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Political Conspiracy: Hillary's "Experience" a Lie

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posted on Feb, 7 2008 @ 02:03 PM
For anyone who's not read about it, here is an excellent example of the BS that people are being sold on from the Hillary campaign and the media:

Clinton would recognize the need to give voters a reason to vote for her. I waited expectantly to discover what that reason might be.

I never dreamed the reason would be "experience." More astonishing still, the public seems to be buying it. According to a new New York Times/CBS News poll, 79 percent of all Democratic primary voters believe that Hillary Clinton has "prepared herself well enough for the job of President," compared with only 40 percent for Obama. "Experience Counts" declared the headline of a Jan. 9 editorial in the Boston Globe about the New Hampshire victories of Hillary Clinton and Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. "The results suggest that, at the least, New Hampshire voters put more stock in the length of a candidate's track record than Iowa voters did," the Globe said. But the paper never got around to explaining what, in Hillary's case, that experience consisted of.

Obama served eight years in the Illinois state Senate and is halfway through his first term in the U.S. Senate. Clinton is about to begin her eighth year in the U.S. Senate. Going by years spent as an elective official, Obama's 11 years exceeds Clinton's seven, which in turn exceeds Edwards' six. But it's a silly calculus. They all come out about the same, even when you factor in Clinton's youthful work on the House judiciary committee's impeachment inquiry, her membership on the board of the Legal Services Corp., her chairmanship of the Arkansas Educational Standards committee, her crafting of an unsuccessful national health-care bill, and her sharing Bill Clinton's bed most nights while he was Arkansas governor and president of the United States.

Here she is on Dec. 20:

"It is tempting any time things seem quieter for a minute on the international front to think that we don't need a president who's up to speed on foreign affairs and military matters. Well, that's the kind of logic that got us George Bush in the first place. Experience in foreign affairs is critical for ending the war in Iraq, averting war in Iran, negotiating a Middle East peace and dealing with North Korea."

But a Dec. 26 New York Times story revealed that during her husband's two terms in office, Hillary Clinton did not hold a security clearance, did not attend meetings of the National Security Council, and was not given a copy of the president's daily intelligence briefing. During trips to Bosnia and Kosovo, she "acted as a spokeswoman for American interests rather than as a negotiator."

Clinton's claim to superior experience isn't merely dishonest. It's also potentially dangerous should she become the nominee. If Clinton continues to build her campaign on the dubious foundation of government experience, it shouldn't be very difficult for her GOP opponent to pull that edifice down.

I encourage everyone to read the full article at as I've only pasted bits and pieces.

Another example of people being lied to and sold on disinfo. The same goes for John Kerry and the public eating up that he changed his mind so much. The EXACT same; however, if you do some research, you'll see that most of what is being told to us is complete BS.

posted on Feb, 7 2008 @ 02:24 PM
This is the reason why I will not vote for her.

She keeps citing her what ??

turning a blind eye to her husband's infidelity ??

bilking investors out of money (Whitewater) ??

her 8 years as a senator where she did NOTHING !!

The lies she spread about Peter Paul ??


What foreign policy's has she made ?? NONE !!

What happened to her health care plan ??? NOTHING !!!

So exactly what is her experience ???

I searched and scoured the internet looking for her "experience" but so far I have found nada !!!

Please..someone show me her "experience" and why it qualifies her to be President.

[edit on 7-2-2008 by Alpha Grey]

posted on Feb, 7 2008 @ 02:33 PM
It would be ignorant to think she wasn't involved in policy matters. She's a political beast. She didn't have "security clearance"? Fine, does that mean she didn't discuss matters with Bill? Highly unlikely.

An archivist explained to Smith that the release of materials was tightly controlled by the former president's longtime confidant Bruce Lindsey. Could she look at memos detailing the advice Hillary gave Bill during debates over welfare reform?

But Clinton's appointment calendar as First Lady, her notes at strategy meetings, what advice she gave her husband and his advisers, what policy memos she wrote, even some key papers from her health-care task force—all of this, and much more documenting her years as First Lady, remains locked away, most likely through the entire campaign season.

Sounds like a "player" to me. Wasn't she the first First Lady to have her own office in the White House?

posted on Feb, 7 2008 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by Alpha Grey

Thx for the reply.

I'm going more off of the fact that, like John Kerry's campaign, the public is being lied to about why someone else fits the bill better. And the sad thing is, people eat it up. I spoke with my grandmother the other day, and she said that she thinks Barack Obama is not experienced enough.

You see, the media has apparently gotten to her too. It's bogus. We can just rack this up as yet another lie coming from Hillary Clinton's campaign and a media that's looking for any angle they can get.

posted on Feb, 7 2008 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by intrepid

Yes, I don't think you can discount the point that she did do some things, but her campaign is twisting it around to make it seem like she has more and her opponents have less.

I think it'd be damn near impossible for her to stay completely out of ANY affairs going on in the White House when her hubby was running the show.

posted on Feb, 7 2008 @ 08:26 PM
This post is an attempt to rehash this thread, as I feel the more people see what bull they've been fed, the better.

Disinfo, people, will ruin us unless we take the time to research!

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 03:54 PM
Interesting. I dont like hillary to begin with...look what two terms of clinton, and bush, has done to this country. think the last thing we need is another clinton in office. God save america if she does get elected.

[edit on 12-2-2008 by SilentBob86]

[edit on 12-2-2008 by SilentBob86]

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