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Rove ignores subpoena, refuses to testify

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posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by modusoperandi
The article stated its up to Pelosi to pursue contempt charges against Rove. That should provide an interesting twist to the events that are to follow.

It would be nice to think that she mights do the right thing but to be honest...take a look at her track record since she has become speaker of the is a joke to say the least.These fake Democrats have snowballed everyone into thinking they will do what they claim they said they would to get in the house.Now look at them they are cow downing to the neo-cons left and right...just look at what they did yesterday with the wiretapping bill...they signed it with glee.They sicken me.SPIT! WASHINGTON NEEDS AN ENEMA!

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by modusoperandi

Pelosi is a tool and needs to either stop looking after her own interests, or step down. You're right, they really should persist on the matter. After all, how much actually "digging" did all of us really have to do to see the links to what is going on? There's quiet a bit of "hard evidence" to get any number of them on any number of charges. But yeah, instead we get a retroactive amnesty bill signed and get to watch Bush pop a boner tv while signing his mailable alibi....what was that Dennis Leary said again?

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by reluctantpawn
Hey! I resemble that remark!

Word you're looking for is resent, mate.

Yeah, this affair has been going on too long.

Not only is the current US administration making it clear that they will simply re-write the laws after they commit the crimes... even when called upon for breaking the law, they simply ignore it.

If the supreme court has any gall they'd get the help of the local Swat to drag him in, just to send a message.

I say, we ignore the presidential pardons.

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 05:09 PM

Looks like criminal Karl got the heck out of the country! Convenient timing!

Perhaps he's chillin at the decider's Paraguayan ranch?

Rove avoids subpoena by fleeing the country.

This morning, Karl Rove refused to appear before the House Judiciary Committee to testify about the politicization of the Justice Department, despite a subpoena. During the hearing, Rep. Chris Cannon (R-UT) revealed that Rove had not only skipped out of the hearing, but had skipped out of the entire country.

Full article:

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 08:16 PM
I saw this today after hearing about the immunity to the wire tapping ordeal. not sure what to think.
Then alot more new talk about Iran's nuclear plans...the missile tests, and now I.R.A.M.S. the new flying I.E.D.'s supposedly coming out of Iran, and being used in Iraq.

Sombody needs to just get a nice group of people and go find Rove and put him in shackles. We have to follow the rules, and we pay this mans wages. Sombody find out where he is and go hogtie him and drag him to where he needs to be. Take a news crew with you.
I thinks its time we passed some laws that made political workers at all levels, including the president.. get paid a normal minimum wage. You could then be sure you had someone who was really doing the job.

I hurt my back today lifting somthing heavy at work, and thes people can do this sort of thing, I'd really love to find any of these people in a dark alley.

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 09:11 PM
Hopefully in situations like this ALL parties- Democrats, Republicans and the majority of us who fall somewhere in between can agree:

Public officials who have shown blatant disrespect for exactly the same ideals and processes that they are sworn to protect and uphold must be removed.

Okay so maybe that's an idealistic view but if people STOP and matter WHAT their personal beliefs- the irony simply cannot be denied....right?

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by johnsky

It was an inside joke that may not be understood by all



posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by Arbydol

the problem is that the people in charge (not necessarily the politicians) are using the two party system to distract everyone into thinking they are taking sides for who they want to win the Super Bowl. Of course the enchanted American's sit thinking that the implications of their decisions(and in-action: IE not voting, not voicing your opinion) do not stretch far beyond what they see on the TV. The TV isn't the best means of information relay anymore but for some reason a lot of people still think it is, and that relay has been commandeered by the greedy elite. There was never such a thing as "the liberal media", I hope more people realize that now too.

Yeah most of us out there want the same thing: We want to live our lives with out being messed with by others(aka robbery, theft, rape, murder, beatings etc), or have others' views imposed on us, or be maliciously inhibited from doing what we would like to do with our lives as long as it doesn't harm another human soul on this planet.

Instead it's turned into some kind of argument about which guy loves guns and Jesus the's ridiculous. We can argue the "policies" they both come up with, but a fair amount of us here see the strings attached to those puppets very clearly now. It's only through us, the citizens of the USA can we hope to pull our country out the s#_t and ease everyone in the world's minds a bit as we halt the war mongering. If Russia, Iran, Palestine, Israel, NK, China, Aphganistan, or who ever the Neo-cons want to bomb want to be A-holes they'll keep doing it without our instigation. They may just calm down themselves. It worked in the Cuban missile Crisis...and they shot Kennedy as thanks for that too.

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 12:37 AM

Originally posted by Shakesbeer

These Bush Crony Neo-cons are something else. They just rewrite the rules as the go along and don't think any apply to them. So why haven't Rove, Bush, Cheney, Rice,Rumsfield been arrested and tried yet?

So what do you say America, time we started getting out there with picket signs yet?
(visit the link for the full news article)

I could care less... Let Rove do what he wants, he is a good American and enjoys executive privlage!

Mccain 08

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 12:51 AM
reply to post by winged patriot

Why do you feel Mr. Rove deserves to be above the laws he is supposed to be protecting and technically lives under as a US citizen and resident?

