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on the increase of personal awakenings

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posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by napayshni57
Welcome to ATS.

First, shift back a little and consider that the majority of this planet at this time is extremely out of balance towards the negative side; secondly, our thoughts do genrate and manifest what we turn to meet tomorrow.

The preferred reasoning for being positive in all things is to 1.) help increase the flow of positive/light/love,starting with ourselves, and then spreading it outward to all we encounter everyday.
2,) love translates into being happy,positive, and joyful; do all things from love, with truth, trust, and passion for life and living, compassion for those nedding aid. Like ripples on a pond, our mood and our thoughts and actions do influence those around us.

The majority of those posting here of awakening is multifaceted, for some it is spiritual, for some it is the realization that we are indoctrinated and programmed from birth to a mindset that is based on greed,avarice, corruption, and jealousy, add in gluttony and racism; that we are not animals, but thinking, breathing, emotional beings, and we are basically all the same, just have to make a choice; self service or service to others;

that the concept of not getting involved, that we should let someone else control us and care for us is wrong; that each here should have the opportunity to be feed, be heakthy, and happy, and that there is no reason for anyone to do without.

the scales will someday balance,perhaps, when no one knows; but being positive will never lead to being negative.

thanks for sharing with us.


posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 03:09 PM
i have now read every post on this thread and i have read siddhartha at the same time

its been a great combination and has made my heart and soul burst with the beauty of what it here and is out there>>>

and listening to you lovely people, who knows, maybe we will all meet up some day

i awakened from sleep 1yr 2 months ago !!

i had just joined here after been laughing at my brother for god know's how long for being on this site!

i thought he was depressed because of this place, seemed to be doom and gloom,

but now i can see the gloom and doom and with it comes the opposite, you have to have both sides it can't be one sided!

a similar thing happened to me 30 yrs ago but it got buried with life,

its coming back now, i KNOW it...

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by meremortal
Thanks for stopping by,MM; I am glad that you have enjoyed our little discussion here, and perhaps in some small way it has given you food for thought or a chuckle or two;

often people have difficulty in being an abstract observer and being able to see not only both sides of the issue, but the gray area that surrounds it also and being able to understand that you have to have input from both sides;

in other words, it is difficult to express joy if you are a total stranger to sorrow, to really be able to love if you've never been exposed to hate.

Walk with us and we will see what is around the next corner...


posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 07:58 PM
Sad to say this seeker but I have seen positivity create the opposite in either type of awakening. Be it spiritual or seeing the world as it is and even possibly seeing what is ahead for mankind.

In all cases the ego got in the way. You have to save self but let go of ego. When we think we know all thats when we become what we are suppose to be striving not to be.

Sometimes not everything is as it seems to be. No one has all the pieces to the puzzle. Does any one know which order the puzzle pieces go in when you have them also? I may see one thing you another. You may think yours in the end of the line where I might think mine is the end of the line. If in a discussion we both know what we are saying is true but neither is willing to have an open mind on which order they come in and because we may have been shown different things and always shown what is right we let the ego invade the topic and yes negitivity does result. Only when two people can set down and listen get on the same page and see each one sees only a part of the big puzzle can you have balance between the two people.

To many times I have seen " I am right listen to don't know what you are talking about I've never been wrong" come across. I know some will say that self and ego are the same thing. To me there is a big difference. To me self is my spirit..for that is what I am that is myself my spirit. Where ego is that prideful thing that wants us to think we know all. We will never know all in any kind of awakening. There is always more to learn. Always parts we haven't discovered yet. Sometimes our end comes before the fullfilment of the awakening.

Why is it this darn smiley won't go at the end of the sentence?

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by napayshni57
Sad to say this seeker but I have seen positivity create the opposite in either type of awakening. Be it spiritual or seeing the world as it is and even possibly seeing what is ahead for mankind.

In all cases the ego got in the way. You have to save self but let go of ego. When we think we know all thats when we become what we are suppose to be striving not to be.
Napayshni, that is part of the process, for you must have a truly open mind and remove the pitfalls of ego,vanity, and pride.

