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Unable to explain what I saw..

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posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 11:37 AM

I have posted once or twice before here, and I've been debating with myself on whether I should post what I saw at the weekend or not, as I don't want to be labelled as some kind of nutjob, and I am certainly not posting for attention.

I am completed confused at what I saw, and I am trying to use my head for logical answers as to what it may have been, or may not have been, but I keep coming up blank.

I have always been into everything to do with Space, UFO's and the posibility of life from other planets, but I have always had an open mind to everything I have seen, through pictures, internet feeds.

I will describe what I saw, hopefully I can get some good advise, if not, at least I have shared my 'experience' and I go get back to the normalities of working, doing the old hobbies and looking at the skies at any given moment!

Saturday morning, I woke early to give my wife a lie in, so I took my son outside the front of our apartment to play football on the grass (soccer to the americans!), he almost 2 yrs old, and can talk pretty well.
We had been playing for around 20 minutes when he startes shouting 'Aeroplane Daddy'.. I live near Farnborough Airport, in Hampshire (UK), and we are about 20 miles from Heathrow, so there are always aeroplanes flying overhead.
We looked up and there were actually 4 aircrafts in the air, these were commercial planes, quite obvious from the trail of fuel that is often left behind these planes.

He was waving at the aeroplanes and saying goodbye to them (pretty cute), when something caughty my eye.

This was at approx 09.10 hours Sat morning, I was facing North West, and at an angle of about 50 degrees, I saw what looked like an object falling to the ground.
The reason it caught my eye, as it looked like it had falling from the fuel trail of one of the commercial planes.

This object was falling for around 1 minute 30 seconds, I honestly couldn't tell you what it was, a few things went through my mind, either something fell off the aeroplane, maybe a bird (like the UFO picture in POrtsmouth) or something 'metally'.

It was an oval shape and it fell very slowly for around 1 minute 30 seconds, then it turned to the right in an arch, and as it reached the top of the arch it just completel vanished.

I stayed there for at least another 10 minutes, but there was nothing.

Imagine the letter J, but turned around so the arch is facing the other way.. thats how it fell.
In total, whatever I saw was visible for around 2 minutes, maybe 2 mins 30 seconds.

I would have guessed at this object being between 7-10 miles away at a 50 degree angle in the sky, I know it was not a bird, as it completely dissapeared, but I have never seen anything move quite like this 'thing' did before.

I do live close to the Airport, and we have some Defense and Research companies in the area...

I am not saying what I saw was a craft from outer space, and I am sure (hope) there is a logical explanation for what I saw, but I am not struggling to figure out what it was..

Any advise, or knowledgable people around these parts who might be able to decipher what it was I saw, as the days go on, the more I am intrigued!!

Hope it didn't bore you too much on that, but any ideas would be greatfully recieved!!!

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 11:51 AM
Sounds a lot like that satellite the US military is tryin to shoot down, prob on the curve of the earths horizon as it flew over. This reminds me to always carry a digi cam wherever I go lol!

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 11:56 AM
The curve was a in a much smaller space and happened in the sky.
It looked like it was between myself and the fuel trail of the aeroplane overhead, as it looked like it came from the fuel trail itself, when I first spotted it.

I am quite confident it was not a satelite, as the movement was in our atmosphere.

As I said imagine looking in the sky and seeing an object move in the shape of a back to front letter J, it dissappeared on its way up from the arch, which didn't look like it was going around the curve of the earth.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by jayrho

I agree that it wasn't a satellite, although it is difficult to impossible to determine the distance to an object in the sky, and whether or not it in the atmosphere.

Since the object appeared to be associated with a high altitude aircraft, I'd speculate tht it was a bit of ice or frozen bilgewater falling from the plane. As it melts and gets lighter, it could be carried by the wind as it catches the sunlight. In the sky, it;s difficult to perceive the difference between "up" and "away", since your field of vision is essentially 2-dimensional and the object is moving in three dimensions.


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