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My Brimonidine Tartrate Warning

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posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 03:53 PM
Two years ago I posted this thread - My Naproxen Warning

Now I have another warning ...

For those with Glaucoma and who are prescribed Brimonidine Tartrate ... this is what happened to me.

I put one drop in my right eye as prescribed by my doctor. 30 minutes later I was on the floor - my left side extremely heavy and nearly 'dead' feeling. My heart was racing and out of beat. My blood pressure through the roof .. same with my pulse.

The Emergency Room juiced me up with some kind of beta blocker in the IV. They held me for 6 hours until I was rather 'stable' then sent me packing to call doctors in the morning.

7 days later ... my pressure is up but not nearly as high. My pulse will cycle ... okay then racing (not as high as last friday) ... then okay .. then racing. My left arm and leg both feel like they are in a blood pressure cup that is half filled with air.

I have a cardiologist APT tomorrow for a tred mill stress test, check for damage, etc etc.

So ... I'm just letting those who are interested know. The warning that comes with the drug says that 3% may experience some kind of cardiac episode. Guess I'm that 3%. Surprise on me! You could be too. Be careful.

My warning is this .. (once again - just like with the Naproxen) ... if the small print on the package says it could happen then you'd better believe it could happen.

Oh .. just fyi ... I'm 'only' 46. ( God help me if I live to be 66 .. what will the meds be doing to me by then ..

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 05:57 AM
This sounds a little like hypertension, but I also suspect some kind of allergic reaction or drug reaction.

Let us know what you find out. Good luck.

[edit on 2-8-2008 by Johnmike]

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 07:39 PM
wow, ive notced some of my medication, has odd effects at times. and the main medication that i take is warfirn soduim to thin my blood, sometimes i take it, and i swear its just like strictnine poisoning, trust me on that, i told my doc he just looked at me like i was nuts. ive had my run in with crappy acid when i was young,,, so i know. sux though im only 28 and having pulminary embolisms, n stuff like gout, kidney stones, all i think was caused by the warfin.

see all these things dominoed after i began the warfin treatment. mind you i do take other meds such as xanax,vicoden,zantac,n lisonpril, but this stuff all happened after the warfin treatment, the doctors say if i dont take it my lung will clot up again. now that scares me into takeing this med.

so in saying this to the OP yes i have noticed oddities with pharm meds, mabe the eyedrops u have u got a drop that was more concentrated? just a thought, whats overdose symptoms of that stuff? similar to what you experinced?

and yea naproxen, i took that for a lil bit, also celebrex, and tramadol i was gradually moving up in pain killing treatment for my foot gout, damn gout hurts like hell. ive never had a bad reaction to any of those pills but the tramadol, it makes you twitchy like a crack head heh, i wont take that again.

edit note: after reading your other thread about naproxen, it sounds like you are kinda like me, with anxiety over how your body feels. im scared at every twitch or skipped heartbeet now, so i tend to get noided over my body feelings now, doc says its not good to worry about it case it raises blood pressure, mine was 160/100 for a while, now its around 120/80-90.

again its weird, pharm meds sometimes causes these outbursts, others have told me things to, but i cannot speak for them really, its just 3rd hand knowledge

[edit on 3-8-2008 by noone81]


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