Sometimes not everything is as it seems to be. No one has all the pieces to the puzzle. Does any one know which order the puzzle pieces go in when you have them also? I may see one thing you another. You may think yours in the end of the line where I might think mine is the end of the line. If in a discussion we both know what we are saying is true but neither is willing to have an open mind on which order they come in and because we may have been shown different things and always shown what is right we let the ego invade the topic and yes negitivity does result. Only when two people can set down and listen get on the same page and see each one sees only a part of the big puzzle can you have balance between the two people.

Again, this is an example of being stubborn, adamant in posture, and refusing to open to the premise that one could be wrong or mistaken; that is part of the experience that has to be dealt with from the inside; agreed , no one yet has all the answers or the complete puzzle; if we did we would not be here on this tremendously limited 3rd density level.

To many times I have seen " I am right listen to don't know what you are talking about I've never been wrong" come across. I know some will say that self and ego are the same thing. To me there is a big difference. To me self is my spirit..for that is what I am that is myself my spirit. Where ego is that prideful thing that wants us to think we know all. We will never know all in any kind of awakening. There is always more to learn. Always parts we haven't discovered yet. Sometimes our end comes before the fullfilment of the awakening.
Spirit is what we are ,beings of spirit having a human experience;pride is part of the programming we have to first realize, then overcome, being modest in our ways and developing a sense of humbleness helps to dispense with pride, as the realization that we are all one people, no better or worse, just different styles and models of the same being counters the trap of ego.
The learning process is non-stop; that is why it is a journey; for those who stop learning and refuse to accept the possibility of new and unknown things are sitting dead in the water, not moving, just stagnating the flow.

Good words and thoughts, napayshni; until we next meet.


posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 06:37 PM
Oh your gonna like this one.

So ya know - my "guys" are back. Little "connection" things are happening.

My daughter just got back from a vacay in Jamaica. She brought my hubby a T-shirt that has a picture of a bottle of Red Stripe Lager Beer.

Every Saturday he goes out to dinner with a friend. He's wearing his Red Stripe shirt. My car was blocking his truck - so he took my car (something he never does - but it is raining - so it was easier then me coming out and moving it so he could take his truck).

He turns on the radio and the DJ is talking. The DJ is talking about how he doesn't drink at work - - but feels like he'd really like to be laying on the beach in Jamaica drinking a Red Stripe.

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by Annee
Synchronicity just seems to pop up at the funniest times, does it not? and your buddies are back; any news or tidbits of up coming events or happenings around the corner?


posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by the seeker_713g
reply to post by Annee
Synchronicity just seems to pop up at the funniest times, does it not? and your buddies are back; any news or tidbits of up coming events or happenings around the corner?


They're actually very calm. Sometimes they come roaring in like a hurricane.

But this time they are very calm. They don't seem to be worried about a thing.

Basically - "Everything is as it should be"

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by Annee
very good, then; Hope all has been well with you out in the desert; the part about the t-shirt and the commercial is funny, but still little things that are written off as random co-incedence do have a way of jogging the mind.

peace, friend.

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 10:24 PM
Seeker, I like your words, they're good. I'm one like others awakening. There is so much to learn, but it's a fascinating process to say the least....

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 01:02 AM
reply to post by dawnslight
thanks for stopping by, and would you like to share any of your experience with us,friend?

Peace and light to you and yours.


posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 01:53 PM
Hi Seeker
I shared my experience on a thread titled- Attempted Alien Abduction. I had quite a reaction... ha ha. It was interesting going through that to say the least. I don't know how you do this, do I mention it here or just leave it on that thread? I think to be safe I'll just say go to
I hope I did that right... I'll see if it linked correctly.

I'm so happy to be able to communicate with others about these things, despite the skeptics. There is quite a learning curve to go through here... looking forward to many good, healthy discussions!

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 03:13 PM
Is there really a mass awakening? I somehow doubt it. Spirituality has not increased but it has become mainstream. It is now a money making machine and I personally don't see a mass awakening. The word chakra for example has become very popular, but it doesn't mean just because someone uses it that he or she also has woken up.

