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The 'Your Life and My Life Suck' Rant

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posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 11:31 PM
Have you ever looked around and said - 'well, my life sucks'?

All we do is work. Work, work, work. Gotta go to work.

We go to work to get paid. That pay - for most of us - is only to make end's meet.

So we save a little on the side and blow it all on that one Vegas trip that only lasts three days because we - of course - have to go back to work. Can't miss work, 'cause we gotta save up for that next trip forty years down the road.

Isn't that pathetic?

We're constantly working, or constantly going to school to get work. We rarely have time to have fun, or explore the world.

Here in the United States, it seems like we're so disconnected with the world. We invite all cultures and religions here, but most of us know nothing of the outside world. We're culturally ignorant.

Have you ever just wondered how great it would be to truly learn about our planet and it's inhabitants? And when I say inhabitants, I don't mean just people.

Have you ever wondered what it'd be like to take a trip to visit ancient tribal sites in South or Central America? World War II sites in Europe? Religious sites in the Middle East (even if you're not religious)? How about the pyramids in Egypt? Great Wall of China? How about even walking through some rain forests, mountainous areas, or other areas that haven't been touched by humans, and resemble pre-historic Earth?

Don't you think that'd be better than getting up at 7 in the morning, drinking nasty coffee, and driving to work where you'll rot for the next 8 hours, only to come home to a fake meal that you'll eat while watching garbage on TV, only to go to bed and do it all over again the next day?

I do.

But no - we gotta work. Gotta fit your travel trips around work. Have to save up enough money.

We always proclaim we're superior to animals - but with all due respect - animals fend for themselves. Animals survive on their own. Animals explore, learn their surroundings, defend themselves, and are TRULY FREE.

They don't sit on their ass watching TV. They don't need others to grow food for them or sell them their food. They don't have to go to work to survive. And most importantly - they're not stupid enough to elect leaders that can take away everything they have in their lives.

I'd say we're the dumbasses - not them.

So there you have it. Congratulations - your life sucks. Mine does too. Unless you're a multi-billionaire - you can't really spend, spend, spend and not worry about what's coming eventually.

That's very very sad, and very very pathetic.

What I'd do to change it.....

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 11:52 PM
Thanks very much!!

Great way to start the day! Fortunatly for me...


I work to LIVE I don't live to WORK

Change your perception of things Dude! You work because you can, so many can't! You do what you do because you choose too.

You can change things if you want, sometimes it's hard and requires a bit of self sacrifice, giving up the things you enjoy now for the gratification of later times.

Take a course, put your head down at work.

Only you can make it happen!!


posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 12:15 AM
While I agree I am always tired because there's too much stuff to do in a day and not enough time to do it, I'm currently reading the entire Little House on the Prairie series to my daughter.

Compared to pioneer days, we have it incredibly easy. Imagine having to grow, kill, process all your own food, cook on a fire, plow with a horse or oxen, hand wash laundry, haul water from the well, make your own clothes, nurse your own sick, etc. etc. Those people had to work all day every day without vacations and they mostly didn't even get paid -- especially in the years of drought, or locusts.

The good old days, the REAL good old days, are so far gone we'll never see them again until our society collapses. Hunter/gatherers work only about 3 hours a day to meet their needs.

Otherwise, we're busy, busy monkeys.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 12:24 AM

Originally posted by MajorMalfunction

Compared to pioneer days, we have it incredibly easy. Imagine having to grow, kill, process all your own food, cook on a fire, plow with a horse or oxen, hand wash laundry, haul water from the well, make your own clothes, nurse your own sick, etc. etc.

I find that to be more fulfilling than a desk job a trained monkey can do. That's just me.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by ChiKeyMonKey

But my point is, it's pathetic that we even work to live, or live to work. Either one, it's sad.

Why not live to live?

This is sort of an anti-economy thread as well. I don't believe humans need economy, military, or government. We in this generation are so entrenched in the idea of government, military, and economy that we can't imagine life without it.

Without economy, you probably ask how we'll buy things. But the reason we buy things is for the product's maker to make money so that they can buy food and shelter and all of that. But if none of that cost money, and there was no money, then it wouldn't cost anything to make things, therefore, it'd cost nothing to sell things, which means it'd cost nothing to buy or get things.

Money doesn't progress us technologically. Human minds progress us.

No military, no weapons, means no fighting. That can't be bad.

And no government means no humans ruling other humans - as it should be. Nothing gives a human the right to rule another human.

That's what I'm getting at here. Working to live, living to work, being ruled, fighting, worrying about money - it's all a very low form of living.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by MajorMalfunction

That's true, it is easier these days.

But the problem is, the reason it gets easier is because technology advances. The more technology advances, the more power is given to our "leaders". The more power that's given to them, the easier it is that they can take away everything.

So when everything is taken away - then what?

How many people in the US are able to live off the land, do you think?

As we've progressed, we've become more dependent on others with money to give us our technology to make life easy. Making us more dependent on that, rather than learning to take care of ourselves like the people in the OLD days knew how to do, makes us vulnerable if/when things are taken away, or society collapses.

It just seems that as we've taken a step forward as a society, we've also taken two steps back, and that could come back to kick us square in the ass.

[edit on 10/12/07 by NovusOrdoMundi]


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