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possible reason MJ and others are illegal?

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posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 12:01 AM
I was just thinking and got a thought in my head... usually notions don't scare me... especially this bad.


Like I said, usually notions don't scare me... most ogf the time I just disregard them as inquiries and forget what I was even thinking about the next day. So here goes, if I can get it out the way I'm thinking...

What, would you feel, is the possibility that drugs are mad illegal because of mind control? I've pondered this notion quite a bit in the past, but gave up. I couldn't come up with any explanation that I couldn't disprove, until I got this notion... when I get these, I have been about 75% right, but the times I was wrong I realized later that I was 'paranoid'... I have learned since (the percentage has been gradually going up) that I can easily distinguish between a paranoia and actual feelings. Dammit... I just let my cig burn out... what is the chances that the government or one of the 'black-ops' or whatever is 'behind the curtains, pullingh the srtrings" only knows how to control the minds of sober people, people hopped up on nicotiene, caffeiene, and alchohol? What, do you think, are the chances that drugs are made illegal because, not only taht the CIA, or whoever makes money from it (a side effect... they found out later? that they were making more money than if legal) could only control people who were sober, under the influence of nicotiene, alchohol, or even caffiene? I mean c'mon... they tried prohibition of alcohol in the whate3ver years, and it didn't work.. the gov or whoever (from now on referred to as the 'gov') KNOWS that prohibition doesn't work and only creates more problems for the people, but I guess we aren't a tthe top of their list, right? Ok, so they know proH doesn't work... it wa squite obvious... I'm getting off track here...

What I'm getting at isw mind control... Does anybody else (I'm especially asking empathetic psychics here, since that is what I excel in and I got this notion, not idea...) have or had any notiohn that maybe the gov knows they cvan only control people that are under the influence of alcoholo, nic, or caff? They prohibit the use of any other drug, but shamans who were well known to tribes of ancient were well versed in the use ofmind altering drugs and spirituality. They would tell the future and past and, as the mayens have shown (with prediction of their demise, which they knew and greeted with cer5taqinty) could predict with preciseness. Could it be that the gov hasn't al;lowed MJ (especially... that is the most commonly used drug besides the three that I have mentioned being legal) or any other drug to be legalized? Heroin has bad side effects... you could live a life of using H every day without any health problems, but when you try to come clean the stuff gets you thropug withdrawlsw (don't yell "BUNK!!!" at me... I know alot of H addicts... H doesn't really have any medical problems until you try to purge yopur system). So what if the gov just hasn't come up with a way to deal with these people?

Piss break... gotta get to my piont...

Ok, back... What I'm getting at is what if the gov hasn't figured out how to control the minds under the influence of 'ilegal' dr8gs? #... mind went blank...

Ok, notice the gov has only, in reluctancy, fought agains t the use of alcohol, nicotiene, and (not as much) caffeine? These seriously alter the mind... especially alcohol (which I will get to in awhile). Ok, umm... how do I put this so someone will at least take this 'notion' seriously?

Caffiene=what keeps america going. Latte, Mocha (my favorite... a tase thing) Expresso, etc. '

Alcohol=an ancient thing... egyptians have been reputed (if not found) to pretty much survive on beer and bread. Not proven, but reputed or even found through archeology .

Nicotiene=Gov makes alot of tax from this. Tax=$$$,$$$,$$$... why not throw some of that money away on research? Why has som many companies been backed on nic? Why is the gov not ready to make nic illegal through use of campaign ads and advertising? Why

I giv eup, but I'm going to let this post go through anyways... I'm just going to give in and play ignorant. like the rest of the world...

