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For or Against the NWO.

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posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 09:54 PM
I am knew to ATS as a member but have been on the boards for some time. Anyways i have seen much about the NWO or the "New World Order". Alot of it sounds believable and since able however just to think Americans would let something such as this happen and i being a true American Patriot it is hard to believe in a since. Anyways i am looking to see who is with the NWO or who is against the NWO and why im at it if your American would you fight back or simply go with the flow and try and stick it out with your loved ones?

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by Mr.x211

well, im for certian points the nwo is going for but the idea as a whole i am aginst..

the world could use a little depopulation but not in the manner that seems to go with the nwo. also i am a christian so its my belif that the nwo will usher in the second comming of christ so also in that respect im for it...

edit: so i guess as a whole i am aginst the nwo..

btw you should watch the end game.. you can find it on youtube.

[edit on 15pmu102007 by DaleGribble]

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by DaleGribble


Anyways off topic for one second

Mind explaining too me how your ATS score wen't from -500 too +1900?

On topic.

Why the hell is it this thread exists?
No one should be for the NWO, the NWO owners are the Bildenberg groups, and they are satanic evil deities that wish upon supreme rule of the planet.

No one on this FORUM with the correct given knowledge should believe in all americans not having soverinty.

And for one, The people that put "In God We Trust" on the american dollar are a bunch of hipocrits.

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by Prophet-Ezekiel

As much as i see to where you are coming from i would like to state maybe you should respect people more before replying to their topics because such disrespect is even more hypercritical. Anyways i have actually seen many people with them rather they know what they are talking about or not but i am against it in a since, only if power didn't change it. Ill tell you one thing "if" it is true they will need to make their move by the up coming presidential elections or else they will lose their chance with Bush. I also believe and am almost positive if they do make their move many Americans will revolt.

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by Mr.x211

My friend I didn't direct this towards you totally, I just don't see there being anyone for the NWO as stated it represents a satanic entity.

I am also for a type of world governing factor, but no one should own the world and no elite individuals should own the world because HUMANS DONT OWN THE WORLD!!!!!! The universe owns this planet, and we are property of the universe. We are not property of peoples facist views, or any other type of view.

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 10:48 PM
I was mainly talking about your reply to the person above your first comment. I also understand what your saying because i also know that everyone is obligated to their own opinion however as much as i would enjoy seeing the planet "earth" not going to say world because it could apply to many but as much as i would enjoy seeing 1 government or council or ruling party for Earth for many many reasons at the same time i know it will simply not happen because power changes people. Being a FreeMason and a extremely strong believer in the Christian faith i would have to disagree with the NWO. Either way i posted this topic to see whome is against the NWO and whome is with the NWO. I do not wish to judge either party.

[edit on 3-3-2008 by Mr.x211]

[edit on 3-3-2008 by Mr.x211]

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 01:31 AM
For me the concept of a one world government is a great idea in theory, however human behaviour tends to counteract theory. Look at the state of the world today, countless religions- countless ideals. It is going to be near impossible to unite so many conflicting factors. In my opinion there will always be extremist factions who oppose order but could you imagine the kind of opposition a single world leader would incite. There would be no wars as such...just constant civil unrest which in my mind is the greater evil.

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by AbsoluteLegend

"I am also for a type of world governing factor, but no one should own the world and no elite individuals should own the world because HUMANS DONT OWN THE WORLD!!!!!! "

Key word - Governing factor.

a Government is a false idea of reality, period.
The manifestations of evil deed are the only reason we have a government and military, if humans we're naturually peaceful we would just build up our towers and build up our purity, but we're plagued with the consistancy of radical sin type action

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 03:40 AM
actually you also have to think about how "evil deeds" brought us so many good things... dont be so negative.

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 04:13 AM
Well, seriously, the CURRENT order doesnt really have the answers...does it?

Would a New World Order really be so bad?

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 05:15 AM

Originally posted by Black Flag

Would a New World Order really be so bad?

LOL does the answer rape, torture, and pillage, brainwash, murder, implant robotics into you, test mind control drugs on you, fit a good NWO or for you?

