posted on Feb, 22 2006 @ 09:00 PM
8.5/10 Lost, it reminds me of "Mad Mod".
Ok, a first here, this will be the first time I've ever (to my memory) done quotes in this thread.
Hmmm... Very... PC? I see you include almost every color and race? I don't know... Is there some kind of meaning behind you avatar?
I see you claim to be a socialist...
It's not Politically Correct, all those guys are Japanese, Okinawan to be more exact, there all members of the music group "Orange Range".
No meaning, well I guess other than I think there a kick @$$ band.
Corporate Socialist actually, I believe in MegaCorporations, I hope to one day run my own, but I also think that corporations need to be more
socialist and unionised and treat there employees good and stuff.
Fixed spelling, and added signature.
[edit on 2/22/2006 by iori_komei]