Goodbye ATS...I'll be back to check U2U's, but no mor eposts.. I give up trying... there is nothing any of us can do... ther are too few.

posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 12:05 AM
Just to let you all know, I know my post seems sloppy, but I was trying to actually get stuff out of my head before it dissapated and I'm not going to edit it... take from it what you will... I give up on the world. Those of us who truley care are well outnumbered, and there's nothing we can do about it. I will not post anymore, but I will check periodically to know what the real news is... I sreally don't trust cable TV anymore... I don't trust anything.

posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 01:33 AM
You have the right idea, for the most part. The drugs that are legal, are the drugs which don't cause people to take a closer look into themselves. Alcohol removes inhibitions, but it also makes us more vulnerable to being manipulated by outside influences. Very rarely does someone who is drunk, reflect on the condition or whisperings of their inner self. This is what those in power want. They know that people are going to use intoxicants, and there is nothing they can do about it. What they fear is people using a mind-expanding intoxicant, and beginning to see things for what they really are. Alcohol may decrease productivity, but it's because it turns us into unthinking buffoons, not because it makes us sit and think about the world around us.

As for caffeine, nicotine, and all of the amphetamine based meds on the market, they cause people to shift into a more focused, worker drone mentality. I think their importance to the controlling hierarchy is pretty self-evident.

Marijuana, "magic mushrooms", peyote, pure '___', etc., are all drugs that inspire the user to reflect on the world and themselves. They cause the true reality of things, that are typically distorted or hidden from the public, to be revealed. They cause people to experience a connection to the world and the universe, which is usually ignored or imperceptible to the average human. They help us to understand that the go-go-go mentality which has infected most "civilized" societies, is harmful to us as a species. The last thing anybody with power wants their faithful herd to realize is that happiness doesn't come from how much money they have, or having the newest and best car, house, shoes, etc. If people realize that they have become so focused on working, that they have completely forgotten how to play, they all might take the day off.

In regards to giving up hope for humanity, I know how you feel. All I can say is don't give up all hope, even though things seem hopeless, just on the off chance that they are not. One of my favorite quotes is this, by F. Scott Fitzgerald:
The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. One should, for example, be able to see that things are hopeless and yet be determined to make them otherwise

posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 01:45 AM
I agree totally with what you both say. I dont think it will be your last post. You'll be back.. you just need a little break

posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 01:50 AM
I've had a similar thought, mine was dealing with '___', some god complex thinking. I was saying one day that what if what we are seeing is just a glimpse of what we are not suppose to see, exprience, or witness. That by not allowing humans to indulge in these expriences *lsd,shrooms, dmt, ayahausa* we are being cheated on the truth. Maybe, just maybe during the altered states that it's causing deeper parts of the mind to be activated?

Yeah, I know my high ass probably made no sense right there. I don't know, I think once you do those types of things that you start to view everything differently, I know for a while I use to over analyze everything after I fried. You are saying they use alcohol, nicotine, and caffiene to help with their mind control schemes?

Possible? But do they keep other mind expanding drugs illegal because they could possibly open up, even the most narrow minded person's eyes?

Acid has given me some unreal expriences, which I am glad I got to witness because without it I would've never even been able to imagine what I saw/felt on it, expriencing something I am not suppose to?

Anyways, I should go to sleep it's late.

posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 02:31 AM
Don't forget that the Native Americans and other non-European people did not use mind-altering substances every day. They only used them for ceremonial purposes.
Also, there is a difference between alcohol and illegal drugs. It is possible to use alcoholic beverages and not be addicted. Not so with illegal drugs.

I meditate. If you do that, you won't need drugs.

posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 02:59 AM
I don't know for certain about all those other drugs (sounds probable though) but Alcohol DEFINETLY makes it easier to mind control someone, a little fact I know.

But I don't know about the other stuff....

posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 03:26 AM

Originally posted by Imzadi
Don't forget that the Native Americans and other non-European people did not use mind-altering substances every day. They only used them for ceremonial purposes.
Also, there is a difference between alcohol and illegal drugs. It is possible to use alcoholic beverages and not be addicted. Not so with illegal drugs.