Belief systems are out there a dime a dozen, e.g.

- Science is a form of religion. It has its followers.
- Atheism is a form of religion. It has its followers.

In fact you can call everything a religion. Here the definition of religion:

• noun 1 the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods. 2 a particular system of faith and worship. 3 a pursuit or interest followed with devotion.

OK and now let's look into the levels of religion. Quite a while ago I thought about it and came up with the following order:

1. interest
2. pastime
3. hobby
4. passion
5. obession
6. religion

And it is interesting to note that religion has the following origin:
originally in the sense "life under monastic vows": from Latin religio obligation, reverence’.

Now is there a mass awakening? I still doubt it. We only have a huge number of religions in its various stages. But yes, there is an awakening.

This is only a contribution to this thread. Nothing else.


[edit on 8-2-2009 by TheWriter]

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 04:46 PM
After reading what you wrote it made me think of this....

This is just a postulation as to maybe why we think the way we do towards aliens. So here goes my thoughts:

For those of us who come from the Western influenced countries, whether from America, or elsewhere, we are a product of Greek logic. Greek logic is a form of logic wherein we, with a strong western mindset, often use a very well contained step logic. Each possible proposition must lead to a rational conclusion. Don't mean to sound philosophical or too analytical here but sometimes it helps to see why we may have difficulty grasping certain realities.

Today we are more open to less absolutes, we are more gray. This can be good and bad. So, I suppose that the issue of aliens may be as we understand a gray area to many because how can we have absolutes all the time in this matter, it is difficult. Some cases are easier to prove than others.

So, hopefully without having offended anyone, which I do not wish to do, I've added my own 2 cents.

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 06:28 PM
reply to post by dawnslight

Thanks for the link, I will go check it out; a learning curve is where we are finding ourselves, and it has it's ups and downs, but it is still all a part of the journey and feels good to be able to look around and see we don't travel alone.

Peace and a smooth road to travel for you, my friend.

until next we meet...


posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by TheWriter

Thanks for stopping by, Writer; a mass awakening is not the focus here, although it is needed, and your points about religion are noted;

My awakening is spiritual, for I am non religious as I have stated earlier, and is more on the lines of defeating the programming we are bombarded by daily in it's entireity.

To see past all the spin,to refuse the controling, and to see clearly what is the true motive behind each thing.

namaste, seeker.

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by dawnslight
Good post; that is also an integral part of the solution as well as the problem, for indeed most of our experiences and happenings do reside in the gray; I am going to be calm tonite and not ramble about items I have already exspoused;

I will leave it at we all need to look and think outside the box.

peace. seeker

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by TheWriter
Is there really a mass awakening? I somehow doubt it. Spirituality has not increased but it has become mainstream.

[edit on 8-2-2009 by TheWriter]

I don't know. I really think there is a generation factor involved.

I know I was born having experiences way back in 1946. My mother also had experiences (even though she didn't talk about them). In the 50s she attended a weekly group called "The Mental Shop" - discussing UFO's and Paranormal experiences.

I know one of the guest speakers at her group was: George Adamski - author of "Inside the Flying Saucer". I had the book he signed for her - but lost it somewhere along the way.

There seems to be a lineage connection to those who are Awakening.

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by Annee
I believe that lineage might play a part in it along with several factors that include bloodlines and dna configurations; the more positive and light bearing we are the closer the strands of our dna are;

did you tell your buds that I said hello, Annee?

tell them to pop by and we'll have a hot cup.


posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 07:51 PM
How do you ask relatives about possible alien experiences without looking as if you're crazy? I told my family that I believed in aliens and I got the "you're crazy" look. I felt like I was being estranged from my family at that moment... how uncomfortable. I know they love me, it's just that it doesn't seem to make sense to them. And now they have these jokes where they'll say, "oh, the aliens made me do it, ha ha ha..."

[edit on 8-2-2009 by dawnslight]

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