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Pictures in the walls

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posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 09:41 AM
Hey there everyone, Well im not to sure right now if this is paranomal or Art related so depending on where this disscusion goes I will move it if needed,

Right so here goes! Since i was a child have seen images in walls, doors cealings ect ect, I have always been able to make a picture out of dots and dirt even rain drops on a window, Latley i am getting alot more detail in these images and i have decided to start drawing what i see,

So im posting one i had from the other day,
Its a cat of some form or another?

do any others here get the same thing? Sometimes i even see faces in great detail and im hoping to capture that in my future drawings, Im not good at drawing so forgive me lol,

Im not sure if i kinda feel Crazy saying all this lol But heck hopefully there are others that experience the same thing,

[edit on 13-8-2008 by asala]

[edit on 13-8-2008 by asala]

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 10:01 AM
You're not crazy! (At least, not because of this)

Since young, I would always see patterns and connect the dots type images in everything, from floor tiles to wood paneling. Also, whenever there was a crowd of people around I would rearrange them like game pieces in my mind. Chess, backgammon, it didn't matter, I even started seeing people as tetris blocks for a while.

I never attributed any paranormal element to it, I figured some people doodle and this was just 'my way' - although now it seems we can call it 'our' way (

I never ran into another who ever spoke of this openly, so I figured it was just a foible of my own.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 10:02 AM
I think that means you are an artist and creatively tuned in. I have the same thing. My bathroom lineoleum floor if full of faces as is the rock outcrop behind my house. Maybe the trick is too focus on a medium you can effectively bring out what you see. Some say they carve to expose the spirit.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 10:06 AM
Lol, don't worry, it's nothing paranormal, you're just an artist and your imagination is working, happens to me all the time, it's kinda like those potatoe chips that look like elvis that sell on ebay for a couple thousand.

When you stare at a celling or a wall, do you see them start to swirl and move? I do, it's pretty entertaining if I have absolutly nothing to do, and am bored.


posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 10:12 AM
My wife claims to see writing on walls.
Mainly at night when she is just waking up at times.
She's not sure what language it could be.
She says its always dark lettering on white walls and covers them.
When she trys to focus on them they fade away.
Now I know she has a gift from the experiences she has had as a child and since I have been with her.
Does anyone else have any info on this phenom?

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by Maxmars

Lol, you might be crazy lol, j/k. You have a very active imagination, but with great power comes great responcibility, same applies with imagination, don't let yours get carried away and start to believe that what you imagine is actually real, many have done this and itruins there lives and makes them go insane.


posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by MREALE

Gosh folks, it's just natural illusion and imagination, it's NOT paranormal, the people who put it into the context of it being paranormal and real are people who either feel they have a boring life or people who do that to make themselves feel special or important, they want to feel that way cause they want to have a purpose in life, they want there life to have meaning, so lots of times people make things up.

Is your wife mexican, latino, hispanic, you know.

I'm 1/8th mexican, I feel she might be too, of course I could be wrong, a lot of mexican people "see" things I notice, like my grandma.


posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 10:20 AM
Thank goodness im not alone lol, And yes like some others its something you hate to say in case others think your crazy,

The reason i was not sure with the paranormal aspect was the faces i see,

And more the own questioning i have on it for my self,

What if?? What if these pictures of people where real, What meaning would they have if i started to draw there faces,

Its almost a fear of doing so and finding out it is something ! lol

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by asala
I know what you mean. I have the same things happen to me. Since I was a kid I would look a almost any falt surface in my house or friends houses and see patterns in walls, wood floors almost anywhere. I have looked into it a bit and was pleased to discover that some doctors think that this is a reaction relating to higher brain function, due to lack of stimulus. I like that theory and I am going to stick with it. Basically the theory is that a brain will make up for the lack of anything really going on by seeking out stimulus, the patterns we see really are there, we are just not always in the right state of mind to see them. And keep in my that this does not happen to everyone.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 10:24 AM
While there are many reasons to believe that these manifesting images are in fact a natural result of our brains' determination to resolve patterns and recognize them; I would hesitate to extend that to mean that ALL such visualization is imaginary.

Quite aside from paranormal possibilities, most people, like it or not, have a spiritual component in their lives; at times that spiritual side needs attention, and there is always the possibility that it is this that drives us to question what we are envisioning in our surroundings.

Or.... I'm nuts!

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 10:25 AM
While I never experience anything like that, my 13 year old autistic daughter has. When she was younger she would draw on the walls. I never thought much about it cause young kids will do that but the things she would draw always surprised me.

