The over all amounts of words and phrases discovered in the Bible Code far exceed those found in Moby Dick or War and Peace. Then to have
similiar/related phrases crossing each other.
And then, too, is the fact that the sections which Codes are found correspond to the actual biblical text... ie, in Daniel, or where-ever, there is
the proverb about the king stoning his son, put instead he had the stones broken to pebble size... the code in that section talks about the asteriod
which broke apart and hit Jupiter. But, please, don't take my word for it!
Do I believe in the Code? I think so. People have found hidden meanings in everything from Mayan calendars to the alignment of the Pyramids to the
Freemasons and the dollar bill... so why is it hard to believe in the Code?
The creator of the code made a statement: Yiou can believe in the Bible without believing in the Code, but you cannot believe in the Code without
believing in God.
I think the hardest thing people have with the Code is that it is in the Bible, it is suppossedly written by God, and it tells of future events. Now,
one has to remember that time is not a solid force, that it can be bent and twisted (according to modern quantum physics), so the viewing of the
future is possible (since everything happens all at once). God, to me, isn't a spiritual being, but rather a physical creature; call him alien or
extra dimensional, it doesn't matter... what matters is that God, El, Elohm, Ya, whatever you wish to call him, was/is a real being, who had the
abilities to do technologically advanced things.
Check out the sites. See for yourself. Make up your own mind.
But the strongest case I can make for the code is that it has a real connection to the actual printings of the Bible... unlike Moby Dick, where a
great white whale in one version is the assassination of Isreal Prime Ministers.