posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 01:52 PM
First as another has said, you want to state what you want to look at. Different telescopes have different attributes, so you want one suited for
what you are viewing. There are three main types which are reflector, refractor, and cassegrains. Reflectors use a mirror to gather light and are
the cheapest, but have reversed upside-down images and are very bulky. Refractors use lenses and have upright non-reversed images, and can be very
high quality. The cassegrains are the best of both, incorporating both a mirror and series of lenses, which makes it compact, yet yields great image
quality. They too have upright non-reversed images. Telescopes are pretty expensive, and for the budget you stated, you won't find much except for
the reflectors, or dobsonians. You might want to look into spotting scopes, which are of the cassegrain or maktusov type. They are cheaper, and also
a lot more portable. All in all it really depends what you want to look at. I like the orion, and meade telescopes, although they can run into the
1000's of dollars for a decent one.
[edit on 5-7-2008 by Freezer]