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End of times? Aliens NWO Prophecies and Theory

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posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 09:24 AM
My Theory and the paper trail to it. Ancient Cultures, Bible and other Prophecy, and Conspiracy Theory. I do not belive that any one of them is 100% correct but are all pieces of a big puzzle
and if you research them and put them all together in front of you they form a complete puzzle. I am just going to give brief outlines and some resources where you can look to find out more. I have only started recently looking into such things but I am also one that feels things are not right and in this research have felt to become more aware both phyiscally and spiritually.

I will start with the Ancient Cultures.

Sumerian the first civilazation of earth some 6,000 years ago.
In the ancient artwork and writing they have left behind. They depeict drawings of the solar system in perfect course (all planets present with correct orbit around the sun. The only difference is the addition of a 10th planet in which they called Nibiru. They teach that man was created as a slave race by the beings of Nibiru which they call the Annanuki. The Annanuki needed to mine gold and other resources from the Earth to help maintain their own planet and atmosphere, they belief that man was genetically created or the DNA altered by the Annanuki using perhaps early mans DNA along with their own to create a race, a race of humans who would work and worship them THE SLAVES. They also portray the Annanuki as a race of reptillian like beings.

We all know the Mayan Calander and these were people with great knowledge of astrology perhaps even more than what we know today. They believed the celestral alignments controlled the happenings of man and the history of earth. We all know the calander which as most belief can predict future events ends in the year 2012 December to be correct though the day is at odds if you look the 21st is most accpted but days surrounding that day are also mentioned. They also worshipped Pagan type gods with human sacrifice. Many things also point to a race of Reptillian like creatures as they claim that we are decended from THE PEOPLE OF THE SERPENT.

Japan- Emperors claim descent from Dragon Gods.

Austraila- belive in descent from Dragon Humans and they live under the Earth governing man.

Africa- Kings claim descent from Dragon Kings that came from the sky.

Hopi Indians- belief Sky Gods came to earth and breeded with their woman and they called them Serpent Brothers.

Aztec- were said to be created by a serpent woman.

China- belief in a Serpent Queen interbreed with man.

These are just some examples many many more exist in other Ancient Cultures that describe man being descended from a race of Serpents or worshipping Beings of some sort of Reptillian descent.


I am sure everyone is well aware of most of what the Bible says believers and non-believers alike.
There are many prophecies and beliefs that dwell within but again keep a brief outline.

After the rebel of Satan and 1/3 of the Angels in Heaven who supported him were defeated they were cast down to Earth as fallen angels (are also known as the Nephilim). It is said that they breeded and defiled the DNA of man. God became so angry he washed the world of them and the unholy creations and sinners of the world (The Great Flood of Noah and his Ark). Even after this it is said that the atrocities continued and once again someday the world would be cleansed of its unholy and the non believers.

The bible in Revelation gives prophecy about the impending 2nd comming of Christ. There will be false prophets and a Anti Christ who unites the world with lies and deception there will be great peril diasters and wars. The followers will wear the mark of the beast and even our churches will be defiled and become corrupt. The ones who refuse the Mark of the beast shall be imprisoned enslaved and/or terminated. After the Fall of the New Babylon there will be the Battle of Armageddon, which will be the return of Jesus Christ that will cast the Antichrist and False Prophets into a lake of fire and imprison Satan for 1000 years and judge mankind for its sins. I urge everyone to remember when events take place and we are being fooled THE 2nd COMMING OF CHRIST ISNT ONE OF PEACE AND LOVE (he has been our savior once and was rejected) this time its a return of our JUDGEMENT.

St. Malachy' made a list of what is claimed to be all the Popes of the Catholic Church sometime around the year 1139 (was lost rediscovered around 1590). We are on the last Pope on his list GLORY OF THE OLIVE (referring to Pope Benedict XVI) The current Pope Benedict is from the Order of the Benedictine also reffered to as the Olivetan.

