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Unusual document

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posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 07:22 PM
Hi i found this bit of text on a random site a few months ago and couldn't figure out where it came from and was wondering if anyone recognized it and could tell me where it came from and where i could find more info about it. heres the text

'The proposition that you pose in your Epistime Scientia paper “that time is nonexistent to God, but also to sound and light across the Zero-Point Energy field (Episteme Scientia by Samuel J Hunt)” is a very brilliant and exiting conclusion. If we assume the some of us may have the spirit of God conjoined to our Earthly spirit within our bodies, then we may also at times be able to raise our consciousness to the higher God spirit level where time is nonexistent and then be able to create and materialize objects both animate and inanimate from our thoughts and voice sounds. Just like the Hero Paul Atriedies in the Frank Herbert Dune Series raised his consciousness to the level of God so that he could use sound from his voice to kill and to create.

Your discussion on using sound to create reminded me of the Hiburu language which is a 4th dimensional language used to create objects. But I also felt that my culture being more Celtic and Aryan in nature has a different creation language than the Hiburu which is more Middle Eastern and Semitic, and I then recalled that an author by the name of SAM (S. A. MacLagan ) has published on the internet a reconstructed language called Adelic based on J.R.R. Tolkien's language, which seems to me to be very close to the 4th dimensional language of the Celtic cultures as posted at

Once we understand your theory of using sound to create matter, we then may further discover what specific holographic sound patterns may be used to create different types of objects and what language should be used to create each culture, clan, and spiritual and physical form of animate and inanimate objects. There should be many different languages used to create different cultures of animate beings as I postulated above where the Hiburu may be used for the Middle Eastern Semitic cultures, and the Adelic for the Celtic Aryan cultures. If there is only one creator or God, then the creator must be able to shift his form and consciousness to change from one culture and language to another. Some Buddhist monks from Japan claimed that there is not just one Universe but at least 7, which leads me to believe that there may be more than one God or creator.

I also feel that some of us in part may create ourselves to some degree by raising our consciousness to a higher God spirit outside of time and by means of communication with ourselves back and forwards in time. This is what I feel has happened to me. I have noticed that at times my consciousness is outside of time, and that I or a spirit that I have tuned to or raised my consciousness to is able to create both inanimate and animate objects around myself at times. I have also noticed an artificial reality governmental computer, time travel, and energy beam weapons system that pretends to be the Devil, and attempts to jam my spirit, body, and environment with artificial sound holograms, and also attempts at times to control or create objects around me both animate and inanimate. However the objects that I seem to be able to create at times naturally from my spirit are very positive and idealistic and God like which are very different if not opposite from the objects created by the governmental computer system that pretends to be the Devil' anyone recognize it?

posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 08:00 PM
Could you check the link? It isn't working for me.

Good thread. Interesting to think about. Plausible even.

posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 08:26 PM
Links dead for me too. is it just me or does this sound like it has a lot in common with sacred geometry?

[edit on 16-11-2007 by HuntaXX]

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 04:45 AM
Working link thread: (You had a "." at the end of the link)

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