I meditate. If you do that, you won't need drugs.

you contradict yourself. -

the native americans did it best. they used illegal drugs, and stayed in control, and respected the "trip" as something special, not just some weekend thrill.
they were/are proof of illegal drug use, without addiction.

i too have had enlightening experiences with some illegal drugs, -but very openly caution any potential users. drugs are FUN! hence the addiction. stay in control. use sparingly.


posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 03:41 AM
excelent post, i agree, i have'nt looked at it in that view before, mind stimulating stuff.
the cannabis laws here (uk) are becoming a little relaxed but only through massive people pressure,
just a little example that the minority can change things, hang in there buddy.
this post has got a vote from me

posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 05:05 AM

Originally posted by jezebel
Marijuana, "magic mushrooms", peyote, pure '___', etc., are all drugs that inspire the user to reflect on the world and themselves. They cause the true reality of things, that are typically distorted or hidden from the public, to be revealed. They cause people to experience a connection to the world and the universe, which is usually ignored or imperceptible to the average human. They help us to understand that the go-go-go mentality which has infected most "civilized" societies, is harmful to us as a species.

The argument that drugs are great because they help you to see reality is a lame one.
If you can't see reality without artificial help, then you don't deserve to view it anyway. Using a drug to meditate is rather like putting a jetpack on a toddler's bicycle.
You also run the risk of psychological damage. By using a drug, you may see something that you aren't mentally capable of accepting.

There are many non-artificial ways of gaining the inspiration and confidence to study the "mysterious" side of life which are less dangerous, more competent and legal.

posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 05:35 AM
One of the meain reasons they make drugs illegal is that, for the longest time tobacco companies have been running things. The fact that controlling drug usage is impossible once legalized, 1. marijuana, mushrooms, peyote, opium, etc. one given the right conditions spread like wildfire. 2. tobacco and alcohol are more profitable in the sense, that its is an alternative to drug consumption, what I mean by this is that tobacco and alcohol offer a legal alternative to a high. 3. once addicted to tobacco and alcohol, withdrawal symptoms are worse then that of heroin. Reasons could continue, whether it's a pro or con for the legalization of drugs, it's just the fact that we as humans tend to abuse substances, whether seen as spiritual or just for the feel. I for one believe that certains drugs should be legalized, such as naturally grown drugs, and not synthetic. The conditions for the legalization would also contain strict and non-tolerant rules of engagement and usage.

posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 07:29 AM

Marijuana, "magic mushrooms", peyote, pure '___', etc., are all drugs that inspire the user to reflect on the world and themselves. They cause the true reality of things, that are typically distorted or hidden from the public, to be revealed. They cause people to experience a connection to the world and the universe, which is usually ignored or imperceptible to the average human. They help us to understand that the go-go-go mentality which has infected most "civilized" societies, is harmful to us as a species. The last thing anybody with power wants their faithful herd to realize is that happiness doesn't come from how much money they have, or having the newest and best car, house, shoes, etc. If people realize that they have become so focused on working, that they have completely forgotten how to play, they all might take the day off.

Well put, i couldn't have said it better myself. I come on here and see people putting each other down for drug use but you have to realize why it is you think these drugs are bad. For the most part its because they've spoon fed you whats good and whats bad according to society. One thing id like to make perfectly clear is drug use is NOT a bad thing because if you think of it, most drugs you take from companies and pharmacies originated with fungus, plants or isolated variations of them. Look at morphine and codiene for example. Sure they cause addiction but with moderation and self control you should be fine

posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 07:48 AM

Originally posted by Imzadi
it is possible to use alcoholic beverages and not be addicted. Not so with illegal drugs.

this is not true. if you smoke everyday, you WILL need more to get the same high, but if you leave more than 4 days inbetween, your body will have gotten completely back to normal

and drugs arent always used to "see reality", sometimes used to activate different parts of the mind that are not activated by normal activites (this is true, but i have no link, sorry!)