Nostradamus we are all aware of and his many prophecies. Some of his writings have been linked to many of the worlds greatest events over the last 500 years. He as well told of world destruction and in the so called Lost Book of his the year 2012 seems important just as it may of been to the Mayans. Many of his writings tell of Fire from the sky cities destroyed and Great Terror from the Middle East wearing a Turban. It is hard to say and many argue how to interpt his coded writings of the time but we can all agree some of his writings seem to be more than just a Lucky Guess.


1. NWO- most people believe in the NWO. It has been talked bout in areas for years that the World was heading this way. They will control our money and hence our power. Taking our weapons away and dealing with the people not willing to go along with their ways. It will be compromised of some of the Worlds most powerful men pulling for it (Bankers and some Government Leaders and perhaps Aliens as well). It will be a One World Government and One World Religion and it is said our ID and Money will be through the implantation of microchips in our body and also perhaps be tracked this way.

2. Aliens- It is said we are not alone and our government and maybe many of others of the world have been working with them for many years (since the 1930s) and even form treaties (since the 1950s) for their technology in exchange for the right to study man and take so many for their own needs and purposes. Many believe they are a huge part of the Shadow Government and actually call many of the shots and are waiting to take over through the NWO.

3. Moon/Mars bases and Underground Government Bases- Many say they exist and pictures have surfaced even though in them can never tell for sure something doesnt seem right and things do appear out of the ordinary. If you believe in the Aliens you probably believe in these as well.

4. John Leer's Soul Collector- Mr. Leer is the biggest adovcate of perhaps bases and travel to the moon by aliens and our government. He has provided many pictures and many thought provoking arguements. The one that seems to get the most flack is the theory of the Tower that is a Soul Collector. I have seen other theories involving the Aliens and believe if it does exist it is not a Soul Collector but more of a Soul Containment Unit that aliens instead of shape shifting to our form to deceive us have away to remove the soul from our body and more like possess us and takes over our body and they use the tower or some sort of containment units to keep the lost souls and trap them.

5. Nibiru or 10th planet- There are many pictures in the search for the 10th planet that is supposed to be on a 3600 year orbit around the moon. When it passes close it goes through the orbits of Mars and Jupiter and could cause great havoc to our planets in the solar system. Does it exist many believe so and some Outer Space pictures seem to show something and the fact there is proof of something that could be causing interference with the Gravational pull of Saturn and Jupiter is it Nibiru comming into our solar system again?

6. Pope- have you ever looked at the pictures of the POPE in mass and many of his ventures. He sits on a Throne with a UPSIDE DOWN CROSS on the back and carries a Staff with a BENT CRUCFIX on it all supposed signs of SATAN. Perhaps theories that say he is part of the NWO one world religion is correct. Is he more of a Satanic believer preparing us for the times of Tribulation or maybe a Alien in disguise.

There are many many Conspiracy Theories as we all know regarding these topics and many more I have just not included they are not hard to find if you so wish to look.


I want to say first when before i started this research I was a proclaimed Agnostic but that has since changed. I am not saying I am Right or Wrong in my Theory here but I have the strange feeling to believe that warm fuzzy feeling where your hair stands up and goosebumps form and something in you just says you have been enlightened. I have done massive research and only a tidbit I am writing bout here..look for yourself as they say the TRUTH IS OUT THERE and none of it is 100% correct but there is always a lil bit of TRUTH in everything.

I believe the world is in for a great change. I believe that the talks of the NWO are correct and ETs are involved. I have been inclined to take the more spiritual approach to this theory. That the ETs are perhaps the Fallen Angels cast out by GOD. Strange how the bible and Anicent Culture agree on the manipulation of mans DNA. That the NWO is run by ETs and they are trying to usher in the return of Satan and perhaps Nibiru is the sign to usher it in perhaps the fire from the sky prophecies talk bout. The Bible talks bout the World Government and the imprisonment of the non followers to that government which relates to the Underground Base stories where people deemed noncompliant will be imprisoned enslaved and perhaps used as food for ETs. Is the Microchip the Mark of the Beast the Bible Talks bout. A NWO establishment wouldnt be welcomed world wide and the ones bringing it would have to Deceive and Annilahate those who oppose just as the Anti Christ would from the Bible. It is said some ETs are in a state of higher Density in the Universe and we are in the 3rd Density (which is a phyiscal Density) could it be that our Heaven is in the 4,5, or higher Density for it is said that those beings from there are in tune with the universe and are peace loving people in perfect Harmony with each other (sounds great dont it PEACE LOVE HAPPINESS) and maybe the Fallen Angels were cast out of this Density to the 3rd which we are said to reside. I believe you all can form your own thoughts and see what my theory consist of and right or wrong I know in my heart that a great CHANGE is comming and we must be prepared to either embrace or fight it as the situation calls for.


