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Barack Obama's Cabinet Appointees-More of the Same Corruption

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posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 08:40 PM
We'll start with Robert Gates. It's bad enough that he served under current President Bush and his father as director of the CIA, but he was also involved in the Iran-contra scandal and the secret arming and funding of Saddam Hussein. And also, "as a senior CIA official in the 1980s...broke the back of the CIA analytical division's commitment to objective intelligence"(link)-which is pretty much the same thing that Rumsfeld and Rice did after 9/11, leading us into war in Iraq.

Eric Holder, who was deputy attorney general under the Clinton administration, was involved in the Marc Rich scandal, in which he pardoned billionaire oil-man Marc Rich, a fugitive to Switzerland after he was indicted on multiple counts, accused of trading oil in violation of U.S. energy laws and of a trade embargo with Iran (there were even rumors of him having funded the CIA, through stolen or smuggled gold, in the assassination of a foreign political leader). While it was Clinton who ordered the pardon minutes before he left office on January 20th, this still demonstrates the level of corruption this man is involved in. Some believe that Holder deserves more scrutiny for his secretive role in the pardon. (link)

There's nothing horribly scandalous about Susan Rice, appointed as UN ambassador, except that she, too, was part of Clinton's National Security Council and is an extremely close friend of Barack Obama. Her appointment is anticipated to increase U.S.-UN relations. I'm not going to read to much into that last statement...

General James Jones led the marines up to the war in Iraq and failed to voice his opinion on the flawed strategy for the beginning of that war. It's a man he hardly knows and is strongly at odds with when it comes to political ideology.

We all know about Hilary Clinton and we've talked about Rahm Emanuel. But what do all these appointees have in common? It's quite obvious that they all served under President Clinton or one of the Bush's and are already seasoned vets in the ways of Washington. I heard the rumors of politicians being liars but the broken promises in this administration astound me and he hasn't even been sworn in yet.

Was the change that he was talking about the fact that his skin isn't white? Is that supposed to fool us into thinking that he isn't going to govern just like the rest of them? How long does he expect that is going to work on the American people or is he just playing on the superficial reason he got elected and hoping we won't look past that?

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 12:02 PM
OK I know no one is reading this but w/e I had to add this:

Leaked DOJ memos shed new light on the role of Barack Obama’s Attorney General nominee Eric Holder in the cover-up of the death of Kenneth Michael Trentadue, who was tortured to death by FBI agents after they confused him with one of Timothy McVeigh’s accomplices in the Oklahoma City bombing.

Kenneth Michael Trentadue’s brother, Jesse Trentadue, has embarked on a fearless campaign to uncover the truth behind his brother’s death, and the evidence that he has gathered in the process clearly indicates that the FBI have been killing witnesses who have direct knowledge of the fact that the Oklahoma City bombing could not have gone ahead without the aid of FBI informants and that the government had prior knowledge of the attack on the Alfred P. Murrah building at least four months in advance.


posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 12:16 PM
Ok.. i answer

This doesnt surprise me at all.. and im not american.. as rest of the world loves barack obama..
I dont know why but i never liked him.. first time i heard about the possibility of a black man be president of the united states i thougth "great thats a sign of evolution!"
But the first time i saw him on TV.. man i had chills.. i dont know why.. but he frigthened me.. and still does to this day.. and when i search about him on internet and saw lots of question about him be the anti-christ i thought "i knew it!"

No.. seriously.. i dont believe in anti-christ thing.. but i dont believe he is a good, honest man either.. and i think he will be very bad to the USA and the world.. not because of his program ideas (most are good) but because they are all lies to settle the cattle.. none of them will be acomplished..


[edit on 5-12-2008 by Picao84]

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 12:16 PM
One thing that bothers me the most is that his economic team is composed with many of the same trash that help cause the economic crisis we have today when they backed up the policies that are hurting us right now.

Like I said recycling the trash will never bring change to this nations problems.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by Total Reality

Donald Rumsfeld was known to chew out four star generals in front of his staff, and did not allow or listen to them when they spoke out. Mr Gates was a much needed person to restore the Depart of Defense back a sense of respect to the armed services it leads. He also supports plans to get us out of the quagmire that was set up in the prior administration.
On the subject of pardons, I don't see why people get upset. The Constitution allows for a president to pardon whomever he wants. We may not like it, but it is one of their perks. If people got upset over who Bill Clinton pardoned, they may want to wait until President Bush is done.
Barack Obama is the one in charge of change. He needs seasoned people to carry it out, or you have a bad first two years like Clinton did. The country cannot afford that at this time, and I think the choices being made are for the country's best interests.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by kidflash2008

I'm not even going to try to compare Obama's administration to Bush's. But his promise of change went along with a promise of "no re-treads" as well. And, not that all politicians aren't corrupt as we're beginning to find out, the people he's appointed to his cabinet have questionable pasts.

A lot of questions are coming up also about this recent arrest of the Illinois governor on felony charges. Did Barack Obama buy his senate seat then? He was very close to a man that was caught doing "business" with Begojevich recently...

[edit on 9-12-2008 by Total Reality]

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by Total Reality

Barack Obama did not buy his Senate seat. He campaigned hard for it and went to all areas of the state, not just the city. He one his seat fair and square, and since the state is very blue it is not surprising he did.

One way for Sen Obama to get his programs and ideas out and running is to have a seasoned group of people help implement them. If all his members were green, there would be the usual two or three years where too many mistakes are made. We cannot afford that, as there are too many problems with this country.

Yes, I voted for Sen Obama, and I do want change. But I am a realist and know that change comes from the ideas, and not the people who will carry it out.

The one reason we are in this mess is not because of the bankers, but us. We buy and buy on credit, and do not pay it back. We are also the blame for buying bigger houses on interest only loans, a very bad idea to begin with. Did anyone state that it was the peoples fault for buying a $500,000 McMansion when they should of bought that nice $200,000 ranch home?

We are all somewhat responsible for this mess, and it is time we all work together to clean it up.

BTW, Blago has had many problems way before Sen Obama came on the scene. To put him and Obama together makes as much sense as saying Gov Palin had something to do with Sen Stevens problems.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 09:31 PM
Very true, I'm sorry and as soon as I said that about Obama and the senate seat I knew it was wrong but was too lazy to change it. I'm not going to pretend though that I think Obama is going to change much about Washington but he's my President and I hope he does a good job..

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 08:27 PM
To say that Obama won his Senate seat by hard work is just a lie. He won it by suing to have Jack Ryan's and Jeri Lynn Ryan's divorce records unsealed. Both Jack Ryan and Jeri Lynn opposed the unsealing of the records for several reasons; Jeri Lynn Ryan was being stalked - their son has disabilities. The records had some salacious remarks alleged to be made by Jack Ryan when he and Jeri Lynn were at a nite club. That was the only "bad" thing in the records, just a remark. But as most Republicans do when the slightest hint of wrong doing is heard Jack Ryan withdrew even though he would have won by a landslide. (And look at Barney Franks - his lover was running a child prostitution ring out of their apartment and Frank never resigned - most Democrats never do no matter how bad the scandal ). Obama has used legal teams to destroy his opponents several times. Look at the number of lawyers he sent to Alaska trying to ruin Sarah Palin.

In his first race for office, seeking a state Senate seat on Chicago's gritty South Side in 1996, Obama effectively used election rules to eliminate his Democratic competition.

As a community organizer, he had helped register thousands of voters. But when it came time to run for office, he employed Chicago rules to invalidate the voting petition signatures of three of his challengers. One of these people helped him start his political career without whom he would be no where, but he stabbed her in the back.

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