "package" that had been left there. Mabe they brought it back after fixing it so it would go off...who knows until we can start hearing from people who are actually on the scenes of these things and not just the MSM we will never get an honest story.

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