The Sumerians believed that the Earth was created when Nibiru collided with another planet called Tiamat and the core of Tiamat became earth and the debris of it became the asteriod belt. Is it possible that Dinosaurs were not of Earth but Tiamat and that is why the difference in time frame between Humans and THEM. It is well accepted they were wiped out by a Comet maybe it wasnt a Comet but a Planet.

It is easy to say ONE PERSON is crazy or full of it when talking bout Our Governments involvement with aliens and underground bases but when you look there are 100s of ex government people that say this same story can they all be lying or wrong. It makes it more credible I belive when you notice many of them have died by unnatural causes or disappearances.

How can all the Ancient Cultures of the World so spread out and supposedly lacking great ways of travel can have the same stories of Reptillian race orgins. Are they Aliens or the Fallen Ones? It also supports the similar Pyramid structures scattered across the Earth and Perhaps Mars and beyond.

Believe it or Dont...But before bashing and just writing it off do some research of your own and see how all the stories can help make one picture to look at.
Some good Search Words or places are:
Sherry Shriner
Reptillian Race
Planet X 10th Planet
Richard Hoagland
Phil Schnieder
Coast to Coast AM
You Tube has tons of videos on these different topics
Pics of Pope
Many biblical terms will net some research

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 03:50 AM
i really liked to read this, very informative loads of stuff i've learned. maybe you could research on what ive just put in my first blog and further on it/ask about my theory

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 12:28 PM
"There is nothing new under the sun" I think that your on to something. Firstly, if you listen to Leo Zagami's Camelot interview ( Illuminati whistle blower) he say's that the Pope is a demonologist and practices black mass in the Vatican; in fact the first crest for the Vatican is a red dragon, I.E -Satan. The interview change my belief structure, I think all these aliens are just Demon's and Angels of the past. I believe crop circle's are our angels giving messages to us the only way there allowed to, metaphysically.

Just look at the phoneme of alien abduction. All the abducties speak of being lifted through a tunnel, and at times going through walls. This is nothing more than a worm hole in time and space. A event horizon if you well. Alien's, demon's or what ever they are must be in the 5th or other dimensions.

And to take this a little off track. Some Agnostic's in Egypt and purhapse the Dead Sea Scroll's speak of Jesus twin brother Judas. Judas is infact Lucifer and he redemn's himself by switching places with the Christ before being crucified. Jesus lives the rest of his life in Kasmir. Believing as the Sumerians, Dogon, and the Vatican do that our exsistance is reflected in the stars above, I've heard Sirius B (the 13th planet) is a white dwarf. What if it becomes a Black hole, and what of our Earth. With the astronomical alignment of our solar system on 2012, and a event horizon could we be thrown throw a wormhole? Into another Universe? Saved by the Dogstar. Time is ending is it not? The alignment is like a clock coming back to zero.

I tend to believe Jesus had a brother because all the creation stories speak of a Sun god (issis, Heimdall, and a evil jellouse brother known as Loki, Set, Ogo (trickster) who perversely falls in love with some women or sister (the Moon, Earth?) and hating human's because we are vain "mudd" people, vow's to destroy our race. I believe these re-occuring archetype to be the same souls, but I also think religion is a scam. And god is something sacred that's more alive inside of you than any church.

Finally, there is information that they (annanuki) might live under the sea. Does anybody else have ideas on this? I feel like I've gone to much of the rocker as it is.

