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I rented Hell House!!!!!

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posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by Cuhail

Thank ye
me lord
ya may
call me an ol' broad
any ol' time!

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 06:26 PM
You rented hell house and had to live with the witch of Lincoln ALL in one my my what crappy luck you have..or just a good imagination

While most of the "coherent" types on ATS would give an arm or a leg to have a supernatural incident you leap from one to another, and take 40 pages to explain it each time.

I have a little problem with the credibilty of certain threads nowadays here on ATS.

Dont take it as a personal attack, rather a non believer simply not believing

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 06:28 PM
reply to post by andy1972

Well if you have nothing other than that to post, why do you?

Don't answer, that was a rhetorical question.

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 07:07 PM
Maybe I should
have this one closed
also. I see that when
the above post-er got the
satisfaction of the other one being closed
he came over here and started up. And I DO want him to be happy. So PLEASE close this thread also! I would NOT want me to gain any points or anything!!!

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by andy1972

How old are you?
Opinions are like ____holes everyone has one. and yours seems to be one of the biggest. I'll risk another warn stick for a smug little jerk like you. I made a few friends here I would really miss, but oh well, it wouldn't be the first time I had to leave dear friends behind.
Have you derived enough attention for yourself yet and little blue stars from fellow jerks just like yourself?

Since I already have a warn stick here, might as well call an ace an ace. Actually Andy1972 who got to return from Ban-land (wonder why???) is not a jerk at all, he is sadistic. anyone could see that I was not emotionally stable, and if they couldn't, I explained it to them. But this little guy just wanted to see if he could push me over the edge.
Why don't we have a lil smiley face blibbling it's lips to show that it is going crazy?

Oh, I forgot, I was just trying to elicit sympathy from a story that I just pulled out of my arse.

[edit on 10/9/2007 by janasstar]

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 07:26 PM
I would hate for this little punk to endure
any unhappiness in his cushy little life. For
his sake and mine, please close this thread, also. Feel free to slap me with another warn stick as well. Because I don't intend to apologize this time. I meant every word!

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 07:39 PM
are you going
to close the thread or not.
I'll do whatever is necessary
to force it's closing. I am sick to death
of all this infantile moaning about my story.
All anyone had to do, if they didn't like it, or didn't believe it, was just say so and go on. There was never any reason for them to get as nasty and ugly as they did, and make their pukey remarks.
May all your days be filled with sunshine, jerks!

God Forbid that I should rack up any more points off of this. I might get to buy myself a brand new mercedes, or it might even bring my little sister back. I mean, these almighty points must do something miraculous!

Mods, please divide up my points and distribute them evenly between Doc Moreau and Andy 1972. They seem to be suffering so badly over this.

Before this is over, I'll see to it that you all hate me. That way there can be absolutely no way that I benefit from the death of my sis.
Let me show you the steps I have taken to assure this:
Because of my actions here, I have ruined any chances I might have had as a writer. Who wants a 'nutjob?'
Because of my hostilty, there will be no sympathy.
My bro has closed his forum.
He is still working on the other one. he has to finish with a customer. So that should take care of any suspicions in that area.
A lot of ppl could have benefitted from his forum. He offered his love and support, free of charge, and a place where ppl could tell their stories without being badgered. Wish I had kept my story there. He protected ppl from the kind of abuse that I received here.
I do wish to thank those that treated me kindly, but I never wanted your sympathy. It gains no one anything.
For those of you who think that I just flew off the handle over one little remark that this----made in this thread; he and his side kick had plenty to say in Lincoln County Witch. When that thread was closed at my request, and they couldn't post anymore smart-aleck posts, he came over here and started. So, I just thought I would just steal his thunder and have this one closed as well.

For a really good scary story! Go read Saving Melinda I

She says she was inspired by "Hell House." Now SHE is a WRITER!!

[edit on 10/10/2007 by janasstar]

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 07:46 PM
Enough of this BS, that means EVERYONE.


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