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What does it take?

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posted on Mar, 7 2004 @ 12:59 PM
As much as I hate these threads about God ( just beause there are more pressing issues) I am going to make one. It seems to be at everyone intrest.

What does it take to be a God?

Something with superhuman strength? Able the use his mind and all its power?

What does it mean to be a God?

[Edited on 7-3-2004 by SpittinCobra]

[Edited on 7-3-2004 by SpittinCobra]

posted on Mar, 7 2004 @ 01:03 PM
If God is all powerful, can he create a stone so large that even he could not lift it?

You are already a God, my friend.

posted on Mar, 7 2004 @ 01:09 PM
I think that being a god is having the ability to control lesser beings. In a way I am god to my fish. I can produce prosperity or famine, I can control the light, say I wanted to give them 40 days of darkness I would just throw a blanket over the tank. I wouldn't do these things but I could. They even recognize me. If I trail a finger across the tank they become more active because they know they are going to be fed.

posted on Mar, 7 2004 @ 01:24 PM
wat does it really matter "what it takes to be a god"???....knowing how to be a god doesnt make u be god. Wat does this have to do with conspiracies in religion???...

posted on Mar, 7 2004 @ 01:34 PM
The difference between a 'god' and a 'Deity', such as YHWH/God/El/Elohim/I AM, etc. is that a 'god' require and demand belief, obedience, subservence, always requiring or needing something......Subsequently, a 'Deity' requires nothing, has no needs and by definition: All That Is wants, or lacks, nothing.

If one is looking to see what it takes to be a 'god'...look no further than your typical ego-maniacal monarchs or absolute religious leaders, or absolute dictators that use religion as a motivator for their needs, etc.


posted on Mar, 7 2004 @ 01:51 PM
By his replies of users posts....I believe Seekerof also believes that he is GOD.

posted on Mar, 7 2004 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by LuDaCrIs
wat does it really matter "what it takes to be a god"???....knowing how to be a god doesnt make u be god. Wat does this have to do with conspiracies in religion???...

Not trying to be a god. Just wondering if people woud know they seen one.

And you could make the same argument about the rest of the god threads.

posted on Mar, 7 2004 @ 04:38 PM
We are human, mortal- we go against one of the key requirements of a god. To be a god you at least must be immortal.

You can say that you are god over your pets e.t.c but in the end a real god could destroy them by just thinking about it.

I believe there can only be one true God. ypu may see other powers at work but I believe everything was created by one God.

I am a christian, I know God. You can make yourself god of your life if you want but a time is coming when you wont have that control

If God is all powerful, can he create a stone so large that even he could not lift it?

If he could he would not be all powerfull. If he couldnt he would be all powerfull. He cannot create anything more powerfull than him because power comes from him. scientists say energy cannot be created. If God is all powerfull and therefor all energy how can any more energy exist. To say that God could make anything more powerfull than him goes against science and teaching.

Being all powerfull means nothing can exceed you, nothing God creates can be more amazing than him. does this make him not all powerfull? All owerfull means to have power over all. God can quite easily have that without being able to make anything beter than him.

Its late so im hoping this makes sense.

posted on Mar, 7 2004 @ 04:45 PM
Immortality really is a moot point. How would we know? Is god immortal? From our standards probably. What if god's species lives, say, 1/4 million years? Here long before we were and gone long after we are. Immortality from our persective would be difficult to prove.

posted on Mar, 7 2004 @ 04:46 PM
Adrianay, I am going to have to agree. To be immortal is to be a god. Thanks for bringing that wisdom to me.

posted on Mar, 8 2004 @ 10:52 AM
We are not Gods or a God. we are vile little creatures who have no power who need to make themselves their own God
so they can live in their own greeds. I love God who (created) me. I didnt creat me, i didnt creat my cat, i had no part in the worlds creation, i dont know everybodies
life inside and out. Im a little nothing who loves God recognizes im a creature and wants to be his children forever in his kingdom.

How much pride do you have to have saying you are Gods. You guys didnt creat me, nor did you creat the world. I wonder if its ever crossed your mind who created you? Alot of people in the curch predicted the age of the worship of man and that is exactly what is happening, even in our own church has this sadistic thought
entered into the new age church.



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