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What kind of Conspiracy Site is this...!!!

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posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 03:56 AM
I have been a member of this site for a believe over a year now, and I personally have dedicated around 8 hours a day litterally for the past 2 years studying the legitamacy or lies of all the conspiracies. When I first found this site, I was all excited that I finally found a community who was going to support and appreciate open mindedness, and believe that the world is being controlled by an elite group of people. My countless hours of dedicated work in these areas, have proved to me over and over again that these things are real, and a good portion of the major so called conspiracies seem to have more truth then falsehood.

Yet all I seem to see on this site, is someone mentioning a conspiracy or something, and 50 other people jumping out to tell them why they are full of sh&*. Ever since I began my research, I have hoped to find people who actually spent time researching this stuff, and was open minded, and was looking for the truth without letting belief systems get in the way. Yet if there is a religious conspiracy mentioned, God knows 50 people will step in and say they are going to hell or are ignorant. If people say the world is run by 13 major Illluminati families, and everything Bush is doing is controlled by behind the scenes people, and just about everything he proposes is not for our benefit, even if on the outside it does.

When are people going to wake up. Understand that we will always be in servitude until all of us grow up and quit arguing that everyone else is wrong. Now I am not saying I believe every conspiracy I have read, some conspiracies have little to back them up, and those I say to people, that I don't agree but I will say maybe they are right. Many conspiracies that I heard in the beginning I thought were crap, but lo and behold after spending countless hours of research, now I believe many of those are legitament. The one thing I learned through all my research is that if you haven't studied just about every area of society, and the way it works, you can't properly make a judgement of whether something is true or false. 90% of you attack those who mention a conspiracy, and yet you have not researched that subject enough.

In my personal opinion every person before making an opinion about any conspiracy need to listen in entirety at least:

David Icke - Enter the Matrix
Michael Tsarion - The Origins of Evil
Jordan Maxwell - The Occult side of Commerce, and one on Astrotheology
Ted Gunderson - Satanism
Len Horowitz - DNA - Pirates of the Sacred Spiral
Alex Jones - Dark Secrets inside Bohemian Grove
Cathy O'Brien - Any one of hers.
Philip Schneider - Area 51
Bill Schnoeblen - Interview w/ an ex vampire
Fritz Springmeier - 13 Illuminati Bloodlines

And after all that you should still research more, but that would at least allow a generally well rounded opinion. You also need to watch all of them with an open mind, not just watch and say this is crap. If some seems false, then research that area see if there is any chance of legitamacy, then decide. I think it is funny how many people get caught on the reptilian thing. Wether there are reptilians or not who freakin cares. After all my research, I must say there is a chance that it is true, but either way whatever. So the Queen is a reptile, or she is just a manipulative lady who is human who cares, the fact is what she does or allows to be done behind the scenes. Anyway my rant is done, every take a step back, and don't let belief systems get in the way. Decide your own belief system dont' be endoctrinated.

Well I guess Let the Flame begin and perhaps the censoring of my post, whatever, May you all learn a little something from my post. Learn to love your fellow man and woman. We are all equal, and deserve love whether white, black, arab, or any other ethnicity or belief.

*Steps down from SoapBox*

Alternative Researcher,

Blake K. Stoltman

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 04:39 AM

Originally posted by BStoltman
...all I seem to see on this site, is someone mentioning a conspiracy or something, and 50 other people jumping out to tell them why they are full of sh&*.

I believe this is a discussion website and what you are describing is a concept known as discussion...

Although, for another view, I direct you here...

When are people going to wake up. Understand that we will always be in servitude until all of us grow up and quit arguing that everyone else is wrong...


*in complete geek mode, mimics early Next Gen Data portrayal* Query: Do you know the meaning of "irony"?

