posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 11:22 PM
Actually, people are paying attention more to 9/11 then you think. Many are just not open about, but are talking behind closed doors.
I finally talked to my mom about my beliefs after she did a protest against the war.
She says that most people there, including herself, believe at the VERY LEAST, that GW knew it was going to happen, and let it.
At the very least a lot of people think there is something fishy.
As for people not caring about other matters like the environment, and consuming endlessly. many do care. But I think everything is a little
I realized this one day when oprah had something on the environment, and someone said"we know there is a problem but we just don't know what to do,
it is so much!"
and were more then willing to accept the basics like turning of the water when brushing the teeth.
When you are told: we are putting too much Co2 into the air, using too much fuel, and there is a global warming disaster coming, imagine how this
sounds to the environmentally uneducated. You might as well be saying: there is an asteroid hitting the earth and there is nothing we can do about
People are making changes, there is a year long waiting list for hybrids. I can kind of understand people waiting for their cars to wear out before
buying new ones.
But they just don't understand what else there is to do.
All I ever hear about is the car situation, but everything uses fuel, not just cars. I tell people that the number two user of fuels is lawnmowers and
other simple engines.
Every lawn you see has to be maintained.
And I have yet to find a person that knows you can buy slow growing grass seed, that needs very low maintenance.
I do understand your frustration. But Americans are polite. We keep talking behind our hands so we don't offend anyone up front. It doesn't mean we
are not talking.
As for other issues, as frustrating as it gets, I don't waste energy on what people aren't doing, I spend it one informing people of simple things
that they can do to cut back on consumption:
don't buy crap you don't need
cut your grass less
look into low maintenance grass
hang your clothes out to dry
don't use the heat cycle on the dishwasher, just open it and let the dishes air dry
turn your water heater down to 110 degrees F, that is a safe temperature for children anyways
simple things, that people can handle....
Many may secretly believe that t9/11 was a coverup, but what exactly would they do about?
and that is a very legitimate question.
Other then voting.
[edit on 22-6-2008 by nixie_nox]