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By 2007 Government and Media will begin to leak truth of alien visitors

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posted on Mar, 18 2004 @ 04:59 PM
I have brought up this point before, we have enough nukes to destroy Earth and pending an alien invasion where were #$#% regardless, those in charge will not hesitate in the ultimate global suicide to keep them getting what they want.

posted on Mar, 18 2004 @ 05:00 PM
you said with the aliens in charge...(the anti-christ)

hand in hand ..gland in gland with a spoonful of miracles hes a super sonic scientist hes the guaranteed eternal sanctuary man
look into my mouth he cried and all of the children led down many paths ill bet my life youll walk inside hand in hand ....
go to the top
chorus....we will rock you little snake we will keep you snug and warm

from the album foxtrot
year 1972
artist ...Genesis
words...Peter Gabriel

[Edited on 18-3-2004 by watcheroftheskies]

posted on Mar, 18 2004 @ 05:05 PM
im not sure what you were getting at with that last post
but i dont think total nuclear devastation would be high on the nwo's list or the aliens
nwo wants to live
aliens want to eat and have some nice slaves and genetic material maybe to play with
i think liblam made you flame
try not to let him upset you with his extrapolations
long winded though they be ...he is very open minded

posted on Mar, 18 2004 @ 05:14 PM
A scientist, commenting on CNN regarding the deep space photograph related the vastness of space that it represented.

He said within the picture there were something on the order of billions of galaxies, each with trillions of stars.

He then went on to say, in a very frank and serious tone, that the possibility that we were alone in the universe was mathematically slim.

I took this as an admission to the fact of extra-terrestrial life, even though it was speculation. You never know, maybe this guy did know something.

Anyway, I think we're being prepped for it right now.


[Edited on 18-3-2004 by DeltaChaos]

posted on Mar, 18 2004 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by watcheroftheskies
. Thats his cryptic way of saying that we are being invaded by advanced beings from other systems and they have no morals or ethics.

Let me put if this way, if this were the case and if I were in charge and our species was being toppled by them, i would not hesitate as a last resort to release the world's entire nuclear arsonal on them. Makes perfect sense to me, a little off topic, but having a huge nuclear arsonal has to be something humans have over alien visitors if they wanna get dirty.

posted on Mar, 18 2004 @ 05:23 PM
your right delta chaos

even though ive heard carl sagan say something very similiar some years ago
even though he said one time in a interview that he never said billions and billions

no doubt there are i believe 300 million stars in our galaxy alone and billions of galaxies in the universe

posted on Mar, 18 2004 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by watcheroftheskies
you said with the aliens in charge...(the anti-christ)

hand in hand ..gland in gland with a spoonful of miracles hes a super sonic scientist hes the guaranteed eternal sanctuary man
look into my mouth he cried and all of the children led down many paths ill bet my life youll walk inside hand in hand ....
go to the top
chorus....we will rock you little snake we will keep you snug and warm

from the album foxtrot
year 1972
artist ...Genesis
words...Peter Gabriel

[Edited on 18-3-2004 by watcheroftheskies]

little snake? Seems to be a "reptilian" reference. Maybe not a coincidence

posted on Mar, 18 2004 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by watcheroftheskies
...even though he said one time in a interview that he never said billions and billions

He never said 'billions and billions'? I swear he did! I say it all the time. Tell me, in that interview, was he asked anything about his 'infinitely comfortable chair'?


posted on Mar, 18 2004 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by watcheroftheskies
im not sure what you were getting at with that last post
but i dont think total nuclear devastation would be high on the nwo's list or the aliens
nwo wants to live
aliens want to eat and have some nice slaves and genetic material maybe to play with
i think liblam made you flame
try not to let him upset you with his extrapolations
long winded though they be ...he is very open minded

Just wondering... why do people refer to New World Order like it's some entity with a mind of its own? It's like saying "The modern civilization wants this.... or Ancient French want that..."

As far as I know, the NWO is just what it says.. a new order established in the world. I doubt there is ONE specific reason for it, initiated by ONE specific person/group. Many many people and "beings" want world domination, and the New World Order is a general term that seems to refer to a world that's overtly controlled by one government - everything else seems speculative at best.

I mean, after having established a one-government system in the world (at least overtly, as it may already be true covertly.. we dunno), many other possibilities can be made manifest... so how can we say what NWO wants or what it WILL BE or what the plan is, when there are so MANY different plans by so MANY different organizations and people?

I'm open minded, but I'm also not asing anyone to accept or believe anything. I'm simply offering scenarios of what is possible, and it's upto everyone to establish for themselves what the truth is. It seems that there is a difference between being open minded, and gullible. Open minded, to me at least, means that one considers any and ALL possibilities, but will investigate and try to figure out what indeed is TRUE, without BELIEF or ANTICIPATION or EXPECTATION.

Being gullible, is believing things without actually knowing whether they are true or not. Big difference!

Close minded would then mean someone who doesn't accept any possibility other than what he already thinks is true.. even if he doesn't KNOW whether it's true. It's people who make up their minds based on their fears and insecurities, and refuse to even CONSIDER anything else. That's being close minded, imho.

