posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 07:57 PM
I love my government because, I get to pay taxes on both ends of every single transaction.
I love spending a ridiculous amount of money on social security, that I will never see again.
I love being watched at every street corner.
I love having a currency that loses half of it's value every 2 years.
I love that my government is willing to kill millions of people so that a few giant companies can rake in billions of dollars.
I love that 2.5 trillions of dollars has been used to imprison close to 2 million Americans in the highly successful "War on Drugs".
I love that everyone else in the world hates me because I'm from a country that is not only willing to oppress it's own populace, but to also spread
it around to many places, like south and central America, the ME, Asia and parts of Europe.
I love that our election system is rigged so that only people who play by the rules of globalist enslavement get into power.
I love that the power of our "elected" officials is auctioned to the highest "special interest" bidder. (foreign interests please apply)
I love that my gov't has decided to sell off our interstate highway system to foreign companies so they can be toll roads, after I already paid for
I love losing my countries national status, so we can have our laws blended with those of corruption to the south, and socialism to the north.