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posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 01:18 PM
I know I'm not the first one to ever say this, and it will sound corny and obvious, but I wanted to say it nonetheless.

I was introduced to the concepts of the paranormal, including the UFO phenomena, while very young. My aunt was (and still is) a very fervent follower of the paranormal. Because I was young an naive, I believed everything she said, and did not question it.

As I grew up, however, I formed my own opinions, and for the most part I stopped believing in anything that has to do with the paranormal. I personally believed that there were other life forms in our galaxy, but I believed most UFO "proof" to be hoaxes.

However, until very recently, I had not allowed myself to see or examine any of the proof that is out there, as far as video proof, and interviews of individuals. What made me change my mind? for the most part, the UFO subject is starting to receive more attention from the media. Not that this in itself would make the UFO subject more believeable to most people, but for me, it led me to dig a bit further.

When I began to see the amount of credible sources that were coming forth with reports of sightings, including pilots, government officials, military personell, whether from the US or other countries, this fact alone carried a lot of weight with me. The fact that countries like France, Russia, and Brazil, to name a few, take the UFO issue very seriously, and some have gone as far as issuing reports to the public, sealed it for me.

As a former skeptic, I can say that sadly through years of conditioning, it was much easier to shrug off the whole UFO deal as "nonsense", and up there with ghosts, el chupacabra, bigfoot, etc. It wasn't until I allowed myself to look at the reports of credible individuals through unbiased eyes, that I was able to see the relaity of what is going on. Looking back, it is even amazing to me how obvious the extraterrestrial presence is on earth.

Sadly, over all the decades of the UFO phenomena has been subjected to so much smearing, to the extent that it is compared to any other unexplained phenomena, has truly tarnished the image of anyone willing to come forward and report any sighting, even people willing to put their credentials on the line for the sake of the truth.

I regret not having believed sooner, and I most of all regret having compared the UFO phenomena to other questionable paranormal phenomena. I now see that I was mistaken. I'm glad there are venues for the truth, such as ATS, for people like me, who were on the fence of the truth.

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 01:55 PM
Welcome to the dark side, friend

The truth will set you free, right after it insults you with everything you thought you knew all your life...

Enjoy ATS

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by PX Iceman

The truth is out there. The problem is there is so much garbage in the way of hoaxes and disinformation that the truth is very hard to find.


posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 02:13 PM
The truth is indeed out there. Some people just see a dodgy fake grainy video clip and label all clips as fake based on that. As Pumbaa said,there's alot of fake stuff around,but you can't throw the baby out with the bath water.

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by PX Iceman

could you please give me your sources where i can view the extended media coverage of ufo activity as i dont see any extra coverage on this subject and i do keep my eye on the news daily !

are you referring to mainstream media or just the likes of internet coverage i.e. you tube?



posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 05:00 PM
the fact that such a large,organised and concentrated amount of smearing and disinfo has taken place throughout the years,clearly suggests there is something very big that is being hidden!.

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by welivefortheson

Whoa whoa whoa... you're saying it isn't all swamp gas and meteorites? Ah man, I feel lied to!

Yes, anytime there is this much effort by the powers that be to sweep something under the carpet for this long, it pays to pay attention!

[edit on 6-3-2008 by eaurouge]

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 10:43 AM
well, some of the videos i've seen are from youtube, but they have only been recently put on youtube, and that would not be their original source, they've only been uploaded by other youtube users (the disclosure project video is a good example of that).

a few of the videos i've seen (but not limited to) are:

here is an actual report, although granted is is on fox

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by PX Iceman

Welcome to ATS Iceman!

I, much like yourself, got introduced to the paranormal and UFO subjects from a very young age. And also, like yourself, I basically stopped believing all paranormal phenomena but kept believing in UFOs and Extra-terrestrial visitations.

In my case it was my mom. She witnessed a big sighting in the late 70's and told me about this and her experience when I was about 10 or 11. When I grew up I got to talk to other people and even read about that very same sighting on old newspapers, and there I became convinced there was really something to it.

Since then I was fortunate to have been witness to a UFO a couple years ago, but I keep approaching the phenomena, the stories and the reports with the same amount of healthy skepticism that I did before. I think it's important not to get lost in the stories and like you said, form your own opinions.

I hope you have fun here on ATS

reply to post by meremortal

could you please give me your sources where i can view the extended media coverage of ufo activity as i dont see any extra coverage on this subject and i do keep my eye on the news daily !

are you referring to mainstream media or just the likes of internet coverage i.e. you tube?

I'm pretty sure PX Iceman is refering to the recent attention the mainstream media has given to the subject.

Starting with the O'Hare incident, UFOs have been more frequently on mainstream media and have been taken a lot more seriously than in the past.

I point your attention to the numerous CNN/Larry King shows about UFOs; the mainstream media covering and discussing the National Press Club Conference in November 2007 and up to the recent Stephenville incidents and so on, I think it's undeniable that the mainstream media has been giving serious attention to it.

Now whether they are doing it because they really care and think it's a subject that should be covered and discussed or if it's part of a so far hidden agenda of theirs, we can only speculate.

Despite the reasons for them doing so, it has given the UFO subject much more visibility and credibility to a certain point.

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 01:13 PM
Step 1 - Realisation something fishy is going on behind everyday life and beginning to investigate.

Step 2 - Immersion in this new information and become convinced, attempting to persuade others and find your way to the truth.

Step 3 - Realisation that that this new information is in fact irrelevant and it's the mundane stuff that really impacts how we advance ourselves, person to person, one experience at a time.

Step 4 - ...

Step 5 - Profit!

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 01:28 PM
"Yes, anytime there is this much effort by the powers that be to sweep something under the carpet for this long, it pays to pay attention!"

Hmm, lol, I found this statement interesting. Am I taking this in context, are you suggesting that the "Powers that be" are hiding information about ET and his vehichles? IF that is so, I wish you would share the evidence with me. Not the stories and the pretty pictures but, the evidence.
If on the other hand, I did take this statement wrong and you meant the "Powers that be" are keeping my countries secrets uhm, secret, than I say "Yay team!"

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 02:25 PM
thankyou every body

i have just watched this video , you have probably all seen it before but if not i recommend it

after watching it i feel even more scales have fallen away from eyes!

its a god send if feel..


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