posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by Bachrk
Well, you asked - it's quite likely your (and everyone's) dreams are the result of the build up of memories and experiences stored within your mind
over your entire lifetime.
As such, the older and/or more experienced you get, the more likely you are to have a dream with a meaning behind it - More Experience = More sensory
data with which to correlate with the imagination (which is essentially the concious dream).
The meanings can be important and they can be meaningless - meaningless meanings are all around us, of course, it just depends on your perspective.
It can involve you personally, perhaps contradicting your personality, and it can involve other people too - a whisper or a slight change in a
person's eyes, for example.
It's up to you to decide whether it's worth investigating your dreams for meanings.
One peice of advice however; You are directing your own dreams - be
very careful about any perceived meanings you may find.
Often there is... an existential question... when i do things like that.