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New member here... and giving an experience

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posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 12:29 AM
Hi all I was doing a search on Google about the algorithm that the history channel just talked about in the show about the "New Nostradamus" and stumbled across this site. So as usual I went straight to the board to see what people here talk about... great selection of topic. After reading a few I had this weird urge to post a couple experiences from my childhood on here now get me I don't usually post in many forums I am a web designer and stick to sites that help me in my work. Although like I said weird urge... I usually listen to my mind when it tells me to do something... thinking that possibly something beneficial will come out of it for me.

Now here's my thing when I was around I think it was 10 years old I lived in AJO, AZ at my grandmothers house... I was only 10 and had some early bed times but I was also pretty big on smoking both weed and cigarettes... I know... I was to young to be doing that but I did anyway I always hung out with older kids so yeah. Anyway the whole point of me telling you that is that one night I snuck out of the house to smoke a cigarette at like I think the clock said something like 1:3something so it was late at night and everyone was asleep so I knew that I wouldn't get caught. I was smoking next to my grandfathers RV and it was a clear night and you could see all the stars in the sky(one of my favorite things to do). I had got done and threw my cigarette on the ground looked down and stepped on it... when I felt something like liquid drip on my head. I immediately looked up as I thought that was weird because like I said the sky was clear and then a bright flash happened.

I don't remember how it all went down in between but when I came to I was standing looking out over a ton of trees moving fast below me and it was bright outside. I turned and looked around and it was very white in color and all I could see were 4 other people my age standing in the area with me. This glowing figure kind of human in shape started walking among us pointing at each child as it walked by them and said to them "you will do great things" to each of them. When it got to me it did the same thing except it said "you will change the world".

The next thing I remember is waking up back in my bed and it being something like 7 or 8 in the morning I walked out to the living room and hear my grandmother yelling at my grandfather about leaving the door open last night... Yeah I didn't say anything as I know that when I went out it it was closed and I wasn't going to give away that it had to of been me.

Well I don't know what else to say it happened and I have this strange feeling that what was said is true... and I think I know how I'm going to do it but it won't be until I am on the path for getting my PhD in physics... which will be when I can finish bringing my dead brothers dream to life so I have proper funding for everything.

Best Regards to all,

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 01:05 AM
hey that sounds likea very cozy abduction!! Seems likea lot of other people on here want to change to world too... did you recognize any of the children, or if they had any similarities to you???

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 01:06 AM
reply to post by Azteroth

Good to have you here man, hope your dreams of getting that PhD come true.


posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 01:27 AM
are you going to change the world for good or ... not so good?
can you give us any hints on how you might do it?

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 01:27 AM
Brave stuff.. this sounds quite classic in the abduction field. Have you had any other encounters since then? I'm sure we'd all love to hear your brother's dream that you are planning to brint to fruition.


posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 02:27 AM
Thanks for the replies...

to heyo:
To be honest when I noticed that the glowing thing was talking and stuff I never looked away from it so I didn't really get all that much time to look at the others I just know they looked around my age maybe some older some younger but this was 13 years ago and I didn't know any of them and they didn't seem to notice me or even look at me. The whole situation was weird to me and up until the last 4-5 years I never mentioned it to anyone.

to Ign0rant:
Thanks for the warm reception

to ll__raine__ll:
By what I know now of how I believe it's going to happen is it will be a not so good thing that will bring the world together to try and stop it.
The only hint I know to give is that if the entire world is faced with a disaster per say that doesn't seem to be a big threat at first but our current understandings of it are limited and it grows then will the world bicker about who dies first and last or will they try and stop/understand it together so that they don't all die...

to kronos11:
I don't usually refer to it as an abduction only because I don't feel as though I was abducted it to me was more like a message that I had to be given or something. I have had many experiences in this short life of mine that have made me question alot that is going on or even our understandings of the reality in which we live... Don't know if some of them would be right to post here as some of them just border on pure insanity even though I know they are fact. Also I can't say that I have had any other events/abductions like since then all the other things I just chock up to being dreams... even if I did wake up from one in a face full of blood... (my brother told me I must of had a nose bleed) but I say this is the only thing that I would count as being something because their wasn't a fuzzyness/ blurred look to everything like being in a daze I was just there.

As for my brother's dream... He was an illustrator and had alot of different sci-fi and fantasy artwork that he had this dream of putting into a game. Thats what I plan to do is create 2 games from his artwork dedicate them to both him and my sister who was murdered a year before he commited suicide. I will use the money made off of them to go back to school(already attending devry for game and simulation programming) and start towards my PhD which will give me the mathematical knowledge to build... my world changer.

To All Best Regards,

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 03:33 AM
whoooaaaa hold up a sec I was just reading another thread and someone in there mentioned a glowing being... I think they were called pl... something what are these and... man my head is so full of thoughts now I am looking I was looking at a post on here by someone called smokingman and I saw that someone asked him if the entity gave off a glow... could that have been what it was? I've never heard of those I know the whole thing about greys and everything but what are these pl(somethings) that are being talked about. also do these people alway get messages from them I am so confused... because I don't know if what he is saying is real but it seems as though they came to give him a message... Like I said in my previous post I didn't feel as though it was an abduction I felt as though the thing gave me a message...


posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 05:05 AM
Great post, interesting read. Thank-you for sharing your experience here.

