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Social Conservatives...?

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posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 06:19 PM
I am at work right now. I just watched Lou Dobbs on CNN. Tony Perkins, a guest on his show tonight, referred to "social conservatives" at 7:55 p.m. He was referring in particular to Rudy Guiliani.

My question is this - Aren't social conservatives actually communists?

Why is Tony Perkins referring to most of the candidates as "social conservatives"?

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 06:59 AM
A "social conservative" is one of those guys who pushes to define marriage as a man and woman and kind of wants everything "morally" to be like a Leave it to Beaver episode. They're the kind of people who brought about prohibition and keep homosexuals from adopting. Stuff like that.

The funny thing here is that Guiliani is as socially conservative as Hillary is fiscally conservative.

The social conservative as a communist that you're referring to are the pro-welfare liberal "conservatives" of Denmark, Norway and Sweeden or socialkonservatisme. Political definitions are very different from state to state let alone country to country. That's why I always get a kick out of people in the UK commenting about US politics and vice versa.


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