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Hillary Has No Integrity

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posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 08:02 PM
So that's my final analysis of the Democratic events thus far. She is completely lacking in integrity. She was with Barack and Edwards when they opted not to campaign in Florida and Michigan to support the decision of the DNC to strip all delegates for moving their primary date up. Now that things are getting dire she is singing a different tune, one about how ALL votes need to be represented. She didn't care much about the votes before, when she was the favorite. But NOW she cares about them? She's a back talker, 100%.

So now tonight i'm hearing all these reports on MSNBC about how her campaign is making emergency calls to their lawyers concerning something about voter intimidation in Texas and more ominous charges.

Because of all the other times she has been for something when it benefits her and against something when it doesn't, i'm inclined to believe she is just whining about Texas because she is LOSING.

Seriously. Seriously? How can anyone support a candidate who is so transparent in her selfishness? How can anyone trust that she won't simply continue to make decisions based on her own well being instead of the well being of others?

I'm not saying John McCain or Barack Obama are any better. To be honest, i feel a little taken for the fact that this is such an active and exciting political season, and i just can't get behind any of them. Integrity is a big factor for me and while i think Barack has the most out of the three of them, i think there are plenty of issues that will come up regarding his spotty past.

None of these people are bad people in my opinion, and to be honest i think we as voters get a free pass on prejudice during the political season. Even so, it's the highest office in the country and deserves every bit of scrutiny it gets.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 01:39 PM
It doesn't matter anymore at this point. Pick the lesser evil, pay your taxes, and don't question the government.

No but really, I would at least agree with you that Hillary is probably the worst out of the three. Mccain comes 2nd, not by much

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 11:31 AM
Keep your eyes on the angels not the demons...

It doesn't matter who is potus. It is not the highest position of power under Heaven.

Disregard hillary, mccain, barack... they are all shills vying for air time on the corporate channel; prepared to push the buttons they are advised to push for the complex.

bought and paid for by the machine.

Listen to what is being said by the washington outsiders during the process. The messages conveyed by true Kings are far more important than the posts about to be held by the neo castle keepers.

wheee - wheee whe whoo - wheee whee whoo hoo hoo - whooo

helicopters and sirens, horns, cheap beer, and advertisements...

Dredlocks, riverside at the campfire...

Underground; embracing the next paradigm.


Sri Oracle

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 03:59 PM
Disregard McCain, Clinton and Obama?

You suggest we just "disregard" our candidates; and let those with evil intentions just continue to drive our ship of state into complete wreckage?

Why, that's just brizilliant!

[edit on 3/9/08 by EastCoastKid]

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 09:56 PM
...and we wonder why gov't has become so unresponsive...

If we aren't willing to get involved in the process, we get the gov't we deserve.

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