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No benefit in drinking eight glasses of water a day, scientists say

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posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 11:28 AM
The general consensus here seems to be that this study is bunk. That took about 5 minutes of ATS to disprove an entire study hahaha. Nice job people

reply to post by TXRabbit

My point was that water isn't a direct correlation to longevity. Americans have some of the poorest diets in the world. Nowhere else will you find a McDonalds McMuffin as a staple breakfast food, a big mac for lunch, and a "salad" for dinner.

The FDA's food pyramid doesn't take into account how much better some fried food tastes to the average person than fruits and veggies (I personally love my veggies, but I'm not the average I guess). The hormones in the meat also makes people addicted to it, but again, that's a whole different thread topic

posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 11:34 AM
Heres what I think, scientist are full of it and will say anything depending on which funding they want to milk for the coming year. They want you to feel guilty and control your thinking since they went to college and spent a lot of money to tell you how to live so they can justify those big salaries they gravel for.

Live your life with excess and do what you want with your body. Dump whatever food you want down the pipe, drink a lot of beer and wine, eat pizza, ice cream, chocolate cake and soda.

Hey, I did and I had a heart attack with triple bypass. So what, I had fun doing it and would do it again.

posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 11:56 AM
I'm no Dr., I'm no scientist, however I can tell you this much. There are days when I drink hardly any water, or times throughout the day I am feeling a bit "slow" and not totally "with it". Put down a quick pint of water and that changes, my brain seems to be re-energized and my body as well. My body is made up of 70% water or more, I certainly know I'm not doing any harm by drinking it. The same cannot be said for the other beverages we consume.

I do have a guilty pleasure however. Energy drinks. I consume 32oz per day everyday. I try and offset that with water, at least 64oz, more likely about 96oz.

I used to drink a ton of energy drinks and pop. I decided I had to cut one or the other out so I chose to stop drinking pop. The energy drinks at least have some nutritional benefit to them (B Vitamins).

I also take 2000mg of vitamin c daily along with fish oil supplements.

64oz a day, maybe maybe not. I heard a good rule of thumb is 1/2oz of water for every lb. in body weight, I try and adhere to that.

posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by an0maly33
saw this on a fox news site as well (linked from google news) and the headline is as follows:

Study: Skip the Water, Have a Soda Instead

i think it's pretty irresponsible to imply that the study favors soda over water when it doesn't make or even imply any such claim. that's the msm for you - and the worst of them.

ha, thats hilarious. For a number of reasons. I must say, if were going to come out with a drink, put caffiene in it like every other soda. Caffiene is they will drink more of it, as well.. it actually dehydrates you as I'm told.. so they drink even more.

Drinking soda to avoid dehydration is a little silly. In fact.. I remember how I got off drinking it forever (i used to be ADDICTED).. Besides wanting to be healthier... I said to myself..every time I want a soda, i'll drink water and see if I still want it after that. 80% of the time I didn't care after I had the water.

If your thirsty... drink water... anything else... drink for your nutrients/health.. or for your enjoyment. Drink water to get hyrdated.


posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 12:05 PM
As my mum is a dietitian I can tell you that the people saying you need to drink 8 glasses (or bottles) of water a day is a myth.

It is recommended that you have around 2 litres of water a day but this includes water in food and other things you consume, not just water on its own.

It also assumes that you work as well, if you work harder your going to need more water if you don't work at all you could go most of the day with no water.

For those who are saying your body tells you when you need to drink or you drink when your thirsty, you should actually be drinking enough so your body doesn't tell you you need a drink because when it does that means you have needed a drink for some time already.

Its the same as feeling pain when you get a cut, you don't feel the pain before the cut, the pain is to tell you you should have cut yourself in the first place, thirst is the same.

[edit on 3-4-2008 by Edn]

posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 12:08 PM
I've noticed huge benefits from drinking more water.

As well, i enjoy it a lot more then i used to since i switched to distilled, which is much cheaper by the way. People say they dont' like the taste of water, which is hilarious, which just goes to show you the harmful garbage they put in it. Your body is saying...don't drink it.

Since i've started drinking distilled... water has become my drink of choice, and I feel healthier that I'm getting more of it.

Theres a direct link between emotional and physical health, and maybe the water just makes me feel healthier, either way, its working

posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 12:09 PM
Water holds a good charge for the body, that's what its there for, to give it that charge. The electromagnetic field around the body holds us into place.

Think of it as (spiritual light) for the physical body. That's why waters density is low.