I'd be highly amused if it was.

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 08:36 PM
I am for a New World Order governed by God. And now I add this just because my post is too short.

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 10:53 PM
Lol what many of you don't understand is just because we are simply saying we wouldn't mind such a idea doesn't mean the NWO is a good thing. The current outlook and from what we know at the moment "if" it even exists would be bad. It would be a Government so to speak that would take full control over earths population and completely throw out freedom and free speech to which they would then propose new laws and mandates to the worlds people. The Government that would be the back bone of the NWO plan would be the United States and the EU in theory. Im also going to mention that it has been said the NWO would try and get rid of half the worlds population which i don't know about you but this is a bad thing. I highly doubt this and personally i think only conspiracy theorist would believe in this but it is said that the people behind the NWO idea are a bunch of Satanic cultist. I believe some may have the idea right but i doubt they are all satanic. Either way it goes if they are going to make their move im sure it would be soon because with out Bush they can't form. I would also like to make it clear that "if" they do form i for one will be with the people on the streets and in the mountains with guns. Im a true American Patriot and the NWO IS NOT America, its getting rid of America.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 03:33 AM
reply to post by Mr.x211

Mr.x211. This part is for you. Being new, there are a few threads which get very heated. Watch you tounge... or your keyboard. You have touched on a subject which ties into 9/11 and religion. Oh and don't forget those who have had encounters with ET's. And Know one of those personally, so, you need to read more of those topics. This could get heated.

The actual true NWO is very real. THe Bilderberg group is just on small faction of the whole story. Why has the QUeen of ENgland kept her crown so long with the rest of the world removing all their monarch ties? So far as I can tell is.... The USA will be the military faction, Britain will be the economic faction, and Vatican City will be the religious faction. It makes sence. Hopefully the Scientologist don't get the religious poart.....

I am a Russian Orthodox Christian and I do not want the antichrist to come, (we do not believe in the rapture) But the sooner the better

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 02:01 PM
Just because i say i don't completely agree with Conspiracy theorist doesn't mean i don't believe in it brother or disrespect it. I don't believe in 9-11 and actually alot of cult threads on this forum are in complete disregard of the truth. I am deeply religious and i believe in other lifeforms out there. If anyone on these boards i respect other beliefs and thoughts however that doesn't mean i wont debate upon them. I am a Free Mason yet when i go to the Free Mason board people are calling us bad people and satanic people when really much of us Masons believe deeply in Christ and like i said before most of what we do doesn't even involve religion it involves getting together and family. Did you know Masons are the lead donators in Cancer research and care?. Anyways back on topic please i just wanted to make it clear to why i am here.

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 06:33 AM

Mr.x211. This part is for you. Being new, there are a few threads which get very heated. Watch you tounge... or your keyboard. You have touched on a subject which ties into 9/11 and religion. Oh and don't forget those who have had encounters with ET's. And Know one of those personally, so, you need to read more of those topics. This could get heated.

Isn't a forum about discussing your point of view? I don't think mr.x211 was treading on anyones toes. In fact I agree to a certain degree with most of his points. Either way you look at it the NWO has it's pros and cons and opinion will always be divided, that is why implementing a one world government will be difficult. It is Impossible for a government to please an entire nation of people ... what about pleasing the entire planets population. It will definately be interesting (and a little scary) to see how this all plays out.

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 07:02 AM
Ive always been FOR elements of such a society.

Cameras....everywhere. Im a fan of that. I dont particulary care about being filmed walking down a one is interested in what Im doing. If you happen to assault someone, like its happening more and more in my home city, then its hard not to be swayed by ideas of cameras being at every street corner. I want all these thugs to get off our streets.

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 02:36 AM
3-Libras - you have a very good point regarding cameras. I had never thought of it that way. However crime is something that will always exist in society. I personally believe that the government itself may have a hand in pushing the crime rate up as fear causes people to be more and more likely to submit to new legislation... ie: microchipping people.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 11:20 PM
Yea, this thread is old and has nothing to do with anything of sort. If the mods can delete this thread i will appreciate it. Thank you.


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