So which state of mind provides a person with the most opportunity to learn? Well that's an individual decision to be made

posted on Mar, 18 2004 @ 05:33 PM
id highly recommend this album to you liblam
the album is highly prophetic
This was in Gabriels hey day of hallucinogenic use and im sure he probably opened up some doors
the first song which i borrow my online name from
gos a little like this
for now the lizard shedded its tail
this is the end of mans long union with earth
do they play else where do they know more than there child hood games

The whole album is just packed with stuff like this
including themes like genetic control also

posted on Mar, 18 2004 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by watcheroftheskies
id highly recommend this album to you liblam
the album is highly prophetic
This was in Gabriels hey day of hallucinogenic use and im sure he probably opened up some doors
the first song which i borrow my online name from
gos a little like this
for now the lizard shedded its tail
this is the end of mans long union with earth
do they play else where do they know more than there child hood games

The whole album is just packed with stuff like this
including themes like genetic control also

I think it's best that I just read the lyrics online

I'm more into jazz music... but thanks I'll check it out!

posted on Mar, 18 2004 @ 05:39 PM
i say it all the time too
i get a kick out of imitating sagan but i didnt hear him say any thing about his chair
He was fantastic to listen to ..
They ought to play his shows more often
what was it called???
ive forgotten
Kids nowadays are absorbing incredible amounts of garbage

posted on Mar, 18 2004 @ 05:40 PM
well liblam i agree with u once more...whos to say why it exists or who started it
but it seems that there is something in the works for a nwo

posted on Mar, 18 2004 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by watcheroftheskies
By 2007 it will be everything but a direct anouncement by the President saying "There Here !!!"
By 2009 it will be common knowledge.
I am in anticipation for the government to say that there is alien life. I do have that general idea that there are visitors to this planet and I don't really need the governments to confirm it. Most people put too much faith in the government to say what is true for them.

After these initial revelations, my hope is that there will be more forthcoming information about the purpose these alien beings serve and what the governments have been doing with their studies. I would also like to know if there are groups on Earth that are communicating with these alien beings and if there are genetically altered people from them as well.

Anyway, after the revelations, the true ideas on the origins of religions around the world will be reavealed to be from these alien beings, in my opinion.

posted on Mar, 19 2004 @ 09:31 AM
you may be right immortal but think about this...
What if they took the original premise of spirituality and twisted it to fit us in to being slaves instead of free thinking individuals who are maybe likely all a part of a
complete whole...known as god
it maybe the original teachings are correct but have been seems like this to me....there is also a lot of evidence that points to this in much literature that ive read where certain elements in theese traditions have added or taken out certain elements of the original premise in order to warp it to there own meaning......essentially turning it to dogma
there is original spirituallity out there...its just hard to find have to seek it within

posted on Mar, 19 2004 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by watcheroftheskies
you may be right immortal but think about this...
What if they took the original premise of spirituality and twisted it to fit us in to being slaves instead of free thinking individuals who are maybe likely all a part of a
complete whole...known as god
it maybe the original teachings are correct but have been seems like this to me....there is also a lot of evidence that points to this in much literature that ive read where certain elements in theese traditions have added or taken out certain elements of the original premise in order to warp it to there own meaning......essentially turning it to dogma
there is original spirituallity out there...its just hard to find have to seek it within

Of course the "originals" could be lies in the first place as well. Therefore, I agree with you that the best place to go for answers is "within", though this is usually a very confusing concept. I like to say, use your mind - if patient enough, the mind can figure many things out without having to rely on others for any "knowledge". Other people and sources help, but the only place to REALLY find truth is your mind, which isn't limited to the conscious mind of course. Hypnosis can reveal things as well, though there's always a chance of being "suggested" in such a state, so care must be exercised etc.

I bring this up because people would often scream things like "Oh the translated versions of the Bible are so different from the original, they must be corrupted", completely disregarding the possibility that the original was never "the truth" to begin with. However, their desire to believe it is overpowers their logical mind, but that's their issue to work out

I think an important question would be, "How do you TRULY know something?". Is it because it's ancient, so it must be true? Is it because some authority figure stated it? Is it because the writing is claimed to have come from some "God"? What constitutes TRUTH, and how does one determine it?

Thinking about such questions helped me avoid possible deceptions and illusions, that I otherwise would've overlooked. Maybe this can help others as well..

posted on Mar, 19 2004 @ 10:49 AM
i agree with you liblam
ive personally found answers within and proved them to my self .
i think its the only real way to figure things out.
i also agree with the hypnosis thing.
i would never subject my self to it .
i think it could be dangerous.
it may likely be that the mind can create things in this state of non consciousness just like in a dream.
thereby if the scenario isnt suggested its not conceptualized by the mind in this state.
implanted memorys by the hypnotizer are usually nothing more than a scenario suggested and then the mind creates things similiar to what it would create in a dream.
hence causing more possible confusion to the subject
then they may beleive something that never happened in the first place.

posted on Apr, 12 2004 @ 01:49 PM
i believe recent shows like spielbergs taken are readying us for this....but its sheer propaganda

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 02:26 PM
Kangxx .....I hope you will read this post and let me know what you think....thank you

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 03:06 PM
i assure you i will read all this topic in the mornig...i will say something to you after that.

ok i have read it all, i have not so much to add, because i have a lot of info in my topic, but i will just say that i maynly agree with all you say, somethings are just sayed in "another" type of language, but it's the same, cool brother

cya my good friend.

[Edited on 18-5-2004 by kangaxx]

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