but saying that they are srtifical substances, wtf? they come from nature...they are PLANTS.

nobody has a problem with eating frosted flakes to make you horny (THIS IS TRUE, TRY IT!!!!!!)

but everybody has a problem with smokin MJ to make you happy.

what is the difference between MJ and antidepressants? MJ is natural, real, and isnt addictive.

plus, pills of any kind suck hardcore.

and earthscum, i have no problem with your claim. but maybe it should be expanded. maybe the gov can controll you, whether on legal drugs OR sober.

they cannot controll the minds of people who are liberated, ya know...revolutionaries, or the minds of people who are under the influence of illegal drugs (but only when they are UTI, its not like someone who smoked once is free for life! hahaha)

but perhaps the drugs can help one delve into the parts of the mind that are yet to be discovered, or perhaps those with the capactiy to do this already do not need the drugs.

some people need help to find what they want to know.

or maybe what they need to know.

wait- you already said the gov could controll the sober or those on legal drugs didnt you? sorry earthscum! just realized that after i finished typing this!

but try the frosted flakes thing, it works!

much love

posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 08:36 AM
I like to smoke pot but I bet if 'they' wanted to do something to take over the USA, all they'd have to do is legalize it. It'd be a month long burn out - everyone would be helpless and Dominos pizza would become bigger than microsoft. Ok that was a joke, but I do see what you're saying. I don't think it would be a major factor in mind control though - biggest is probably entertainment industry - tv/music/movies - but keeping the people placated is kinda like giving ppl scraps of what they want, only they're telling us what we want.
I read a lot of psi/psy how-to's and drugs like caffeine and nicotine that make you have more surface thoughts are supposed to get in the way. Maybe they just don't want people to wake up psionically.

posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 08:54 AM
Alcohol is not some big government conspiracy. You know what the first two human professions were?

Prostitution and Brewer. Alcohol is a part of being human.

posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 09:43 AM
trying to quit smoking cigarettes is on par with trying to quit heroin
alcohol while legal is very hard for alcoholic to quit ..ask anyone of them.
hallucinogens ....misaptly named by the narrow minded actually open a path to what can not be seen when not using them
they are not addictive or habit is very hard to use them one day after the other due to lessened affect.
they can be misused though
hallucinogens should not even be classified as drugs
because in essence they do not share any of the same qualities of what we call drugs.
The whole jumping out the window thing came from a guy who was given lsd by the cia during the mk ultra
experiments....he was not informed he was on this substance and subsequently went out the window
it is possible through the use of hallucinogens to increase the powers of clairvoyance,clairaudience,telepathy,and other extra sensory perceptions
remember from the time albert hoffman mistakenly discovered the strange properties of lsd in 1952 right up until the late 60's lsd was legal!
it could be bought in many head shops on the west coast.
when the government got a hold of the idea and scariness of freeing peoples minds through this drug they put the hammer down on it quickly.
even though no genetic damage can be shown medically from using this compound and it is not addictive.
freeing peoples minds is the opposite of mind control
There is a better way to free your mind though and
attain liberation

posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 09:46 AM
you said it wasnt possible to use illegal drugs and not be addicted?
This is not so with all illegal drugs
But you are right about meditation

posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by watcheroftheskies
you said it wasnt possible to use illegal drugs and not be addicted?
This is not so with all illegal drugs
But you are right about meditation

meditation does not work for some people, just like drugs dont work for some people. you have to find your own niche.
everyone has their own addiction.
whether it be alchohol, drugs, bulimia, excercise, writing, painting, popping knuckles, biting nails, etc.

and for non drug users that still wanna be hyper- snort a line of sugar,jsut straight sugar. yes it can mess up your system, but you get SUPER HYPER SUPER FAST, and theres no drug! hahahha!

the frosted flakes thing is true, why doesnt anybody believe me?!?!

posted on Mar, 6 2004 @ 10:31 AM
i cant disagree with you my fine ATs friend

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