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human arrogance...

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posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 10:51 PM
Is it possible that the reason that there are so many skeptics of other intelligent life in the universe is because of our human arrogance? Have you ever felt that we, humans, are the at the top and that we are all that exist? Are these thoughts that you may have because of religion or because of the way you were raised? I have been thinking that the reason we think that our species are either / both the "end all be all" and the only intelligent life in the universe is because of human arrogance. This human arrogance has been present throughout human history. Hasn't every culture during the course of history felt that it was the greatest? I would argue yes (although I will not show this in this thread).

I wonder what the Spartans thought of the Athenians and vice versa. I wonder what various native peoples thought of themselves before they were introduced to guns and etc. I believe that they, the natives, thought of themselves to be the best (before they were made known of guns and other advanced weapons). Let's now take this a step further and apply it to humankind today. As a whole, can we agree that most of us are skeptics of the things discussed in this particular forum? Why is this? As was stated before, I think it is because of human arrogance. The various natives throughout history of the many lands of this world thinking themselves to be the best, does not stop the people with great advances from existing, right?

As far as proof for "aliens," as they are termed, goes, I offer none. Although I have none to present, I urge you to, at least, not stop thinking about the topics discussed in this forum (as I read, once today in a thread in this forum, that we should stop talking about extra-terrestrials because the ones claiming that they exist cannot prove this existence). I did feel this way, however, especially when I read of 9/11 conspiracies (especially the ones that are the most hard to believe, for me at least). I ask myself, "Why should I even think about these conspiracies, as they are so hard to believe because they are so extraordinary?" Sticking to this example of conspiracy theories, I then begin to ask "Why should I even think about these 9/11 conspiracies, as other events in history that have conspiracy theories attaches to them, that happened years ago, such as the John F. Kennedy assassination, have not been proved to be a conspiracy?" Are you seeing how my mind works? Is this how your mind functions? Do you sometimes think that there is no point in thinking and discussing about the topics discussed in this forum because there is no proof to be had?

There is beauty, however, in thinking about these topics (and things in general). Can we agree? If we didn't think about things, how could we make advancements? How can the JFK assassination be proved to be a conspiracy, for those who believe that it was, if we don't think about it? Similarly, how can the existence of extra-terrestrials be proved if the "believers," as they are termed, as if they were some foreign and radical group, don't think about them? Proof, for me, is not important. I try to be skeptical, but I am fascinated by the topics discussed in this forum (especially recently).

I fear that I have gotten off topic. Thus, in conclusion, please try to curb you human arrogance (and I will certainly try to, also).

Thanks for reading

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 11:27 PM
Yes, it is possible, but it is more likely that most people are skeptical because there is NO PROOF! lol! Only "stories" and pics/vids of small dots up in the sky...

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 11:34 PM
point to ponder. There is more proof of alien space craft then there is of Atta being on one of the planes to hit the WTC. Not trying to open that can of worms, just saying proof is in who you consider credible as your source of information. You then build your proof after accepting a story.

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 11:47 PM
I have learned one thing here on ATS and that is that people are going to believe whatever they choose to believe. It may seem totally insane to one person but make complete sense to another. It is good to have intelligent discussions but I see an awful lot of heat beating going on...and for some reason, it's a lot on the 'proof' issue of aliens lately.

I say, "hey man, believe what you will". I have asked for any proof and to me I have not received one single real shred of evidence yet....BUT that's me. Honestly, if I had thought that I had an encounter, I would not care who believed me or not because I would think it was legitimate to me...good enough.

Anyway, no suck evidence at all for me yet...til then I guess I will keep reading the boards with the same debates again and again. It is fun to see how clever people can be with their arguements, sometimes myself included.

Peace from a Mondoshawan..........Mondo

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