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 06:11 AM
ok so it is your opinion that to be knowledgable about conspiracies, all i need to do is check out all those sources, right?

i was utterly fascinated when i saw the occult world of commerce and jordan maxwell's NWO slideshow, loved it....but

you know there is only ONE source that got me into this whole conspiracy caper to begin with?

the bible.

yes, many may not comprehend it in this day and age of evolved intelligence, but it's true. i believe it simply because it's all in there, black and white. clear as day. i love it and rejoice every day that the truth is freely given, long before google ever started helping people search. ha

the bible, for me, tells me why this earth was created, why it got phukkt up, how it will continue to get phukkt up by evil money powers, and how it will be restored.

all my re-searching since then has been just filling in some details.

so if we agree on the bulk of those details, like how the world is being overrun by fiscal powers and worldly/fleshy/materialistic dominion, then we're all good. if you stop at that, that's cool. but in the bible it says there's even more to the story of life and death than this world wide conspiracy of evil.

so thanks for the tread. i think ATS is great for people to vent, or opine, or merely lurk. i personally think some of the conspiracies or elements thereof are unsubstantiated, sometimes frivilous, sometimes fanciful, sometimes ludicrous, and often right on point.

i'm more into the idea that human beings are imperfect and we all contribute to the mess on earth, BUT that there are people at the top of society who are in positions of massive power, but who are shrouded in darkness (we don't know them) and they control everything in society that is related to money. they may not know it, or they may, but they are guided by a vision of the world which is thoroughly anti-Christ. i could get into this more, but i won't. basically they hope the earth will just keep on turnin...but it wont...

i believe this because it is what the Bible says, and everything i have been re-searching for the last 5 years or so has PERFECTLY corroborated the vision of the great worldly powers that rise up just before the end of life as we know it, a vision which is found in the last book of the Bible.

so keep it up ATSers, i hope my little contributions here and there are not wasted....maybe i should join a church or something

but this site is great, i hope all this stuff changes peoples daily lives and perspectives for the better. peace

[edit on 18-10-2007 by sollie]

[edit on 18-10-2007 by sollie]

[edit on 18-10-2007 by sollie]

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 06:34 AM
I have to agree Sollie. It's the bible and Bill the homeless man that put me on a path of research to see where it would fulfill prophecy.

I was completely off guard for what I would find. The deeper I dig, the uglier it gets, and the more I realize that the time for prophecy is happening as we speak.

I think the Mayans were on to something with 2012.

Maybe WWIII will be a world civilian uprising against the illuminati (Satan) and it's followers, and that would fulfill another biblical prophecy.

These are conspiracy truths. Little bits and pieces. It's not that hard to put the puzzle together and realize we are sheep, being fattened for the slaughter.

They are going to meet the Ram.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 06:39 AM
My life experience is good enough for me and for you. I have lived and i dont have to go here or there to express my opinions so i'll be beleived.

Sure, its good to research, and i do to some extent= but i like expressing what i feel and think without so and so telling me about it.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 07:38 AM
BStoltman I'm not a believer of the conspiracy stuff and have looked at stuff over the years. That's not the issue. People love to cause up roar at times when a person makes a claim outside the normal values accepted by the masses. You' even hear the statement "extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence".

When you post something you truly believe is true, stick to your guns. Show your proof and let the proof speak for itself. I see so many threads degenerate to name calling and worse. Try to keep above this type of conversation. It's hard at times, I know.

Don't let the trolls around here drag you down.

Now to your conspiracies. Each one covers a good deal of ground in research. Just about all of the one's I have heard about over the years has been discussed here from time to time. This is a great site but more importantly, a great source of info. There are many people that you can contact just for personal reasons in your investigations.

Have fun in the forums and try to hold conversations that both you and the others can learn from.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 09:06 AM
Rewind and press pause. Ok.

You "must" see these or... you don't know "jack".

An opinion setting a specification of exclusion. "With us or agin us", 43.

None of these "enlightening works" are amongst those some might choose to validate their particular research or to model and perhaps adopt an alternate point of view. What no Anarchist Cookbook? National Enquirer?

