posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 11:39 AM
as sick as i am of hearing about it, someone had to do it.
so here's what i think.
janet jackson is a very unattractive woman with her nose job and fake boob and piercings and tatoos.
the costumes were retarded. i was thouroughly repulsed by the entire fake lip-synching barren of substance affair before the unfortunate incident
even took place.
i don't enjoy watching dance numbers. i don't know what anything in that whole thing was supposed to represent or anything. just a bunch of freaks
jumping around to me.
the fact that they tried to pretend and lie that it was an accident insults my intelligence.
as far as it being offensive and there were children watching, i think that these things are often blown out of proportion. but she broke the rules
and should be held accountable. i hope they fine her ass.
i'm bothered by the lying and the fakeness and what it says about our society.
[Edited on 4-2-2004 by The General]