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 08:45 PM
Time Warriors

The Word of God is a Multi Dimensional Revelation. It was designed to
unfold by the Spirit ---Through Time--. The Manifold Wisdom of God
( Multi Dimensional Wisdom of God)

Gods Wisdom is not something you can read about and understand.
I Corth.2:11-16

It isn't possible for the natural mind to Grasp the Mind of Christ.

So God designed a Super Natural way to program your Spirit to over
ride your mind---So that one day the REVELATION would be reveled
to those who truly Seek him. One day our mind would be linked to
his mind. God is in the process of ridding us of our own understanding.
Our Understanding is blocking the AWESOME MESSAGE he wants us to
But our natural mind thinks it has received the message. Thinks it No's
the Truth, thinks it is wise and able to determine what God has done
and is doing. This is the Great Deception!
The Veil over all nations, is over our minds which are at Enmity with
God is not communicating with the natural mind. His Word is designed
to communicate with the Spirit. You may think when your reading or
hearing Gods Word, that you are using your own mind. But it is being
used to program and renew the spirit of your mind, to his.
LIFE. Life is in the Spirit, not the physical realm or earthly realm.

God is not living or operating in our concept of TIME. Or Linear time.
God is outside of Time. He controls Time, He wipes out Time. He
reverses Time. He creates New Time Lines and abolishes old ones.
The Angels are not living in our Time. They move in and out of
different Time Lines. Different Dimensions. The Angels are
Multi Dimensional beings, created to assist those who are heirs
of Salvation or The New Multi Dimensional Beings ( anew species
called Jesus) who will rule and reign over all other beings.
Presently the Angels are in charge of Time, but God who is in
control, over there control, has changed all that.
The entire Word of God is a Journey out side of Time

It is a Multi Dimensional Star Gate to the port holes of the Spirit.

Once you have had one Glimpse of being moved from time , outside
of Time, you have experienced what the Word calls having your
you can never go back to thinking in terms of limiting God to our
present interpretation of the Gospel.

Our present interpretation is from an Earth bound, linear time
line view. It is Obsolete, Almost everything God has done was
done before, and outside of this present time line, or present
evil age.

The Time Line we are living in has already been ABOLISHED (vanished)

In the New TIme Line We have a New Name
Rev3;12, Rev 2;17, Isaiah 56:5, Rev 22:4

We have NO DNA, NO Genetic code, we have No race, no color,
NO SEX. We are all one, We all have the Same Mind, The Mind of Christ.
We have No Past, We are a New Species, born from outside of Time,
Before Time ever Started, before the Foundation or begging of the
New Time Line, Eph 1:4, I Timothy 1:9-10 Hebrews 10:9-10

When Jesus Bore all Sin, he then was able to reverse Time and Wipe out
this present Evil Age Rev.13:8 Hebrews 9:12-24-27

This whole time Line was the work of the devil I john3:8 Gen.3:15

It was the fallen Angels Stronghold. God Ambushed Satan here, in this
TIme Line. God bated him, and drew him here, to entrap him.
He wanted his own Kingdom and the Fallen Angels desired to look into
these things ( what God was doing with man)
I peter 1:12
Eph 3:10
Hb 2;15

Jesus died to disannul the Law, which was the work of the devil
Eph 2:15 that stared Gen 3;15 I John3:8 Romans 7:18-19

The religious Bondage this Planet was under was terminated, wiped out
2,000 years ago. It was the time of REFORMATION, Hebrews 9:10
Reformation means, to recover full Vision.

The impact of this radical change is going to sweep over us in the
days to come. Bring Revolution,
We where living in a false, covert, world, a copy, Imitation of the real.
THis pattern was erased. We now live in a time warp, on the count
down to the final end of this Time Line ( Evil Age) At which time we
will be caught away, and found in the Real TIme Line, prepared before
the Foundation of the World. Gods plan will resume without even a
thought of this one. ( since it never happened Matthew 25:34

This is the True Gospel, and the never Ending Story of the
God News, which is unfolding day by day.
Ms. Terry Mosley

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