It's really important for me to choose my own research... not a big fan of the "store bought" variety, "Build my own Hot Rod with friends", John "Brute" Force. Whittle it out of the BS-billet on the 5-axis mill of critical thinking skills. Stronger, lighter faster.

Besides there are some of the best experts on ATS anyway... got a whole gen-next comin' in the Revolution too. The task of this genre of research is primarily "truth", where none had existed before. Intensive study by many folks accumulate on, and in, the ecology of user-generated content.

Successful ecologies, persist and grow. At some point the successful ecology out-grows it's jeans as the body of knowledge becomes more robust. There is no static point of "balance". It's a continuum by definition.

Gotta wear something? No. I'll take my truth naked, thanx much, hold the spin. Here or rather "HERE" is everywhere now. Wink. We are hamstrung by not having the right tools in the "war-wagon" and some's metric and some's BS Whitworth and some's ISO, and some's Imperial. Pick your yardstick and slide-rule.

You'd look up - sometimes you'd see things.

Time was'... you'd have a little archive of one's own... a scrap from here, a report from there... some had personal experience. Each working in more or less isolation because of the senstive nature of the subject matter and "bronze age" tools. In the West we were lucky... no real need for "samisdat" for those with a casual interest hereabouts. Folks traded data and viewpoints - the body of knowledge grew. Print and photo then almost no film. Out grew the Levi's... again.

Folks met up... and co-laboured and the changes started evolving... 'little adaptation here, a little movement there... moving forward but uncoordinated and very much centered on the "how" of of research - this pressure led to innovations and application of facilities of communication. The grandkid of which you are "flying" now. You are not "flying" alone anymore... "everybody rides shotgun".

Time is'... approaching, the "tool" and "clothes" issues are dropping away and a new era of shared live research is the best way forward. It's no longer about the tools, clothes or even the researcher and their baggage... it's about the body of knowledge and what each can add to that "shared-collective of data" co-operatively. Paricipate and contribute and it's yours, and mine, and her's... any member. Your truth. What comes around - goes around. The body of knowledge revolves and evolves and moving target - the goal never quite fulfilled.

Sure, look at everything YOU need to to complete your understanding. KNOW this - understanding is never really complete, maybe yours, or for a certain group, "sure". Hence the need for better tools, standards, ethics, etc. The goal is still the same, wuddn't-nuthin' no one can do can change that... truth naked.

The body of knowledge is bigger and more powerful than any single user... but what is the body of knowledge? You, or rather YOU. The dynamic-you. YOU are the Power. Make a positive difference.

Tell a friend. Times' change and change is comin'... Press play.



[edit on 18-10-2007 by V Kaminski]

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 12:30 PM
... Ok, I love how people manipulate words, so they can argue w/ something. Yep that is right, if you research those 10 or so authors I listed, you will understand every conspiracy out there. We can all retire research, the world will be fixed, and thats it. No I said you should listen to a minimum of these authors before you will be able to give an informed opinion, in all truth you would have to do 1000 times more to give a proper opinion, but those 10 are like a minimum. And then when you are done listening to them, the stuff that you are doubtful on, go out and do you own research to see if they are right. Instead of being lazy, and relying on everyone else to do the work for you.

The world for 1000's of years believed the world was flat, and by a logical mind a flat world makes more sense then a round one. But when you figure out that there is a force called gravity, and other astrological forces, then it makes sense. Many people were persecuted because stupid people who thought they were informed persecuted those who stepped outside the norm and thought something different. Humanity seems to be in a viscious circle, no matter how many times, this scenario occurs.

Grow up I say again. I know you all hate that statement. Until you understand that before you can make an informed opinion, an opinion is generally worthless. Its like a scientist telling the world that there are itty bitty bacteria all over everything. Then you picking up a leaf and say well i don't see anything running all over it. But if you took the time to find a microscope, and look at it then you might believe it. But then again maybe you would turn to him, and say, ahh that just an illusion because we are zoomed so far in that that is probably light reflected off the leaf causing, moving objects.

