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I don't like the sound of this "coming crisis" they're talking about. Listen.

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posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 11:53 AM
The biggest non suprise is that people see and have made up conspiracy theories surrounding hypothetical statements of Biden and Powell. Of course something will come up. Something always comes up and of course it doesn't take a Phd to connect the dots. It will be Iran, Israel, Pakistan, russia, North Korea or China. Maybe some leader in South America widens the fight against the ubiquitous rebel factions. Lastly the economy is kind of a big deal. Anyone participating in the world economy will be affected.

It will be hard to feed people. There will be natural disasters. People will die. Every new president faces challenges so I don't see why some people are getting all worked up over half a dozen sentences.

Keep your eyes on the ball. Bush and Cheney are still in office and have made incursions into Syria and Pakistan and most likely Iran. I hope people do not become distracted.

Lastly, what is to come may be something positive like the arrest and prosecution of Bush, Cheney, et al. That will be unpopular for at least 30% of the population and the scare mongers will talk about the USA giving up its rights and sovereignity to the UN or world courts. The prosecution of war criminals is a must for the future of mankind. They must be held accountable.

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