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Dom Armentano: UFOs and censorship — why Cato Institute dumped me

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posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 01:31 AM
What happen to ordinary respected individuals when they decide to talk about UFO's? No wonder why many many other individuals wont even dare to touch the subject.

On Jan. 10, just one day after my article on UFO secrecy appeared in this newspaper and on this Web site (“Intelligent Extraterrestrial life: The Other Inconvenient truth?” Jan. 9), I was unceremoniously dropped as a Cato Institute adjunct scholar, a position I’d held for more than 20 years.

Dom Armentano: UFOs and censorship — why Cato Institute dumped me

And the story that landed him in trouble with his peers:

Dom Armentano: Intelligent extraterrestrial life: The other inconvenient truth?

This is just a shame... how are we supposed to have open dialogue about this when people have to look over their shoulders or have to think about what the consequences to their careers are going to be.

There would never be disclosure in this type of environment.

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 01:23 AM
That is most likely the point, there will not be disclosure anytime soon. Maybe in our lifetimes, but not anytime in the near future. As for the dumping of the scholar, I could see that occurring due to a Newspaper wishing to keep their reputation (as if any newspapers these days have a good one). However, if it was such a big deal the Editor should have had it stricken before print.

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 01:33 PM
It's remarkable how undemocratic our world is once you start examining everything under a telescope, particulary when you start discussing fringe topics with your real name.

Only the internet can bring disclosure and it will probably be on a one to one basis. Unfortunately the noise to signal ratio is so great, even on the internet, that one must have ample time to search months or even years to get anywhere near the truth.

The mainstream media will never touch the subject in a serious manner, as it deserves to be, not for fear of government retaliation(although possible) but because of a distorted notion of reality, perception and reputation. If you brainwash people long enough then the truth/facts become nonsense and nonsense becomes fact.

I hate generalizing so much but in some cases such as this its almost unavoidable.

Posted by anonymous from earth.


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