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Why don't thug's get Abducted!

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posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 02:18 PM
[edit on 9-12-2008 by 7H3Y 4R3 C0M1N6]

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 02:33 PM
Thugs probably do get abducted but they're either too dumb to realize it or think much of it or lack the resources to spread their story around. They probably also wouldn't care... or if they thought they were abducted it would be a funny story at a party.... or they would chalk it up to being high or drunk and wouldn't take it seriously. Belief in aliens or abduction is definetly a topic they would want to keep to themselves... and when your poor, thuggish and your main goals in life are to make money and hook up with as many hos as possible alien abduction doesn't rank high on your list of subjects you know/care about. I am no authority on the subject but I have know a lot of "thugs."

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 11:04 PM
If it has to do with only "good DNA" then why are so many backwoods hicks abducted?

It would explain the big heads and eyes, though. Its hundreds of years of slack jawed yokel inbreeding.

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 06:46 AM
reply to post by nwomi

i think its because of the main fact of were they live , and what the majoritys think of the ghettos. ignorant people think that its all drugs etc. and i mean by that is, first any1 who says they have interacted with aliens is in a way harrased bout it, others trying to disprove/prove what happened. in the burbz people thinks its all good but let face it rich people with alotta money buy more "stuff" then less fortunate people , but they got alots of money and live in a "good" place so it doesn't seem so bad ,
so anyways if more people in burbs talk bout aliens maybe there attention seeking losers, who parents never gave it to them , or they know that there in a good setting so people won't automaticly assume it was a drug induced experience, but if some1 from a ghetto area said that some dink would automaticly assume it was drugs or somthing dumb like that, so i think aductions happen just as often just the people there know its better to keep it to themselfs instead of gettin ridiculed by dinks just because of where they live, that might be why but its only as good as the next guys guess

[edit on 13-12-2008 by toomuchronic420]

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 05:26 PM
good point, maybe ppl in the hood just want to keep it to themselves! love all the comments

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 05:27 PM
Thugs would be a more difficult target. They probably recognize a threat and avoid it entirely. Most thugs carry at least a knife.

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 09:25 PM
As someone who nearly punched out a grey when I got woke up at 6am.... To this day, I am STILL not sure if it was my brain having some sort of attack or the real thing (tho a UFO sighting a few months later may say it was real) I would say they don't deal in the violent types. I'm not violent, but I have a self preservation thing going on that scares some people. Not to mention a reaction time that makes most cats look like lethargic slugs. I turned over, woke up, saw the little creep smiling, screamed bloody murder and took a swing at him. Nothing was there. Spent the rest of the day shaking and I slept for months with the lights on.

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by wylekat
As someone who nearly punched out a grey when I got woke up at 6am.... To this day, I am STILL not sure if it was my brain having some sort of attack or the real thing (tho a UFO sighting a few months later may say it was real) I would say they don't deal in the violent types. I'm not violent, but I have a self preservation thing going on that scares some people. Not to mention a reaction time that makes most cats look like lethargic slugs. I turned over, woke up, saw the little creep smiling, screamed bloody murder and took a swing at him. Nothing was there. Spent the rest of the day shaking and I slept for months with the lights on.

Care to explain your encounter? You may have just ensured yourself death.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 12:19 AM
This was almost 19 years ago- and I was having enough stress as it was. And when I am stressed, I have a reaction time that is truly frightening to behold (told to me by others). When I am like this- I don't actually think- it's just 100% reaction and little else.

I am quite sure if this was a real encounter- I was being monitored one way or another- probably before, during and after- and they probably watched my vitals, brainwaves, and what have you literally blow the indicator right off the instruments. I am sure they knew I was having a torturous nightmare that was extremely real (not of being abducted. I wont go into anything more than that)- and probably left the one there as the sitting duck to either bring me to consciousness, or wait till I came out of sleep on my own. 'Waking up' isn't a term I'd use to describe the sleep I had come out of.

And trust me- after the past 20 years, I almost wish they HAD killed me. or just taken me permanently. No one deserves to live like I have...

[edit on 15-12-2008 by wylekat]

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 12:39 AM
Most UFO's are metallic, shiny and round .If there were a Roswell type event in da hood, every thug across the globe would be after the pimpest rims the world has ever seen.

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