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Celebrating the Birth of Rome?

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posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 01:26 AM
This Feb 5, is not only Super Duper Tuesday for the Primaries or Caucuses. It is the last day of the grand celebration practiced across Western Civilization known as Carnival. This last day is better known as Mardi Gras in the United States.

What few know are its links back to the Roman festival Lupercalia, which honored the She Wolf who saved Romulus and Remus, the legendary founders of Rome. Masquerading revelers, parading, and even the Carrus Navalis have survived into modern times. We still have the masks, parades, and the Carrus Navalis have evolved into floats.

So this next Tuesday when celebrating Carnival and Mardi Gras, bear in mind that we honor the memory and tradition of the birth of Rome.

In retrospect should any self repecting Judeo Christian society be celebrating the birth of Rome?

Why was this day chosen for Super Duper Tuesday?

Is the West not the leaves and branches of Rome? Are we not the Tree that sprang from the roots of the Seven Hills? Who or what exactly are we honoring by acting like animals in drunken orgies?

Something to think about. Ave Roma?

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 01:32 AM

Originally posted by MikeboydUS
In retrospect should any self repecting Judeo Christian society be celebrating the birth of Rome?

I'd have to say any self respecting Christian would avoid Mardi Gras... but we are not in the age of chastity anymore
I had an ex-gf who was one of the 'queens' at Mardi Gras. I was a little overwhelmed at the spectacle of it all and the number of obnoxious drunks everywhere... definitely rings true as one of those Romanesque spectacles.

Thanks for the info, I had no idea the two were related. Rome was the birth of what we know as a fascist pseudo-republic. It survives well to this day, no?

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 09:18 AM
The lupercalia celebrates rome, but also romance.

February, Purification, and the Lupercalia

The word Februarius itself comes from a word meaning purification or purgation.

Twin themes of purification and fertility come together in the Roman holiday called Lupercalia. Priests (luperci) of two colleges (Quintilii and Fabii) met at the cave where the she-wolf supposedly nursed the founding twins Romulus and Remus. Vestal Virgins offered their holy salt cakes. Priests sacrificed a dog and a goat, and smeared the animal blood on two boys who, clad only in a bit of goatskin, later led a band of revelers (luperci) whose antics included whipping bystanders with a goatskin strip (februa). Women so whipped -- even barren ones -- were thought to become fertile. The priests may also have paired up youth of both sexes who were to stay paired up for the remainder of the year.


Many aspects of ancient and even modern carnal celebrations come from Babylon. The tribulation period- ruling church system is called "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT,THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH."
She comes from from the dawn of Occultism, she's had offspring, which resemble her and she will rule over the BEAST of Revelation for a period, until the beast turns on her and burns her with fire.

Cupid and the heart

"This son, thus worshipped in his mother's arms, was looked upon as invested with all the attributes, and called by almost all the names of the promised Messiah. As Christ, in the Hebrew of the Old Testament, was called Adonai, The Lord, so Tammuz was called Adon or Adonis. Under the name of Mithras, he was worshipped as the "Mediator." As Mediator and head of the covenant of grace, he was styled Baal-berith, Lord of the Covenant ( see Figure 24) - (Judges 8:33). In this character he is represented in Persian monuments as seated on the rainbow, the well known symbol of the covenant. "

The best study help I have ever found aside from the Strong's Concordance, is The Two Babylons
It may have slight inaccuracies, but, it was written in 1853, so, a little study can clear it up.

[edit on 30-1-2008 by Clearskies]

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