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 05:10 AM

Originally posted by Shakesbeer

These Bush Crony Neo-cons are something else. They just rewrite the rules as the go along and don't think any apply to them. So why haven't Rove, Bush, Cheney, Rice,Rumsfield been arrested and tried yet?

So what do you say America, time we started getting out there with picket signs yet?
(visit the link for the full news article)
Come on, wake up! He IS above the law, just like your local copper, your lawyers, your local politician rats, and all your government 'owners'. There is no such thing as freedom in America anymore. Wake up.

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 05:17 AM
reply to post by Shakesbeer
Apparently you did not hear the tape recorded deathbed confession of Howard Hunt. He claimed to have been in a CIA operation called The Big Event, where one JFK was shot in the head. The CIA, your 'public servants', pulled a coup de tate. Right when he started talking about abolishing the privately held Federal REserve, and for Congress to once again be responsible for issueing the money, not a European bank.
Something the lawless could care less about. Yet.

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 12:04 PM
All I have to say is that this lack of accountability and immunity crap is just that.

They need to sieze that little fat pig and roast him on a spit.
I refuse to observe any of this jibberish that bush has tried to pass off as executive privilege and so on.

They need to be taken by force and forced to abide by the laws every other citizen has to observe.

And if the congress and senate won;t do it, they should be next.
it's time to take a stand here.

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by modusoperandiIf You Remember, Bush Only Allowed That Commie Pelosi The Senate Leadership Position Only If She Would Sign And Promise To Take Impeachment Of Him And His Gang Off The Table . And We All Know That She Agreed To The Deal Because She Is Power Hungry And A Bought And Paid For Lackey Of The Criminal Bush Regime . Along With Most Of The Supreme Court Justices , Department Of Justice Bigshots , Senate And Congress Members . He's Pretty Much Covered His Traitor Ass Very Well . Any Honest And Patriot Constitutionalist Should Revoke All Of This Tyrant Bush's Execeutive Privilages Along With All Of His Older Past Executive Privilages . That Goes For His Bootlicking Cronies As Well ! America Has Stood By And Watched This Dictator And His Cabinet Of Criminals Crap On This Country And It's Constitution , Bill Of Rights , Civil Rights , Etc. And Did'nt Do A Damn Thing ! Shame On US And The Senate And Congress For Not Taking This F*#%er Out Along Time Ago ! Dont Let These Criminals Get Away Scott Free America ! It's Up To US To Get These Bastards Locked Up And Punished Before They Make Their Getaways To Their Private Compounds In Their Other Asylum Countries .

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by Critical_Mass
All I have to say is that this lack of accountability and immunity crap is just that.

They need to sieze that little fat pig and roast him on a spit.
I refuse to observe any of this jibberish that bush has tried to pass off as executive privilege and so on.

They need to be taken by force and forced to abide by the laws every other citizen has to observe.

And if the congress and senate won;t do it, they should be next.
it's time to take a stand here.

The Congress and Senate can't do it. As I understand it whatever ruling they make regarding Rove's arrest on contempt charges has to be carried out by the Justice Department, owned and operated by Bushco.

Besides, if they took him in now, he'd languish a few months before getting a Presidential Pardon as Bush leaves the White House, and we'd be right back to Square One.

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by Critical_Mass
All I have to say is that this lack of accountability and immunity crap is just that.

They need to sieze that little fat pig and roast him on a spit.
I refuse to observe any of this jibberish that bush has tried to pass off as executive privilege and so on.

They need to be taken by force and forced to abide by the laws every other citizen has to observe.

And if the congress and senate won;t do it, they should be next.
it's time to take a stand here.

Sadly I must say that this is what will probably happen eventually.As this stuff continues to get worse and once it starts hitting Americans in their homes and families...thats when it is going to get ugly and I dare to say bloody.We may soon find ourselves at the brink of war with ourselves.I find all of this extremely disheartening as I never imagined I would see the country that I grew up loving so much being brought to the point we are are at and heading towards.

[edit on 7/11/2008 by CaptGizmo]

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by LDragonFire

The big libs are just looking for a big show during an election year.
The loser libs want Rove to just sit there and answer a million
lame and stupid questions. LOL
Dream on! It's not going to happen.
Rove did the right thing.
Congress......get lost !
Get a life you bunch losers.

[edit on 11-7-2008 by Eurisko2012]

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by winged patriot

Thank God for the republicans!
Without the republicans this nation would fall into a deep dark
spiral of despair.
Everyone here knows that i'm right.

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 09:15 PM

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 09:41 PM
It's amazing how some American's can truly think "oh everything is going great!"...truly, truly brain washed. That doesn't mean republicans. Most of us fell for the lie at some point in our lives, so it's okay really. But seriously, it is NOT a good thing that money is handled by a private corporation. That is literally like Milton Bradly trying to say the money they print is real because of the equity in their business. And given the current situation of the US economy, I might actually invest in some of that Monopoly money if M&B gives it a shot. They obviously have quiet a bit of circulation

2nd, the Patriot Act, you realize you don't have the right to remain silent, you don't have the right to an attorney, and anything the police or feds say about you will be "true" either by false presentation of factual material or out right lies.

Oh yeah and Rove, it sure is "American" to flee the country conveniently over the day you're due to appear in court...yeah, great role model guys

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