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Don't be hustled by this years election

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posted on Jan, 12 2008 @ 07:53 AM
No matter who the candidates are for this coming years election, the puppet masters (bankers) will continue to dominate the path of the U.S. So many citizens believe their vote actually mean something. Those that controls the paper, rule the world. So if its Obama, Clinton, McCain or Huckabee, they all will be puppets. A CSM (Command Sergeant Major) friend of mine who just returned from Iraq expressed to me how many concrete permanent bases are being built in many area in Iraq (Apartments, Grocery Stores, Malls, McDonalds, etc.), if this is so how can the candidates promise to pullout of Iraq if elected. There is too much money to be made in Iraq (For those who don't know, it's the American people who pay the interest on the billions borrowed from the Federal Reserve). Many of us ATS members are up to date and know this information but for those who don't, up your knowledge.

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