Water is a good conductor for electricity, the same with our blood, the copper in it, holds electricity in also. The spirit body reacts off these elements found in nature.

posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 12:10 PM
I have to say that I feel better when I drink plenty of water - maybe it's a placebo effect, but I don't care.
It's certainly better for me than drinking soda or coffee.

posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by budski
I have to say that I feel better when I drink plenty of water - maybe it's a placebo effect, but I don't care.
It's certainly better for me than drinking soda or coffee.

It's not a placebo affect...eliminate all of that which marketing has created....

Water is still necessary in that scenario.

posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by MemoryShock

I didn't think it was - I really notice the difference since I stopped drinking soda and coffee. I only drink tea or water these days.

Apart from water with some hops, yeast and barley
on the odd occasion.

posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 12:32 PM
i can personally vouch for the idea that water is the only real thirst quencher. if i actually feel thristy, drinking anything other than water or home made iced tea just makes me full and i'm still thirsty.

posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by antar
Next they will be telling people that baths and showers cause cancer.

Actually, there have been studies done of the chemical exposure due to inhalation during showering and it's inherent cancer risks:

A multiple-regression analysis revealed that DeltaCHCl3ALV values were only associated with chloroform concentration in air of the shower stall. DeltaCHCl3ALV were described using a physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model. This model was then used to estimate concentrations of CHCl3 metabolites bound to liver and kidney macromolecules following a shower, and also according to exposure scenarios that integrate drinking-water ingestion and air inhalation. The concentration predicted in the liver following a worst-case exposure scenario was 0.41 µg CHCl3 equivalents/kg of tissue, some 6000 times lower than the lowest concentration that did not increase the incidence of hepatic tumors in laboratory animals. Data indicate that for this range of exposure the safety margin appears therefore considerable with respect to the potential carcinogenic effect of household exposure to CHCl3.


ScienceDirect | Estimates of cancer risk from chloroform exposure during showering in Taiwan

So, what, hold your breath while you shower!?!


This whole thread has made me thirsty...

Seriously though:

Think of what you need to survive, really just survive. Food? Water? Air? MTV? Naturally, I'm going to concentrate on water here. Water is of major importance to all living things; in some organisms, up to 90 percent of their body weight comes from water. Up to 60 percent of the human body is water, the brain is composed of 70 percent water, and the lungs are nearly 90 percent water. About 83 percent of our blood is water, which helps digest our food, transport waste, and control body temperature. Each day humans must replace 2.4 litres of water, some through drinking and the rest taken by the body from the foods eaten.
USGS | The water in you

Since there's no water available once you're inside Joshua Tree National Park - one of my favorite places on Earth - they make the following recommendations:

It is easy to become dehydrated in arid desert environments. Even if you only plan to drive through the park, you should have some water with you. If you are going to camp, we recommend one gallon of water per person per day. If you are going to be hiking or biking, you will want to take along two gallons per person. Drink the water and do not economize. When the water is half gone, it is time to turn back.

With that in mind, I keep a gallon jug of spring water handy at all times, even at home; 'cause the tap water here in my SoCal town sucks.

I go by the urine test: all things considered, if it's not clear or slightly yellow, you're not getting enough water:

Clear urine that does not appear to have any color typically is a symptom of a healthy, well-hydrated body. It usually has a light urine odor. The better hydrated you are, the lighter your urine color.

Generally, if you have clear urine color, then you are likely to be healthy… as far as issues affecting urine color.
ZebWeb | Urine Colors | Clear Urine Color

To each his own and all things in moderation...

posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 01:29 PM

Clear urine that does not appear to have any color typically is a symptom of a healthy, well-hydrated body. It usually has a light urine odor. The better hydrated you are, the lighter your urine color.

Generally, if you have clear urine color, then you are likely to be healthy… as far as issues affecting urine color.
ZebWeb | Urine Colors | Clear Urine Color

Definitly some sound advice, however for myself I have to take into account that I take vitamin B supplements and they turn your urine bright yellow regardless of hydration levels.

posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by menguard

Water holds a good charge for the body, that's what its there for, to give it that charge. The electromagnetic field around the body holds us into place.

Think of it as (spiritual light) for the physical body. That's why waters density is low.

Water is a good conductor for electricity, the same with our blood, the copper in it, holds electricity in also. The spirit body reacts off these elements found in nature.

yeah I forgot to mention that. They got water ionizers that change the ph level of the water to the desired effect. It helps to balance the system.

It dilutes things man, keeps everything flowing. You change oil in your car, it just makes sense to change the blood in your body...through new water intake.

posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by BluByWho

Quite true, I take an excellent multivitamin called Vitalert first thing in the morning with breakfast, and it has the same effect.

By the afternoon though, all is well.