Did you feel this experience changed you in anyway? Your outlook, or the way you perceive things - world view change?

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 05:59 AM
I don't really know if it changed my views in any way as I was just 10 when it happened... but I have always been pretty open minded even as a young child... so I really don't know how to answer that...

I would say that the only point in my life that changed my views on everything was after the lose of my brother... I think I kind of had a mental break then it was like everything became clearer... I saw that light you hear so many mention when speaking religiously... It was like my mind opened up way more than it ever was and I was able to tap into things that I never dreamed possible... although I feel that the stuff I tapped into border more on the metaphysics than on physics... Of course then again thats all related to the fact that I saw my brother and sister die 10 years before it happened when I was 8 and I told them about it just to get told that it wasn't going to happen... But I guess when you tell someone... like I did both of them... "you're going to die when I'm 18"... and your only 8 they don't want to believe you, problem with me now is that it came true.

The fact that the whole messenger thing happened and a dream/vision that I had are closely related I have somewhat figured out how to do it. although I am just a scientist at heart and have only the knowledge that I have collected on how it can be done...

I don't mean to be long winded in my explanations my mind just does that sort of thing I can be writing about something and it will get extremely long just for no apparent reason.


posted on Dec, 7 2008 @ 10:33 PM
Wow... I was just in Arizona a week or so ago to visit some relatives and I can tell you one thing, that state is boring enough to drive someone to smoke that young, lol.

Well, I guess I'll store this in my long term memory, so if I ever hear about a breakthrough in physics by a guy named Chris, I'll assume its you.

posted on Dec, 7 2008 @ 11:04 PM
chris, I'm a new member too (long time reader, im just now starting to post). Its going to sound kind of weird, but I feel as if there is some sort of connection between us. I was drawn to begin posting on this site today, after a year of daily searches of it. And now someone new, who seems to share some experiences, and is about the same age (guessing, im 22) is on ATS.

I have been involved with the metaphysical, in one way or another, for as long as i can remember. from my only topic so far "about a dream i cant forget"

After that day the world appeared brighter, almost in super contrast, greens were greener, the sky was a shiny shade of blue.
You say that the world looked clearer, was that was you were reffering to?

I would like to keep contact with you if its ok, we could trade experiences, and mabye even timelines of them (i have an odd feeling this is going to play a big part of something)

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 02:43 PM
Truly amazing man, really,

To be honest I started early smoking weed like yourself, (I was 12, im 23 now)

I too have had some very strange experiences also (time loss,blackouts etc,) which I cant really explain, they usually occured at times when I was completely alone, I personally do not think it was medical or drug related, I felt no pain/illness, matter of fact I was sober when these events occured.

I think your case could be a (like the first post reply says) cozy abduction, or do you personally find it was more spiritual (lets put religion aside for a moment) in the sense of self realisation,awareness,purpose? Or was it completely hazy,


posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 03:11 PM
How weird. I, too, am a web designer/illustrator. I had an abduction experience in which I was shown some things (personal things which I will not discuss) about my future. And I have always thought "one day" I was supposed to study physics, maybe get a doctorate... For now I just read a lot of layman's books on the subject.

In fact one of my many goals in life is to make a significant contribution to the search for quantum gravity. Maybe discover the theory of everything. Nothing too grandiose, LOL.

Anyway, there it is. Weird.

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by OuttaHere
How weird. I, too, am a web designer/illustrator. I had an abduction experience in which I was shown some things (personal things which I will not discuss) about my future. And I have always thought "one day" I was supposed to study physics, maybe get a doctorate... For now I just read a lot of layman's books on the subject.

In fact one of my many goals in life is to make a significant contribution to the search for quantum gravity. Maybe discover the theory of everything. Nothing too grandiose, LOL.

Anyway, there it is. Weird.

Interesting... do you think you and the OP could have experienced these events at the same time?

[edit on 12/8/2008 by TheMayMelancholies]

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 11:37 AM

Interesting... do you think you and the OP could have experienced these events at the same time?

I don't know. I was born in 1967... I was nine or 10 when I was abducted. OP, how old are you? Maybe I was one of the kids on the craft with you? My experience was a little different (I saw Greys and Nordics, no tall beings of light) - but memories of these things tend to be pretty sketchy and though I remember a lot, there is also a lot I don't remember.

I was shown the end of the world, certain things to look for in my personal life, and new name I would be given at that time, which I was told to reveal to no one. I was even told what kind of craft I would see (it will be the Nordics' rectangular craft, not the Greys' round ones). I saw mountains and a landscape associated with them. As it turns out, those very mountains happen to be nearby my home, though I cannot see them from my property.

[edit on 9-12-2008 by OuttaHere]

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