And to the one that said, this section of conspriacy is the only part I am interested in. You cannot properly understand or come to a fair conclusion on any subject without at least grazing all others. The health ties to the Bible, the Law ties to Etymology, The secret socitieties tie to mythology.

Anyway we all know you all will manipulate this info as well, so I say, have fun with it, and GROW UP!

Alternative Researcher,

Blake K. Stoltman

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 01:03 PM
Well...Ive read most of those authors. Especially Icke and Schnoebelen turned be OFF to the Illuminati-Theory big time. You say that those authors turn you ON to it? Well, me they turned OFF.

My recovery from books like that is supported by visiting ATS and particpating in debate. Especially Schnoebelen is a complete fraud...check your facts, do your research.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 01:49 PM
Mr. Stoltman what exactly is the purpose of your thread? What would you have us do? Are you seeking agreement? Are you giving us a format to follow? Are you grading us on our posts?

I believe you fail to realize just who you are dealing with on this site. How can you possibly know how we research or even if we research the subjects we discuss? I, for one , am offended that you think most of us do very little or no research before we post our thoughts.

Many ATS members are experts in matters we discuss. Many are published writters, teachers, physicians, students, political leaders, and then people like me who worked hard and retired early with the means to enjoy life to the fullest any way we so choose.

I do appreciate your concern for my fellow ATSer's and me. I am sure you are only trying to help. However, do not underestimate anyones postings on this forum.


posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 03:37 PM
I think many of us are here for similar reasons, the main one being, to learn. Id say the majority of us are very open minded, but being open minded doesnt mean we should be gullible. Asking for someone to explain themselves, prove their position, and expand on their theory isnt a crime. Skepticism is the first logical step towards understanding. Without it, we would believe whatever the latest Tom, Dick, and Harry says here.

Just as a side note, I dont think its possible for one person to study, in depth, every side of society as you suggested in your OP. I think you can specialize and branch out from your specialty, but i doubt you could ever specialize in it all.

Im happy and proud to be a member of the ATS community.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 03:45 PM
Consider me the truth seeker/information gatherer. I am willing to dedicate my time to help anyone who needs it. I am not one to attempt to debunk based on past programing without first researching and applying deductive reasoning, thus, coming to a reasonable educated conclusion: True or False.

Society today is the matrix, people become dependent on it (and are), and will fight to protect it, even if it is true they are in a world being controlled, they do not want to believe it because they have been wrongly taught they have free choice in certain areas. Others still in the matrix will fight us, but its up to us to free their mind. This is not an easy task for us, but we must not rant and rave about how difficult it is, rather, PUSH through their crap, and cram the truth into their heads. Deny ignorance, Godspeed.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 03:49 PM

I think it is funny how many people get caught on the reptilian thing. Wether there are reptilians or not who freakin cares. After all my research, I must say there is a chance that it is true, but either way whatever. So the Queen is a reptile, or she is just a manipulative lady who is human who cares, the fact is what she does or allows to be done behind the scenes.

I do care, because Reptilians control us and want us to be their slaves, do some more research

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by keops

Then why dont they take the surface by storm and get it over with already?
its quite possible they exist, elsewhere in the universe. I dare not say they cannot exist. But I highly doubt their shapeshifting existance here on earth.

See this is what I was talking about, open mindedness with a healthy dose of skepticism is what keeps this site a quality leader in its field.

Anyway lets try and stay on topic and not divert this thread to another fruitless debate on the existance of these creatures.

I think this site has the largest collection of free thinkers in all fields, at least the largest collection i've ever seen.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by InSpiteOf
it's already done through behind scene, who is on top of ILLUMINATI?

