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Bringers of the Dawn - Pleiades Videos

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posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 09:04 AM

This is a link to the 18th of the series. They call the series, "Bringers of the Dawn -- Teachings of the Pleiades" -- each video averages 8 to 10 minutes..... here's a link to the first one should you have the time:

They were posted on YouTube at the start of this month. Check 'em!

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 09:50 AM
Ok I listened to it(just the ones you linked), a couple things struck me odd, because I have heard them before.

Our teachings are designed with a great purpose in mind, and the stories we tell you are set up to take you to a higher plain of consciousness that is our intention.

This implies that reality is only a teaching tool to challenge thought and learn from. Reality strictly exists for the individual to learn.

This comes back to the first and final tenant, thought creates, no mater what situation you find yourself in, it is the power of your thoughts that got you there

Now I have heard this dogma before, and from a far more unusual source. I would like to expand on the path it leads to.

If it is true that reality exist for the individual, even if it is geared to learn, and the individual controls reality through thought, explain this paradox.

Two people with different ideas. Which one prevails?

You might think that it is the stronger, and it is a battle of wills, this breaks the paradigm that it is geared to teach, since now someone elses thoughts are molding reality. And if your thoughts prevail then you are molding someone elses reality. This makes the above quotes inconsistent, in that they do not teach, nor does a persons thoughts control their reality.

So what is the only possible solution for the above quotes to exist? A person believing this, would have to believe, they are the only thing in existence. The self proclaimed, 'thought creates', leads logically to the false isolation of the claim 'the person is God', and completely alone in existence.

The ring of power of this deception, "think and it it will happen" is to set a person on a trail that will lead to this conclusion and then break them. This breaking is the ultimate goal of this false dogma, total loneliness and fear. And if one believes they truly control all, and are the only thing in existence, then why empathise with things only created in ones own mind, why empathise with other people? Live in selfishness, and self gratification. The self proclaimed God hood leads to lack of caring for others, since they do not really exist.

I give these thoughts with the knowledge others exist and might hear them, I also give them in contradiction to a story that might train one to simply be deceived.

Although I came to this premise in my own experiences, I later saw it on a twilight zone episode where a bad guy was in hell. (somewhere I have been saved from)

"A nice place to visit"

Also refered as the hotel california

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 03:33 PM
Alright on the 12th one of these and I gotta say, these start to sound like New Age conditioning. But at the same time, what's the "new age"? It's better then a dark age.... a lot of the material gets repetitive but still some amazing lines about "motherships will be available to you..." and a "great destruction of Earth" in the future. I wish their site was updated to understand what they're about more.

Sort of reminds me of Speilbergs' Taken series, where there's shapeshifters but not of Reptilian origin. Maybe you immortalize when you die, I dunno...

[edit on 11-10-2007 by anhinga]

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