Since Vitalert has energizing properties - guarana, ginkgo biloba, panax ginseng, bee pollen, gotu kola - by taking the above I was also able to break the caffeine addiction.

Which isn't easy due to the withdrawal symptoms like headaches, especially if you've been dependent on caffeine for years.

My fluid intake is easily over 90% spring water with some fruit juice, a little milk, and that which naturally occurs in the food I eat.

I should add, we do use a filter on the tap water, but it still tastes funky.

posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by goosdawg

filters are a start, but the question is, does it filter out the flouride?

The tap water tastes like pool water where I live man. It just tastes toxic, its terrible.

And wouldn't you know, this place is like the kidney stone capital of the world.

In that respect, I think they'd be telling us to drink more they can damage us... I don't know.

Bottled water. That's such a scam, it has as much flouride..(IF NOT MORE), the same as tap water. If I drink bottled water, I drink dassani..because it says 0 flouride ions.

I drink distilled water though because its the purest from what i've seen so far.. and they have to legally sell it because I have a freind who sleeps with a respirator, and he can only put distilled water in it. So what the hell does that tell you? If this bottled / tap water isn't safe enough to BREATHE... should we be drinking it?

BTW.. an excellent source of vitamins is juice from Bolthouse Farms.. it should be in the organic section if you got it. It is fantastic.. and drinking one once in a while.. you will notice the effects... you'll be very healthy... drink one a day for 3 days straight... you'll feel like you can do anything. NATURAL energy... you won't need caffiene (i still coffee anyway).

I just found a better alternative to coffee too though! my favourite juice I just mentioned, just came out with a coffee one, with vitamin b6, b12 and like 42 g's of protein! thats like eating a whole chicken.

posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 02:17 PM
I'd like to also add that our bodies are constantly breaking down, and they consist almost entirely of water. You need water to heal your body man..

If your lifting weights... I'll tell you now.. if you don't drink enough'll just make yourself weak.. you won't get any bigger... you'll be lucky to put on 5 pounds in a year.

You need lots of protein and lots of water for your body to grow well.

posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by TXRabbit
From what I remember, the push to drink X amount of water each day only came to light after all the large beverage companies were bottling water. Prior to that we were told to drink X amount of milk a day or eat Y amount of Z.

Last I saw, people in underdeveloped nations were living longer lives than the average American. Shows how much the FDA and their food-pyramids know hehe

Because they arent obese like a majority of Americans. I know that I feel alot better when I drink 4 glasses a day, and my piss isnt yellow to show for it, which means my kidneys are prolly in alot better shape. I cant speak for everyone but I think this is yet another bunk "scientific breakthrough". Alot of yall hang on what scientists say, when alot of the time its crap. Still believe they put flouride in water for your teeth? lol

posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by CavemanDD

I dig the Naked Juice "Superfood Green Machine"

Gives you wings!

No wait, wrong product...

It's a "Turbo-charged garden o'GOODNESS!"

From their page:

We know it looks intimidating, but don't judge a juice by its color. It actually tastes good. No really, we're serious. This apple and kiwi "Superfood" is your ally. It's got an arsenal of 10 green turbo-nutrients like broccoli & spinach and a whole stockpile of vitamins to make you feel new again. So, go for it. And let the pink and orange smoothie drinkers of the world cower at your juice prowess.

Wait, is touting a superior product allowed under the TACs?

posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by CavemanDD
reply to post by goosdawg

filters are a start, but the question is, does it filter out the flouride?

The tap water tastes like pool water where I live man. It just tastes toxic, its terrible.

And wouldn't you know, this place is like the kidney stone capital of the world.

In that respect, I think they'd be telling us to drink more they can damage us... I don't know.

Bottled water. That's such a scam, it has as much flouride..(IF NOT MORE), the same as tap water. If I drink bottled water, I drink dassani..because it says 0 flouride ions.

I drink distilled water though because its the purest from what i've seen so far.. and they have to legally sell it because I have a freind who sleeps with a respirator, and he can only put distilled water in it. So what the hell does that tell you? If this bottled / tap water isn't safe enough to BREATHE... should we be drinking it?

BTW.. an excellent source of vitamins is juice from Bolthouse Farms.. it should be in the organic section if you got it. It is fantastic.. and drinking one once in a while.. you will notice the effects... you'll be very healthy... drink one a day for 3 days straight... you'll feel like you can do anything. NATURAL energy... you won't need caffiene (i still coffee anyway).

I just found a better alternative to coffee too though! my favourite juice I just mentioned, just came out with a coffee one, with vitamin b6, b12 and like 42 g's of protein! thats like eating a whole chicken.

off topic, but those bolthouse farms drinks are GREAT!

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