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by BStoltman

the site is what you make of it....

as for your list of 'must reads'
i'd say they are a good collection of 'entertainment'
i sure wouldn't hang my hat on any one or combination of the themes,
to explain my worldview/philosophy/belief system.

If the content is lacking, to your viewpoint,
consider that there are members here who could present
a worthwhile theory, and commence to build a 'story' to accomodate the
loopholes... but that effort is a lot different than the typical finding the quicksand in a theory execise that seems the 'norm', here at ATS.



posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 08:36 PM
I wish to clarify something here as well. This post is not for everyone on this site. There is probably 5-10% of the people here who are legitimate open minded researcher. Many of you I converse with through PM's, I am also not saying you need to agree with my beliefs. God knows some of the things that I feel are correct will be disproven eventually. The thing that drives me nuts is that for every conspiracy idea someone posts, there will a ton more people who say that they are dumb for believing that, or even thinking something is plausible.

How can you say something is unplausable without researching it yourself. Now some of you will say, well I read so and so's work and he proved to me that he is right. "The Twin towers came down because the hot jet fuel, not because of explosives planted in the building." Then they will defend it 100% as if they know now. When I research, I check many sources, Check through history if that occurence has ever happened, etc. And even after all of that I still won't lock myself into an idea. If some one asks my opinion, I will give my best well rounded and documented answer I can. But I will always leave possibility that I am wrong.

But It seems so many here are just waiting to say an idea is crap. We should not condemn any idea. If someone comes on here and says The sky is red, even though we all know/"believe" the sky is blue. I won't condemn him, I will ask why he believes that. Then will give my opinion why I believe what I do, then will end the conversation with... I don't know - who knows who is right. Because no matter how much you research something you can never be 100% sure that it is what you believe. Even if you see something happen right before your eyes, it still could have been an optical illusion.

Conspiracy Research is training for the mind. In the end we all know nothing, and until we realize that we know nothing, only believe something, we will never truly understand anything. To all you researchers who do have an open mind and understand what I am saying, I say good work, and to you that think I am stupid, I say maybe your right, but then again maybe not.

You all take care, and I hope this will allow this forum to become a little softer when people make thier opinions. But I am sure you all will flame me some more for giving my opinion.

Alternative Researcher,

Blake K. Stoltman

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by BStoltman
How can you say something is unplausable without researching it yourself…

Because some things just are so way out there that to do research is just a joke. Now often I just let things slide that I find to be dumb, but sometimes it’s of personally/nationally/global importance and you want to show the other person the error of their ways. And often since you disagree with the person they claim that you don’t know what your talking about and the situation degenerates from debate into a insult match.

If some one asks my opinion, I will give my best well rounded and documented answer I can. But I will always leave possibility that I am wrong.

Alas in this respect you sir are in the minority. If only there were more people like you.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by BStoltman
... Ok, I love how people manipulate words, so they can argue w/ something.

Don't need to manipulate much of this, but thanks for the invite...

Grow up I say again. I know you all hate that statement. Until you understand that before you can make an informed opinion, an opinion is generally worthless.

Right. We are juvenile, you are mature, we need to be like you, you have seen the light and no discussion is needed. Well, no discussion that questions, only discussion that reinforces...

oh, wait, you said it again...

Anyway we all know you all will manipulate this info as well, so I say, have fun with it, and GROW UP!

Alternative Researcher,

Blake K. Stoltman

You know, this may sound a little juvenile, but with your demands that things reinforce, not question, I'll run with it anyway - seeing as you've already said I am developmentally-challenged, not once, but twice - , but I'm having a little difficulty taking personal development advice from a guy whose initials are B.S. ...

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 02:07 AM
Oh no, not another one

So being openminded is believing what you believe.

Well, don't worry, you've got lots of company. Not people who believe what you believe; people who believe that openmindedness means swallowing their line.

Gosh, I wish someone would come up with an original thread topic for a change.

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