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Hannity and Colmes split up

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posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 09:23 PM
Let me ask you this ... With the Fairness Doctrine comming into play, Do you think he should be silenced?

Do you think it will at all be healthy if the only channel on TV that does NOT support this liberal n00bness?

Do you want an all LIBERAL TV network so you can be brainwashed into thinking the world is all pretty and safe?

get a clue son.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by Cio88

Let me ask you this ... With the Fairness Doctrine comming into play, Do you think he should be silenced? Do you think it will at all be healthy if the only channel on TV that does NOT support this liberal n00bness? Do you want an all LIBERAL TV network so you can be brainwashed into thinking the world is all pretty and safe? get a clue son.

I don't know if this post is pointed towards me....but i will elaborate if it is.

You are missing the real point...IMO. It's not about Republicans and Democrats. They argue about the same things they are both guilty of. They are BOTH spending the country into the ground...both are supporting wars abroad. This is what the real problem is.

We are 53 trillion in debt..and both parties are responsible. I won't buy into siding with a political party anymore...the fact is I can't put much of any trust into any of our media or government.

What's even more worrisome is to see others defend a news channel..."oh...they are for conservatism".."oh they are for liberalism i love them...what a great voice."

In that way they are different...but they are also the same. People need to unhook from the crap the commentators on television and radio keep telling them and form a real opinion.....logically and openly...and come up with their own conclusion. Read...listen to other opinions...get your news from other countries....if more did this we would be much better off.

[edit on 13-1-2009 by David9176]

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 10:53 PM
Colmes knew he was the token demo and he didn't wanna go out like that but he went out like that, I agree foxnews is entertainment but it ain't news, when I look for news I tune into CNN, when I look for the NEWS and I accidentally tune into bill O'rielly it changes from news to SNOOZE hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by David9176

Im sorry if it sounded bad towards you.. It wasn't meant to be.

I don't like either party either.. they are both guilty of everything. But, you can't deny that Democrats play the victim and point fingers at Republicans.

The fact is that the MSM is spinning the info around. When ever anything goes bad for Democrats they always brush it off! But when something goes negative for a Republican, they have a field day of bashing them.

Its quite sickening. Something needs to be done, but I know nothing will. For now we have to sick back and watch the sparks fly.

Its going to be a very bumpy road for the next few years, and there seems to be a lack of accountability.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 11:50 PM
They all seem to lack accountability and it all is sickening. I really don't know how or when it could change. Everyone seems to have gotten so deep into their own BS that they may never find their way out. Personally, i'm strongly for limited government, less taxation, less spending. Neither party represents that truely anymore.

Sometimes CNN and FOX do make valid points...but unfortunately as i stated's surround by BS. They represent the same old same old...a continued path of over the top spending and increased military involvement around the world.

I can't stand by that.

By the offense taken.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 11:59 PM
You know... Reading all this info ... watching what little news ( or TV for that matter ) ... listening to the AM news stations.. It just seems like we have some how landed ourselves in a weird episode of the twilight zone. ( Sorry for the run on sentence)

It just doesn't add up!

Sh*t is so messed up! Im gonna have a child here very very soon and and just can't bring myself to an understanding. I mean, I'm gonna love my child very very much, but with the weight of the world on my shoulders, my wife, my kid.. Its very troubleing and very hard to sleep at night.

Everyday I wake up thinking, "Ok , Im not gonna care about the world .. not gonna turn on Rush or Hannity, but somehow it gets right back to me..."

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by Cio88

Sh*t is so messed up! Im gonna have a child here very very soon and and just can't bring myself to an understanding. I mean, I'm gonna love my child very very much, but with the weight of the world on my shoulders, my wife, my kid.. Its very troubleing and very hard to sleep at night.

I am in the EXACT same boat my friend. I am also expecting a baby...which i'm excited and worried about at the same time. I've got 6 months to go..but what are things going to look like then? What about 2 years or 4? I think it's going to be tough. What if i lose my job? What if i can't put food on the table anymore? That is certainly enough to give us some sleepless nights.

Just have to hope for the best for our kids and family. It's all about the kids man...I'll starve and suffer to keep my kid fed. After all....isn't that all that really truly matters? At least when times get tough...we'll have them to brighten us up.

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by GamerGal

You are truly ignorant.

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