posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 09:18 PM
So i went out to dinner, to the exotic drive thru resturant of In-n-Out burger...
The people in front of me, got thier food, and then parked in the parking lot to eat. I get my food and drive past them.
As i am drving past them, i see a bunch of garbage fly out of thier Car... so i say...
"Hey, don't throw your garbage out into the parking lot"
He says.. "Huh, oh, dat was dere already..."
i Say, "Bro, i just saw you throw garbage out of your door"
he says, "Ah, its just a napkin"
So, i then circle around the parking lot, AROUND them, park behind them, get out and pick up thier Garbage... the guy loses it...
He jumps out and says, "What u doing white boy?"
Me, "Im picking up your garbage bro, why are you freaking out"
He then says thinkgs that are so againt the T&C, ill get Recap, "You dumb white SOB..."
so i say, "Quit throwing your garbage on the ground, you worthless SOB, and mabye people wouldn't have to go around all day cleaning you (Blank)
with that i got back in my car, with HIS garbage, and drove away, as he screamed all kinds of Obcenities at me, infront of, i am presuming his
Im pretty sure if i would have stayed 10 more seconds, im sure we would have gotten into a fight...
Now, i could go into some other details, about who this was, and who else was in the car with him, and what his bumper stickers said and everything...
but i think i got my point across, and you guys are smart enough to see what was going on here...
Anyway... just rambling... the whole thing got my blood flowing...