posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 07:54 PM
I understand what you're saying but I disagree to a degree and here's why. The man on the ground level (police for the most part) used to have the
sense and the balls for lack of a better term to not enforce laws that go against what many of us believe. Unfortunately now-a-days that is not the
case most police are content, some are zelous to just let the courts handle it, instead of being our last buffer from the overbearing Gov't they have
become their stormtropers.
Another reason things are getting out of hand is us, oh not me, and probably not you, but us as in the general populace. "We" have become sooo
irresponsible that we are deserving of the present dictatorship (slight exageration). I don't get the present day interpretation of the Constitution
and Bill of Rights, but if we as a whole refuse to obey and the citizen cops refuse to arrest then what power does the court have? No paper anywhere
gives or takes away "rights" you only have the rights that you are strong enough to assert, and we are much stronger united than divided. But just
try to get a group to make a stand about anything! It just doesn't happen anymore. Just my 2 cents.