posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 10:44 AM
Foresakenwayfarer, your point is well taken. Yet I recall the early years of the smoking controversy, when just such opinions were bandied about by
smokers. The wait and see attitude certainly cost many lives before the information on tobbacco became overwhelming.
Risk assessment is always a personal choice, to some extent, as it should be. But looking into the possibilities is never a bad thing, IMO.
St. Udio, a good point. Conspiricies hiding behind a conspiracy. Still, when a prestigious entity like the La Ligue Nationale Contre le Cancer becomes
involved in seriously questioning such a thing, one has to consider it a possibility that there is a basis or kernal of truth in it all.
To look closely at the danger, if any, is only prudent. Dismissing it out of hand seems short sighted, IMO.