posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 03:16 AM
Yes I feel either Osama will be caught or we will go on the highest "terror" alert within the week or 2 weeks prior to the election in order to
drive down support of the Democratic nomination, and/or a possible postponement of the election if something truly terrible would happen (god
I can see it now "Ladies and Gentlemen of the United States, Today something terrible has happened, and the United States has fallen under the attack
of Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda. We now also have evidence that (insert country here) was also complying and funding these cowardly people. I urge
you as Patriotic Americans to consider if you believe we as a country could have a successfull regime change in this state of panic and terror? Do you
feel that John Kerry (or John Edwards) would be able to step into office in this time of National Mourning? Would they be able to step into office
without exposing us to further attacks before they are able to transition? I George Bush caught Saddam (maybe caught Osama), I George Bush defeated
the Iraqi insurgents, I George Bush started the stepping stone in the dismantling of Terrorism." etc, etc, etc
Military Police State, we are not too far away. All we need is one more terror attack and DSE 2003 gets passed and out goes civil liberties, in comes
dictatorship, along with the majority vote of the UN, thus nulifying any global opposition. Any opposition will be "black and white" "Either you
are for the protection of the USA, or against the Protection of the USA" type argument.
But don't even get me started, this is just the tip of the iceberg.