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Fueling the Fire? U.S Bans Iraqi Shi'ite Newspaper

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posted on Mar, 28 2004 @ 07:28 PM
I can understand why the US wouldn't want these guys writing stories that might incite Iraqis to turn against the coalition....less casualities for our guys...but now I also see another possible reason as to why they might hate us so much...once again our twisted version of democracy at work.

Reuter's Article
Iraq's U.S.-led administration Sunday shut down a newspaper that is a mouthpiece for radical Shi'ite cleric Moqtada Sadr, accusing it of publishing articles that incite violence against American troops.

U.S. soldiers handed him a letter from U.S. civil administrator Paul Bremer, citing a breach of an order issued last year that bans incitement to violence.

"These false articles not only mislead readers but constitute a real threat of violence against coalition forces and Iraqi citizens who cooperate with the coalition in the reconstruction of Iraq," a letter signed by Bremer said.

The letter referred to a series of articles it said had incited hatred, including an editorial entitled "Bremer follows the steps of Saddam."

"This is a violation of our rights," Yasseri said.

Hundreds of Shi'ites later gathered in Baghdad to protest against the ban on the newspaper.

Last July, the U.S.-led administration closed down another newspaper for inciting violence. The Arabic-language satellite television news channels Al Jazeera and Al Arabiya have also faced sanctions from the administration and the Iraqi Governing Council for allegedly violating the law.

Sadr, a young and radical Shi'ite cleric, has often spoken out against the U.S. occupation, in contrast to many other Shi'ite groups that have sought to work with occupying forces.


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