I onced asked her how she thought up what she was drawing and she would tell me that she just seen it in the wall then traced over it. I always put that in the catagory with her autisim because I never heard of that before. Until now that is.

Thanks for sharing.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by jwstarry

Does your daughter drink milk? Try this, keep her off the milk for about a month, she can get calcium from many other sources, but keep her off the milk for a while. I've seen a documentary where a kid had a rare (rare cause nobody ever really tested it before) reaction to milk, it caused autism, but once they took him off the milk he retured to normal. Besides, milk isn't really that good for you, it's full of all the drugs that they give to the cows, try using "Silk" (A brand of soy milk) or Almond milk, you can buy almond milk from a health food store, I love it, reguar milk makes me really bloated and gassy, sometime s it gives me diareh and makes me nocious. Autistic kids are actually very intelligent, they are over sensitive to the five senses though, that is what most of them face, that is why they are the way they are.

But hey, try what I said, it may help, it wont do any damage to her, so your not really taking a risk.


posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by jimmyjackblack

Ya, she is mexican, you got that one right. Plus she's catholic too.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by asala

It's called pareidolia and I use it as a method for creating paintings.

I love just mixing a batch of colours randomly and, after studying the resulting 'patterns', start to do the same thing you did with your kitty.

It's indicative of your creative ability to be able to find such things on your wallpaper.

The term pareidolia (pronounced /pæraɪˈdoʊliə/), referenced in 1994 by Steven Goldstein, [1] describes a psychological phenomenon involving a vague and random stimulus (often an image or sound) being perceived as significant.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 10:50 AM
I have moved my self to the ART forum

Very interesting, Im glad i brought this up now, Im learning something very new and im looking forward to exploring this,

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 10:52 AM
Yeah jimmyjackblack we have heard about calcium amd it helped. What also helped was reducing her wheat glutin intake. As some people might or might not know, Autisism can vary in its affliction and my daughter is not severly Autistic.

With regular therapy and heavy nutritional guidlines she is doing real well and now only battles her Asperger's

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by MREALE

I knew it, I think this is a genetic thing, if you ever notice, there is a ton of strange weirdness that goes down in mexico, or highly mexican populated ares (mostly seeing the virgin in a hubcap or in a window or something). The problem is, that there is actual real stuff that is strange/paranormal that happens in these areas, but the culture of mexicans is that they exagerate things in an expenencial way (and yes, my spellnig is crap). So the truth is soemthing hard to find in many of these stories cause you don't know if people are exagerating or telling the truth. Did you know that the mexican government actually has a priest go to every home in mexico (or this could be in south america) and bless the seventh son of every family that has seven sons? Does'nt seem like that big of a deal until you hear that the reason why is so that the seventh son wont turn into a wearwolf lol. Seriously though, it's rediculous, in Mexico city everyone was in a panic one time because a milar balloon had floated away from a vendor and people thought it was a ufo when clearly it was just a balloon. I think it's genetic more than cultural though, my grandma thinks see shes ghosts all the time and "sends vibes" to family members lol, she's a little crazy to say the least, but I know many mexicans where I have to filter everything they say through my "truth filter", everything they say is "fantastic" or "phenomenal" or "extrordinary", it's pretty rediculous that I have to decode the sensationalism to get to the truth.

Even I exagerate things really bad, depends on what mood I'm in though lol.


posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by asala

i got similar phenomeons
tiles in bathroom, certain wallpapers, brick walls made out of old bricks, even leaves at trees form themsefl automatically to faces, animals, certain forms - no matter what it can be. i have never been worried by it, i just thought everybody sees these details!
maybe my mind is constantly thinking about creative stuff, how to blend certain patterns - no i don.t wanna be scared about it!

like that cat asala!

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 12:09 PM
Yep i guess i always thought it was pretty normal untill i started talking about it with people and i got soem odd looks, Thats when i began to think hmmm,

Its amazing what the mind can do and interesting what it comes out with,

every detail in the pic i drew of the cat was there, It was interesting and fun to try and capture the thing i was seeing, Its also interesting for me to now look at the picture, it give you a sence that its apart of you somehow,

Would love you all to share anything you see if you can draw it, Id be really interested to see others, so get them pens and paper out

[edit on 13-8-2008 by asala]

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 11:22 PM
Thats really cool! Now if you hear it meow as well...then that would be really wild!

I hope you post some more of these!

[edit on 13-8-2008 by Optix]

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